
Exchange feeling: Every night the iceberg school flower kiss cry

[Super sweet dog food, system, single female master, Shen Hao, female chasing male] and ice Mountain school flower Mu Xin porcelain exchange taste, smell, touch, she took a bath, wear black silk, Ye Fan can feel. The school flower eats expensive salmon, sleeps in the presidential suite, and drives a super car, all of which are enjoyed by Ye Fan. So, a dark night, school flowers directly door wall dong Ye fan. "My big bed, you sleep." "Top food, you eat." "Huge pocket money, you spend!" The whole school was shocked to find that the school flower has always been high and cold

Cz_Cz · Urban
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96 Chs

You have two feet, and you are the Sea King

There was no one in the computer room, just a couple of gleaming computers on.

That's weird. I just identified it here. Why is it missing?

Ye Fan intends to use the gps positioning system to lock people again, and the result is Ye Fan's shoulder was tapped from behind.

"Ye Fan?"

Ye Fan suddenly turned back and saw a pretty girl.

High ponytail, apple face, handsome features, but the eyes are a little unhappy staring at Ye Fan: "What do you come here to do?"

"And you are?" Ye Fan asked in doubt.

"Li Xiaoyue, is also a bestie of heart porcelain!" Xiaoyue snorted.

Ye Fan suddenly realized.

It turns out that this is the rumor of living in the heart of porcelain mouth boudoir Xiaoyue!

It was the first time he'd seen each other.

"Have you seen the Mu Xin porcelain?" Ye Fan asked, "Where did she go?"

"You ask for her, she doesn't want to see you." Xiaoyue's hands crossed in her bosom, with some hostility, "All this, you also come to provoke her to do what!"

'What do you mean? Ye Fan is confused.

He suddenly realized that he didn't understand a girl's heart at all.

Sometimes girls can't be direct, it's too hard to keep guys guessing.

When a girl says no, she probably does.

If a girl says yes, she probably doesn't want it.

Girls say casual, that is absolutely want you to do, but also in accordance with her mind to do, can not handle casually.

Xiaoyue immediately defended his good friend: "How can you be the sea King?" ! The foot of the two boats to play clearly, one and our home heart porcelain ambiguous, one and other women love me, I bah!"

"Huh?" Ye Fan is more confused, "What are you talking about!"

He didn't understand why Xiaoyue said that.

He doesn't seem to be bullying the Mohsin porcelain, does he? Not with other women.

Why does Xiaoyue have inexplicable hostility to him?

In Ye Fan think inconceivable, Xiaoyue hum: "You still pack!" You are not allowed to come to the heart porcelain, but the heart porcelain said that it will not be with you in the future!"

Ye Fan for a moment.

Does Mu Xin porcelain understand that he has a good feeling for her.

So now it's exclusion?

Maybe he freaked her out a little bit earlier.

"You must go, or I will hurt you." Xiaoyue stared at Ye Fan, "Now the heart porcelain mood is not good, you don't bother her."

The best quality of a man is deep feeling and single-minded, a man is a rotten vegetable leaves no one wants!

She's been cheated on by philandering men before.

How can a girl so simple as her heart porcelain be played with by such a sea king.

Heart porcelain must be hurt, then how to recover after a fall.

So Xiaoyue will lie about the heart of porcelain and Ye fan said together, so Ye fan will give up, not to provoke the heart of porcelain.

Well, with her watching, it's not gonna make things happen.

Ye Fan see Xiaoyue grumpy look, some helpless.

Xiaoyue is very fierce to him and does not like him.

Hear Mu Xin porcelain mood is very bad, do not bother him, he can only sigh deeply.

"If she's not here now, don't worry about it. Don't be angry."

Ye Fan did not think that he had a good impression on her, so that she was so stressed.

Well, it seems that the approach to girls, or to continue to gradually.

We can't rush it.

Wait until she calms down, or it'll only make her feel worse.

So Ye Fan turned and left.

Xiaoyue saw Ye Fan lost appearance, gently stroked the chest, she had some deer bump feeling.

Why does he look so affectionate?

Doesn't look like a sea king!

No, Aquaman, they're both good actors.

How else to become a time management master! Best at pretending to be affectionate!

She can't afford to make the same mistake again.

In the Xiaoyue efforts to stabilize the heartbeat, the heart porcelain has come back from the bathroom makeup.

"What's the matter? I thought I heard you talking to someone." Admiring heart porcelain asked.

Xiaoyue some heart panic said: "just Ye fan came."

"Did he want to see me?" Mu heart porcelain a leng, suddenly some happy.

"He came to tell me that you should stop pestering him, that he has a girlfriend now and has no time to talk to you." Xiaoyue held a small fist, "It's so irritating, who does he think he is!"

Mu Xin porcelain heard, startled: "He really said so?"

She's still a little incredulous.

'It's true, yes, I promise! Xiaoyue nodded.

This made Mu Xin porcelain very angry.

"Obviously he and I..." Mu Xin porcelain realized that she was going to leak her mouth, and held it back and said angrily, "Damn!"

She hasn't dealt with him yet.

He had a secret girlfriend because it was a deal.

And then he blames her, tells her not to talk to him?

Is she haunting him? That's too much!

"And I won't speak to him, ever!" "My phone ran out of power and shut down. I went to charge it," Muxin Porcelain said angrily.

Xiaoyue let out a sigh of relief.

It seems that this method is effective, can temporarily break the intersection of two people. Are IQ nu g Ε TV. ℃ ǒ Μ

Mu Xin porcelain can therefore hate Ye Fan, let Ye Fan this cheat and play with women's feelings of the man can not take advantage of, it is very good!

In the evening, Ye Fan returned home.

As a result, he saw the original lying on the sofa watching TV, and after seeing him, he stared at him: "You are too much."

Ye Fan could not laugh and cry: "This is too much?"

When you have a crush on someone, he can't help it.

Is she so angry?

"I don't want to talk to you, anyway, after I find a way to exchange back, I don't want to see you again in my life!" I've had enough of you!" The heart of the porcelain angry.

She subconsciously wanted to kick Ye Fan.

And it stopped.

Kick him. It hurts her.

She doesn't want it!

"Hum." Muxin porcelain ran up manfully.

And very fast.

Ye Fan can feel her speed in the 100-meter sprint.

It's clear he doesn't care what he wants.

Fortunately, Ye Fan felt that the speed of this movement was nothing, otherwise he was tired and panting.

Is she really that angry? So sick of two people getting closer to each other.

"Your slippers!" In Ye fan depressed his first love has not begun, to kill in the cradle, he found that Mu Xin porcelain ran too fast, the slippers on the foot left on the stairs.

"I... Me to It's up to you!" Mu heart porcelain thought of Ye fan excessive words, her heart wronged life.

In fact, she wouldn't have been so angry if he had behaved better.

And she's not the kind of woman who's a bitch or a bitch.

What makes him mean?

Especially now in front of Ye Fan embarrass, too humiliating!

ps: Fire and theft prevention bestie, bestie can not all believe ah! Spray lightly, and then the benefits will be covered! Reconciliation is sweeter!