
Exclusive Marriage

Blinded by her ever-growing desire to avenge her father’s death as she had promised him and herself, Gwendolyn was forced to make a life-changing decision which was getting married to the crowned Prince of Almor kingdom; one of the most powerful kingdoms in the world. To her, it was the only way to get needed information about the beast that has hunted her for several years. The marriage was built on conditions that were to be strictly followed by both parties involved. Of course, it was never part of her plan to have anything to do with her stuck-up, annoying, proud, hot-headed, cold, heartless, but drop-dead gorgeous husband, Prince Gerald. But what happens when more is expected of them? What happens when untamed feelings and desires spark between them? Will she do the one thing she promised not to ever do? Become subject to a man who sees her as nothing but an inferior creature to be at his beck and call?

stranger2_no1 · Fantasie
Zu wenig Bewertungen
22 Chs


"Good Morning," I greeted everyone when I entered the room together with a bow that almost had me tumbling over my feet. Not graceful at all. I looked around the dining table and caught sight of my fiance, who didn't bother to acknowledge me as he continued munching on his meal. Why does he have to look so cold and composed even while eating? It seems every movement of his hand that held the cutlery and the movement of his mouth that chewed the food is calculated. He might as well turn into a rock. That would be much more understandable.

To his right sat, Fiona, who flashed me an innocent smile as if knowing what I was thinking. And to his left sat a familiar man, Rob.

Although Rob looked composed as the man sitting beside him, there is this cool and friendly aura radiating off him. My heart flutters as he flashes me a toothy smile and mouthed 'Good morning,' to which I replied with a curtsy. Hmm, my fiance could learn a few things from him.

"Your Highness, I see you made it safely to our kingdom. I hope your journey was blissful."

"It wasn't." My fiance replied without looking up.

"Good. I mean, I hope your stay here makes up for the journey."

Our eyes met for a few seconds before he nodded and returned his attention to the plate while I sought out where to sit.

I contemplated if I should ask Fiona to stand but decided against it as I did not wish to be anywhere close to a particular male specie. I rounded the table to sit beside Ava as the chair next to her was vacant.

Leaning close to Ava's ear, I whispered, "Good morning, dearest, I hope you had a lovely night?"

"Good morn—" The smile on her face disappeared as she glared at me.

Ah, I forgot to mention that Ava has refused to speak to me since four days ago.

"Took you long enough to grace us with your presence, Princess Gwendolyn." Came Fiona's mocking voice from across the table. Great. I will have to endure a lot of unpleasant things because of tradition.

"Hahaha. You of all people should know how these things go, my dearest cousin. I have to take my time to look my best."

"This is your best?" She waved her spoon in the air before laughing, followed by her little minion, Cynthia, "I am sorry, I didn't mean to laugh. Did you just say, your best?"

Cynthia cleared her throat, "I mean, if you describe how you look now as your best, Oh my…"

I thanked the woman that served my food before turning towards my enemies, "Hm, if you must know, we both have our different definitions of best. Your best is heinous and complicated, but mine is simple and comfortable. Tell me, if a war should break out in this room right now, would you be able to run and save your life? No, you won't, but I can run a thousand miles in this dress. And mind you, I don't dress to please anyone but myself."

"Is that why you are wearing that awful-looking dress and not the one the dress that queen gifted—" Fiona began but was silenced by a loud slap on the table.

"That is enough, you two!" Uncle Zaius's voice boomed in the dining room, causing me to flinch. How did I forget how loud his voice is? Why didn't he stop her when she was mocking me?

"Forgive me, Father." Fiona was fast to apologise, looking so down to earth.

"Forgive me, your Majesty." Cynthia joined.

"I am sorry, but she started it—" I began my apology

"Young woman, that is no way to speak to your King," The queen interrupted me with a subtle glare.

See why I always hate gatherings like this? They always find a way to get on my nerves.

"Please, forgive my manners." I apologised and focused on the food as the room became eerily quiet. The only thing that could be heard is the clattering of cutleries against plates.

I was lost in my thought when Ava whispered, "Earth to Gwen."

I whispered back with a smile, "Hey," Yay, finally. We are talking. I knew it wouldn't last.

"What are you thinking about that has caused you to lose interest in your meal?"

"Nothing much. I am just pissed. They are so annoying."

"As always. But that should be the least of your worries,"

"Huh?" I turned to look at her.

She jerked her head towards a particular man before turning to me with a look of worry, "Are you sure you want to marry him?"

"No, I am not sure, but I have to."

"Why? Is it because he is handsome?"

I couldn't help but snicker at her comment, "Handsome my derriere.

"Then what?"

"I will tell you when the time is right."

She nodded even though I could see thousands of questions brewing behind her eyes, "If you say so. I hope this thing you gave up your happiness for is worth it."

I looked at the man across and internally groaned. "Trust me. It is very much worth it."

She nodded with a sigh, "I really pity you."


"How are you going to cope with you-know-who? He has barely said anything since he got here, just glaring at everything and everyone. It is quite scary."

"He could pass for a rock, don't you think so too?"

Ava snickered, "I even mistook him for a painted rock when I came in."

I let out a little dramatic gasp, "How dare you insult my lovely fiance?"

"Oops, forgive me, your highness."

Our snickering and bickering were put to an end by the Queen as she glared at us, "Manners, young women." She scolded softly. So unlike her,

I looked up from my plate to steal a glance at the man of the hour only to catch him looking— No, more like glaring at me. I think he knows we were talking about him. Oops. Though the eye contact didn't last for more than three seconds, it was still enough to send goosebumps all over my body. No, it wasn't a good one. Something about those dark eyes is terrifying yet so thrilling.

Uncle Zaius cleared his throat, finally breaking the silence with his gaze focused on a particular man, "So," He began, "What do you think about the breakfast?"

Oh, that's new. King Zaius, usually known as a man of 'Few words,' is trying to make small talk with his future son-in-law, who seems to be a man of 'One-word syllable,'

My fiance took his time to chew his food and drink some water "Bland." Came his short and rude reply.

I could tell my uncle was displeased with the reply by the way his eyes twitched. If it were to be an ordinary man, who dared to call my Uncle's food BLAND, the person would have his tongue dangling in front of him. But this is Prince Gerald we are talking about.

"Oh my, you should have said something earlier. Should I have the maids make something else? Do you have anything in mind?" Ah, the people pleaser Queen. Always ready to serve the people. When I say people, I mean those of higher social class like the one sitting across.

"It's fine. I will manage."

"If you say so." She smiled gracefully, but I could tell she was nervous.

Uncle Zaius tried again, "So, you are here to carry out an investigation?"

"Yes." And that was all he said while my Uncle probably waited for him to go into details.

Investigation? Is he here to investigate the beast? Did it attack another village?

"What is the investigation about?" Uncle Zaius tried harder to get information.


"In which of the villages?"

"Down South."

I can tell from the way Uncle Zaius is gripping the spoon, he is pissed. "Do you need help?"


Uncle Zaius's eyes did a double twitch. "Don't hesitate to ask me for anything if need be. We are family now." My lovely fiance nodded in response. I am beginning to think that something is stuck in his throat which is why he isn't able to let out many words.

The queen turned to Rob, "What about you? What do you think about the breakfast?"

Rob, who was about to take his last bite, stopped mid-way as a charming smile adorned his face, "This is more than enough for me, thank you very much." As if noticing my gaze, he turned and winked. Winked!

Wow. Why is my heart beating so fast?

"He is so handsome." I looked up to see Ava looking at Rob dreamily.

"I second that."

"But not more than your fiance."

"I disagree with you. Beauty is not all about physical appearance."

"So, you find another man more attractive than our fiance?"


"That is not a good sign." Ava declared with her mouth set into a thin line.

My intended, after his breakfast, stood tall and proud. "I would like to retire to a room now."

The Queen beamed, "Of course. It must have been a long journey all the way to this place. You must be feeling tired." She turned to Fiona and said, "Fiona, I can see you are done eating. Why don't you escort him to his room?"

Of course, she would ask her daughter to escort my fiance to his room. They are still unhappy about the outcome of the event.

Fiona's eyes twinkled brighter than the chandeliers hanging from the roof, "I will do just that, Mother." If one didn't know better, they would think she is they are marrying. They look perfect together. Good for them.

Well, I don't mind because I don't even want to be anywhere near that man.

"No." Came his sudden reply. "I wish to be in the company of my fiancee. There are things I would like to discuss with her."

"But I do not wish to be in your company." I almost said,

Glaring at him, I said, "No, I am not done eating."

One of his perfect brows raised as his gaze landed on my plate, "Your plate looks pretty empty to me."

I flashed him a fake smile, "I would love to eat some more. Please, go ahead with my cousin. I will join you once I am done eating."

"No, You can eat more when we are done talking."

"But I still want to eat more. I don't joke with my breakfast —"

"Young lady!" The Quee looked at me in shock. Probably not believing that I would talk to my husband-to-be like that. "He wishes to be in your company."

But I don't wish to be in his, and not all wishes come true.

Seeing how everyone looked at me, I couldn't help but give in. "Fine!" I chugged down my water, making sure to make a slurping sound to annoy the queen and king.

Standing in front of my fiance, I curtsied, "Shall we?" Without waiting for his reply, I began walking away from the room.

I am going to kill someone today.