
Execrable Salvation

"Ye who acts righteousness will suffer greatly, only thee who cunningly wise will prevail," mutters Arnel as he stood on top of the mountains of human corpses. knowing the world he lived in is a brutal and unforgiving world for the naive and weak, he discarded his old self and become a person who is driven to survive by any means. even by taking advantage of others to suit his goals. "I will survive... even in this wretched world, I will survive..."

Rinal_Cruz · Fantasie
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21 Chs

Episode 2


"That's what you get for messing our work, witch!" (Delinquent A)


"C'mon guys, let get out of here before her master's arrived. I hate to see that bastard's face if we linger around." (Delinquent B)

(Walks away while laughing)


[it hurts… it's not even my fault but they beat me anyway…] (Naiah)


[I hate them… I hate them so much that I wanted to kill them all… if only I had the power-…] (Naiah)

"Naiah!" (Arnel)

[huh?] (Naiah)

(Hastily grab)

"Arne…?" (Naiah)

"Damn those fuckers…! They'll pay for this…" (Naiah)

[ahh… the only person who cares for me, Arne… He fed me and always protected me from the others without caring for himself. Although he started to care for me in these recent days, he makes me feel a strange feeling that I don't understand…] (Naiah)

"I should hurry back earlier, if not… this is my fault…" (Arnel)

"I'm okay… you are here now-… *cough!" (Naiah)

"*sniff… you're not "okay". Your entire body is covered with bruises and you spurting blood on your mouth. I swear, I will get you out from this hell hole…" (Arnel)

(Lift up in a princess carry position)

"Hang on tight. I will bring you to a doctor." (Arnel)

[Again, this strange sensation that makes my chest flutters… I don't what to lose these feelings….] (Naiah)

(Slowly pass out)


"Other than malnutrition, she should be fine after a day's rest." (doctor)

(Lift hand)

"The fee for the checkup." (doctor)

(Hand over coins)

(The doctor leaves)

[Thank goodness I had kept some money in case of a rainy day in one of my pouches. But twenty bronze coins for a treatment? That doctor is really a scammer. But for Naiah's sakes, this is worth it since there's no doctor wanted to treat an orphan like us aside for that greedy person.] (Arnel)

(Takes a seat next to the bed)

(Gently swipe hair)

"Naiah…" (Arnel)

(eyebrow's twitch)

"Nnh… Arne…?" (Naiah)

(Hold hand gently)

"Yes, I'm here. How are you feeling?" (Arnel)

(Silently gazing)

"…. I'm… okay…" (Naiah)


"That's good. Now, continue to take a rest. I will handle your chores for you-…" (Arnel)

(Quickly wakes)

"Ack!" (Naiah)

"Don't move hastily. Your body is still injured, and you need some time to recover." (Arnel)

"B-but-…?!" (Naiah)

"No buts. If you move around with that body of yours, my twenty bronze coins will be wasted." (Arnel)


"…. Hic… i-I'm sorry for troubling you… I always make trouble for you. I'm useless!" (Naiah)

(Gently embrace)

"There, there… it's alright. Naiah's is precious enough for me to make those sacrifices. Now, can you please listen to my request and rest?" (Arnel)

(Nod weakly)

"That's a good girl. Now, lay down and rest well, okay?" (Arnel)


(Smile, kiss forehead)

"?!" (Naiah)

"I will see you tonight, alright?" (Arnel)

(Hid behind blanket, nod)


"Alright, I'm off." (Arnel)

(Moves from the bed, leaves the room)

[w-w-w-why am I having these weird feelings?!! What is happening to me?!!] (Naiah)


(Later in the evening)

"Phew!" (Arnel)

(Puts down bucket)

[I finally finished…! Doing the laundry, next cleaning the hallway…. I'm beat.] (Arnel)

(Wash hands)

[Every day is tiring, but today was excruciating. But compared to my sore aching body, Naiah had it worse. Two broken ribs and a dislocated shoulder….] (Arnel)


[I will fuck those brats who did that to her-…] (Arnel)

"Oi, witch lover!" (Older boy)

[huh? Why is this brat… wait a minute. Didn't I saw him and his little gang earlier when I search for Naiah?] (Arnel)

"Tch! Seeing your face is making me even more angry than I already am… the madam wants to see you." (Older boy)

[I forgot his name since he's not an important character. But I think he's a year older than Naiah. Looking at him, a full-blown low tier delinquent, aren't he…?] (Arnel)

"The fuck you looking at me like that!? You wanna go!?" (Older boy)

"Alright, alright… I hear you." (Arnel)

"Son of a…! If only you aren't the madam's favorite pet, I already wipe the floor with that face of yours!" (Older boy)

[he really hates me, isn't he…? Shitty brat.] (Arnel)


(after a while)

"Sit, Arnel." (Sola)

[there's no seat. She must want me to sit on the floor… I sense trouble coming.] (Arnel)

(Sit on the floor)

"I heard an interesting piece of news from the quack doctor earlier. Do you know what I heard from him…?" (Sola)

[right… I know that scammer doctor will run his mouth, I just didn't think she will act this soon. She's even more predictable than I had given her worth.] (Arnel)

"I-I don't-…" (Arnel)

"Quit lying, Arnel. Even though I favor you, but…" (Sola)

(Finger flick!)


(Head pinned to the floor)

"Ack!" (Arnel)

"I always wanted to do this… ehehehe…!" (Older boy)

"Don't ruin his face! Anywhere on his body is okay but not his face. They still had their use." (Sola)

"Tch, fine then." (Older boy)

[so, it's come to this… man, this is gonna hurt like shit later…] (Arnel)


"Ack!" (Arnel)

[damn. Right to the gut. He's really didn't pull his punch…] (Arnel)

"Now, ready to tell me the truth?" (Sola)

"I-I don't know wha-…" (Arnel)


"Ghaa!" (Arnel)

(Punching continues for a while)

"*cough!" (Arnel)

"*Gasping! I think I cracked his bones with those punches. But hell, for a scrawny kid, you really eat my beatings well." (Older boy)


"That's enough! Get out." (Sola)

"B-but-…?!" (Older boy)



"Out!" (Sola)

"Eeekkk…!" (Older boy)

(Hastily leaves the room)

(Door shut!)

(Silently approaching)

"This won't be necessary if you just spit out all the money that you had hidden from me, Arnel…" (Sola)

(Grab hair, pull up)

"Ack!" (Arnel)

"But seeing you getting beat up like that…" (Sola)

(Breathing hard!)

"It really turns me on~…!" (Sola)

(Takes out a weird colored pill, place inside mouth)

(Lick lip)


[damn this blasted woman! She fed me something using her disgusting mouth! Fuck!!!] (Arnel)



(Peek towards the door)

[where is Arne…? He should be here by now….] (Naiah)

(Inside Sola's bedroom)



(Humping, bed creaking!)

"Ahn, ahn, ahn~…!!! Squirm more my fucking toy!! Fuck! Your c*ck is the best!!! Ahhhnn~…!" (Sola)

"Ghaaakk…!" (Arnel)

[i-I can't breathe… this blasted woman had been humping me since earlier while choking my neck! My d*** felt sore but it's still hard like a rock! This may be because of the drug she gave me earlier. I'm reaching my limits!!] (Arnel)

"I'm comming~…! Ahhhnnn~…!" (Sola)


"Fuck… this is far better than the usual." (Sola)


[damn woman… as if forcing me isn't enough, she even slapped me…] (Arnel)

"Perhaps I should do this often." (Sola)

(Move aside, lay down)

"I will forgive you for hiding money from me, Arnel. But…" (Sola)

(Pull hair roughly!)

"Ack!" (Arnel)

"If you trying to be smart again, I will sell that little witch you cared so much to the brothels. Understand?" (Sola)

"Y-yes…" (Arnel)

(Let go)

"Now, get out from my room." (Sola)

"Y-yes!" (Arnel)

(Quickly wakes from bed, take clothes from the floor)

(Stumble down)

(Quickly stand up)

(Leaves the room)

"Pff! Ahahahah…! Shitty brat." (Sola)


(Outside the orphanage, near the well)


[The cold waters can't even wash the dirt of that fucking woman's stench!] (Arnel)


[fuck! I know this world is different than the ones I knew, but still…!] (Arnel)


"Fuckkk!!" (Arnel)

[even though I had prepared mentally for this, but to go through it… no wonder many of the kids within this orphanage in such despot states… child abusive are common and there are no laws protecting them within this land. If I was a normal fourteen-year-old kid, I might end up having a traumatized for the rest of my life.] (Arnel)

"A-Arne…?" (Naiah)

[wha…? When did she-…?] (Arnel)

(Rush, grab shoulders)

"Arne!! What happened to you?! Your whole body is covered with bruises! Who did this…?" (Naiah)

[ah crap… I don't want Naiah to see me in this miserable state.] (Arnel)

"I'm alright. Please, I need to put on my clothe-…" (Arnel)

"You're not alright! Look at you! T-they must have… those bastards!" (Naiah)

[oh shoot! She started to scare me with her expression!] (Arnel)

(Quickly grab face)

"?!" (Naiah)


"...." (Naiah)

(Continue smooching)

[this should work… from what I had read back in the novel, Naiah is an uncontrollable beast when she became enraged. Though, I managed to prevent her from going berserk with by this way for now. I don't want her to suffer the fate that was written on the novel. Since she's the only decent human being whom I came to know…] (Arnel)

(Stop smooching)

"You good now?" (Arnel)

"....." (Naiah)

(Nod bashfully)

"Good then. Let's go back to bed…" (Arnel)

"…..yes…" (Naiah)

[There are things I had made up my mind since woken in this world as "Arnel". First, is to live my life as I pleased, and second, to protect Naiah from her nightmarish fate. The others can go to hell for all I care. I will protect her. Since she holds a great role that could change the fate of this world in the future.] (Arnel)