
Execrable Salvation

"Ye who acts righteousness will suffer greatly, only thee who cunningly wise will prevail," mutters Arnel as he stood on top of the mountains of human corpses. knowing the world he lived in is a brutal and unforgiving world for the naive and weak, he discarded his old self and become a person who is driven to survive by any means. even by taking advantage of others to suit his goals. "I will survive... even in this wretched world, I will survive..."

Rinal_Cruz · Fantasie
Zu wenig Bewertungen
21 Chs

Episode 13

(Five years later)

[in just a blink of an eye, half a decade has passed. But this village remains just as it were when we came to settled here.] (Arnel)


"I still can see many openings, Svana. This is why you shouldn't skipped training." (Naiah)

"S-shut up! I will land a hit on you in one of these days, I swear!" (Svana)


[Though one person seems to stand out and the reason why I can tell how much times has passed outside this village. Svana has really grown up to a young lady of nineteen years of age while the rest of us haven't age a day.] (Arnel)


[The reason that she was the only one who ables to grow naturally is because Nia's power cannot influence another Transcendent, even a weak one like Svana. This is also why the heroes party turn their blades towards Nia and eventually, killing her in the novel since her character was painted a villainess who kept the villagers here as prisoners of her safe heaven. But rather than got praised by the villagers whom they thought they had saved, they were chased out mercilessly after they announced that they had slay the evil woman in the name of justice and freedom.] (Arnel)

"Suit them right to be treated like that." (Arnel)

[Though I managed to prevent all of that by coming to this village much sooner than those justice fanatical idiots and "persuaded" Nia to not let anyone enters the village for Svana sakes. in which, she reluctantly accepted.] (Arnel)


"An opening-…! Arggh!!" (Svana)

"Heh." (Naiah)

(mocking expression)


"W-why you…?!" (Svana)

(continue sparring)

"Oh my… even after five years, her temper still stays the same as she was back then…" (Vesnya)


"Its not your fault, Nia. Its just her nature." (Arnel)

[I started to call the priestess her nickname, Nia for sometimes now after we get pretty close. Since calling her mother like the rest was quite weird because I had woo her several times. But she's fine about that though. In fact, I think she quite pleased with me calling her nickname like so.] (Arnel)

"Are you ready for tomorrow's event?" (Vesnya)


[oh right. She must be referring to "that"…] (Arnel)


"You forgot, didn't you…?" (Vesnya)

(rumble. Rumble)

"…. No…" (Arnel)

(sighed deeply)

[ah, crap. Here it comes… her infamous endless nagging!] (Arnel)

"I told you to get prepared with your wedding ceremony since yesterday, didn't I!!?" (Vensya)

(shouted with loud voice!)

(all stunned!)

[… I think a peed a bit…] (Arnel)

"And you!" (Vesnya)

"Y-yes!" (Naiah)

(stand up straight!)

"Why are you still practicing with Svana!? I strictly told you to put your training on hold until the wedding ceremony ends, didn't I!?" (Vesnya)

"Eepp!!" (Naiah)

"Pff!" (Svana)



"Are you found this funny, My dear Svana…?" (Vesnya)

(shakes head fervently while overly anxious)

"I swear…. All of you *(bla, bla, bla)…..!!" (Vesnya)

[Nia's usually calm and collective just like what I had read in the novel. But after five years staying in this village, I come to know that she had this side of her that is quite exhausting to handle. She likes to nag when people didn't do what she told them to, just like a mother figure. But still… my ears is starting to bleed listening to all of her nags…] (Arnel)


(one hour of nagging)

"…back in my days, we listen to our elders…" (Vesnya)

[see…? Even Naiah and Svana looked like a dried stumps over there…] (Arnel)

(finally, after two hours of nagging!)

"P-please stop… we repent our sins…! Please have mercy, mother~…!" (the two)

(pleading while crying)

"…. if you really repented, go and make your preparation for tomorrow." (Vesnya)

"Yes, we will!!!" (the two)

(quickly ran away!)

"Sigh, those kids…" (Vesnya)


[Although they all had grown, but they still children. But I can't say the same for this one.] (Vesnya)

"Arne." (Vesnya)

"Y-yes?" (Arnel)

"Between those two, you should be more aware of the situation." (Vesnya)

"…. I have no excuse…" (Arnel)

"*sigh…" (Vesnya)

(sit next to Arnel)

"I sense that you had a lot in your mind right now. Care to share them?" (Vesnya)

[nothing gets pass her, that's for sure. Its not like I purposely forget the wedding ceremony tomorrow, but I….] (Arnel)

(share thoughts)

"I see… your still struggling about the decisions that you made and my request?" (Vesnya)


"I still don't know why you want Svana to take part in the wedding ceremony as my wife along with Naiah… not to mention doing the ritual with her as well…" (Arnel)

"... Let me tell you this, back then, we were naives and fools…. Thinking that if we made a sacrifices for the salvation for humanity, this world would change for the better. But what did that brought us…? Betrayal and persecution from the very people we bled to saved. Even Lord Anur…" (Vesnya)


"..." (Arnel)

(sighed deeply)

"What I'm trying to tell you is that, you do what you had to do. Even if at the cost of others to get what you wanted. I only know this after spending a long time alone in this realm that I created as my exile, with the child that I carried within my womb…" (Vesnya)


"…..Wait, what? You have a kid? But your belly? Like right now!?" (Arnel)

[she's pregnant?! But how come?! I hadn't read anything of her had a child from the novel! Just who did…?! Ah, shit. I got sidetrack again. But this means, my imaginary crush is a married woman…? Am I *NTRing her right now? Wait, that came out wrong…] (Arnel)

*look online for reference…


"I was pregnant with a child, but I had given birth to him a long time ago." (Vesnya)

"B-but who's the father?! And what's his name?! I don't know of this…?!" (Arnel)

"His father is no importance since he's name had been long forgotten by the people of this world, as well as i. And my child's name is Arandel, Svana's ancestor." (Vesnya)

[Then that means…] (Arnel)

"That's right. Svana is my great, great, great granddaughter." (Vesnya)


[This revelation left me speechless… I thought I know her since I had read about her character's plot in my previous world, but this… wait. now that she mention it, both her and Svana had red hair color… to think that she's Svana's great, great, great grandmother…] (Arnel)

"Are you disappointed that your crush is not a pure maiden that you had always hoped for…?" (Vesnya)


[wai… what now? Is she teasing me?] (Arnel)

"N-no. A crush is just a crush. Its not like I really wanted to make you my lover to begin with-…" (Arnel)

(smile angrily)

"…k-kidding! I'm kidding alright?! You know what I had gone through in my past. Compare to you, I'm a true scum…" (Arnel)


"I'm just messing with you, Arne. Please don't take it too serious~…!" (Vesnya)

"Thank you." (Arnel)

"…. But, don't put yourself that low, Arne. You only did those in order to survive…" (Vesnya)

"But its still doesn't change the fact that I enjoyed some of them. You knew this since you had gaze into my soul and know messed up my true nature really is." (Arnel)


"…..that… I cannot disagree. but…" (Vesnya)

(hold face)

"Eh?" (Arnel)

"Deep down, you want to be better, right?" (Vesnya)


"Seriously… you are too good of a human to had such hopes for the likes of me." (Arnel)

(kiss forehead)

*[w-wha…?" (Arnel)

*he thought and said simultaneously, not a mistake on typing.

"What? Do you expect a kiss on the lips…?" (Vesnya)


"O-of course not! I-I was just taken aback with that sort of…! sudden attack…" (Arnel)

(smile, smile)

(embrace gently)

"I'm really happy that you had feelings for me, even if its just an imaginary crush. But I cannot accept your feelings since my heart already belongs to another." (Vesnya)

"I haven't even confessed but you already rejecting me… but that's alright… I've expecting for you to say that from the start. But still… I think I'm heartbroken." (Arnel)

"As if. You have Naiah and Svana are you not? Open your hearts to them and others that you will meet in the future, loved them as you did towards me. Forget about being the person that you were from your past life, and just live your second one in this world as a new person. If anyone tries to get in your way of archiving your goals, crush them." (Vesnya)

"You know…? You really are breaking your character to the ones that I knew, Nia…" (Arnel)

"That mindset of yours again… you should stop seeing us as characters from a book that you read and start to look to us as people that exist and living. Am I not real for you enough right now?" (Vesnya)


"I can feel your ample breasts are pushing against me, if you were asking that…" (Arnel)



(quickly let go!)

"I-I'm sorry… that was my mistake…" (Vesnya)

(bashfully spoken)

"Oh no~… in fact, I like it! They just like what I imagine them will feels like when readin-…" (Arnel)

(pull ear)

"Ack! You started it…! But still… thank you. I now know what I will do. But please let my ear go…? I think its about to rip from my head…!!!" (Arnel)


"No." (Vesnya)

"My ear~….!!!" (Arnel)