
Exclusive Marriage

Blinded by her ever-growing desire to avenge her father’s death as she had promised him and herself, Gwendolyn was forced to make a life-changing decision which was getting married to the crowned Prince of Almor kingdom; one of the most powerful kingdoms in the world. To her, it was the only way to get needed information about the beast that has hunted her for several years. The marriage was built on conditions that were to be strictly followed by both parties involved. Of course, it was never part of her plan to have anything to do with her stuck-up, annoying, proud, hot-headed, cold, heartless, but drop-dead gorgeous husband, Prince Gerald. But what happens when more is expected of them? What happens when untamed feelings and desires spark between them? Will she do the one thing she promised not to ever do? Become subject to a man who sees her as nothing but an inferior creature to be at his beck and call?

stranger2_no1 · Fantasie
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22 Chs


I made sure to pile my plate to the brim with varieties of food, both the ones I have had and never had before.

I was about to leave when I saw the man I had bumped into a few minutes ago standing by the corner and watching me. I was tempted to go over and ask him why he was staring at me like a creep but thought better of it. Something about him is off-putting. I should avoid him.

When I saw him walking towards me in small strides from the corner of my eyes, I increased my pace, almost breaking into a sprint. After a few minutes, I turned to check if he was still following me, but I didn't see anyone.

Am I seeing things now?

No doubt this is one of the side effects of hunger.

I had almost reached my room when I saw two men who seemed to be having an intense conversation in the hallway as they didn't even notice my presence.

What should I do?

It would be strange for me to walk past them with a plate full of food for at least five people. Also, I am sure seeing me would raise suspicions, and attention is not something I need tonight. I have been spotted by one random person. Hopefully, he isn't smart enough to detect anything tonight.

I sneakily retreated into one of the closest rooms, hoping there was no one inside, and with luck on my side, the room was vacant. Inside the room, I could faintly hear their voices. All I need to do is press my ear to the door and—

No eavesdropping, Gwen! It's unladylike!

But since when did we start doing lady-like things?

Since now!

You wish!

We shall see.

Reluctantly, I walked to the table and kept my food.

What if they are assassins planning to attack someone?

What if they are planning to kidnap someone?

What if they are thieves?

Okay, that is none of my business. Besides, they should know better than to mess around in the infamous Almor palace. They can only do that if they have a death wish.

I have to go back to the bland room before Fiona starts looking for me. I don't want her to find out that I stepped out of the room or worse, got spotted by a stranger. She might have a stroke.

I walked back to the door and pressed my ear to it.

No, not because I wanted to hear what they were talking about, but because I want to know if they were done talking. Yes, that is it.

"....telling you it was a massacre." One of the men said pensively.

Ah! They are still there.

I went and sat on the dressing table as one word rang through my head.


Was there an attack?


Okay, let's listen a little more.

I am not usually this nosy, but this seems to be an interesting topic.

"....We need to be sure of what we are dealing with." The second man spoke in a calculative voice.

"A few of the villagers came forward as witnesses..." The first man trailed as if contemplating if he should continue.

"What did they say? Did they see the people that did it?" The second man asked impatiently.

"They said it was a beast, whatever that means."

"Beast?" The second man asked in an alarmed tone.

My heart immediately somersaulted in my chest as it felt like someone had suddenly sucked all the air out of my body.

"What did the King say when you reported the case to him?" The second man asked in a curious tone.

"The king handed the case over to Prince Gerald."

"And what did the prince say?"

"He has ordered the hunters to find the beast."

"He hasn't taken it up officially?"

"He gave the hunters one week. If the beast is not found, he will take up the case after his engagement." After a few seconds of silence, the man asked, "Sir, why are you asking me all these questions when you are the Prince's second in command?"

"Well, he hasn't been talking to me because I supported the King in hosting the art competition to find him a wife."


They are talking about the crowned Prince of Almor Kingdom, who will soon be selecting a wife, through a painting.

"Sir, if that is all, I would love to take my leave now. I left a lovely lady behind."

"Mr Spencer, do I need to remind you that you have a wife and two kids waiting for you at home?"

"Of course, I am not doing anything. It's just a good chat, nothing you should worry yourself about…."

I couldn't make out the rest of their words as they left the hallway.

I carried my food and went back to my previous room.

I stared at the food, and it stared right back at me. I suddenly didn't have an appetite for it again. It seems my appetite left with those gentlemen. All I can think about now is the discussion.

The beast is in this kingdom.

It could be out there right now, looking for its next victim.

The Prince

If I marry the Prince, it would be easier to get to the beast than depending on Uncle Zaius.

What am I thinking?

No way I am changing the plans now.

But I will have more power as the wife of the crowned Prince, or should I say, soon-to-be King? Usually, after the marriage of a crowned prince, the coronation follows.


That is a big jump.

Am I ready to be a wife to a man I don't know or have seen before?

No, I am not ready.

How will Fiona feel?

Will she kill me?

Am I being selfish?

Am I being Irrational?

What will my sisters think of me, especially Ava?

What will become of me after today?

My freedom.

My dreams—

I was startled when someone suddenly barged into the room.


Who do you think it is?

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

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