
Exchange feeling: Every night the iceberg school flower kiss cry

[Super sweet dog food, system, single female master, Shen Hao, female chasing male] and ice Mountain school flower Mu Xin porcelain exchange taste, smell, touch, she took a bath, wear black silk, Ye Fan can feel. The school flower eats expensive salmon, sleeps in the presidential suite, and drives a super car, all of which are enjoyed by Ye Fan. So, a dark night, school flowers directly door wall dong Ye fan. "My big bed, you sleep." "Top food, you eat." "Huge pocket money, you spend!" The whole school was shocked to find that the school flower has always been high and cold

Cz_Cz · Urban
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96 Chs

Yevan is alone, don't you know

"No, she can't be replaced."

How many super movie queens can come out of China? And a Grand Slam winner!

Yaoyao is a potential stock.

He will never give up.

"So how do we contact her now? She didn't leave a home address." Xue Kaiwen is very worried.

Ye Fan frown slightly, then the lip Angle outline a curve.

"There will be a way."

Xue Kaiwen gasped: "For example?"

"For example..." Ye Fan said slowly.


All shareholders got the withdrawal agreement.

In order to avoid complications, the shareholders will have to sign first.

Well, after all the hard talk, you can't lose a little money.

Only when he saw the liquidation amount, he was incredulous and confronted hr: "What is the situation?" Why is $100,000 missing from my account?"

"Mr. Ye has changed tables and chairs, and you will reimburse the expenses." hr deadpanned.

"Why should I be reimbursed? Is he going to charge me with what he bought?" Qi shareholders angrily.

What does that have to do with him?!

What other tables and chairs, need 100,000 yuan so expensive!

hr imitated Ye Fan's tone and said, "Ye shareholder said you dirty his desk and chair, the money is even in your head, you can talk to him if you want to disagree, but the consequences are your own."

The shareholder gnawed his back teeth.

What a tiger is beaten by a dog!

Now the force behind Ye fan is unknown, if and he is hard, he has no good fruit to eat.

But this breath, Qi shareholders really can not endure.

So after he packed up and left, he made a phone call.

"Old Ma, yes, it's me, Mingxuan, I want you to help me inquire about someone."

Know who you are and who you are.

Know Ye Fan's background, he is afraid can not deal with Ye Fan?


In front of the teaching building of Modu Normal University.

"So handsome! Is this person a star?"

"Since when have we had such handsome people in our school? he I think he's looking our way! Should I go up there and ask for a wx?"

"I want to chat up, but I'm afraid. If I had such a handsome boyfriend, I would rather fail my exams and hang up on video games!"

The girls around looked at the tall and handsome boys parked in the distance, all red-faced.

He was handsome, wearing a brand-name shirt, tall, and a complete rack of clothes, which made him attractive.

You should know that in this university, the quality of male students is generally not good, the quantity is also small.

In the case of such a Wolf with less meat, there is such a handsome man, the girls are eager to eat each other now.

"Little brother ~ I want to go swimming this afternoon, but I don't know what to buy, you take me to choose it?"

"My legs are sore." And a beautiful woman touched the long legs dressed in black silk, spoiled, "Help me to sit next to it."

Even the enthusiastic girls unbuttoned their shirts and rubbed their shoulders to reveal the fragrance, throwing a wink: "Handsome boy, it's too hot here, my home has air conditioning, and I have a lot of small toys."

It was Ye Fan who was picked up by the girls.

He also did not think that he would become the object of the girls scrambling.

Only he did nothing.

No woman in the heart, draw the sword nature God.

Seduced by beauty, affecting the speed of making money.

"Sorry, not interested." Ye Fan was indifferent to these beauties and took the initiative to bypass them.

The girls were in disbelief, not expecting to be rejected.

Some even gritted their teeth, unconvinced: "He's definitely crooked!"

Now we're all on the same page. We're all sorry.

Such a handsome boy, is not so bent.

But can it still be straightened?

When they were reluctant to part with Ye Fan, they found what Ye Fan saw and actively walked over.


Magnetic voice, about to give the girl dizzy.

I thought he was talking about some great beauty, but then I looked.

It's a super dinosaur girl!

Plain looking, black-rimmed glasses, plain dressing, nothing to do with pretty.

And this is what a handsome man comes looking for?

"It seems that he is not bent, but has a bad eye."

"I really envy this Yaoyao, I want to change my name to Yaoyao ~"

"As long as this woman looks better, I also recognize, the question is how she beat me?"

Ye Fan now does not care what others think, he just want to find out Yaoyao refused to sign the real reason.

Whether Yaoyao can sign the contract or not is an important decision affecting the company.

"How did you know I was here?" Yaoyao looked at Ye Fan in surprise.

Ye Fan turned to Yao Yao and said, "I asked the friend who came to the interview with you last time, but why did you refuse to sign the contract?"

Yaoyao eyes wandering, avoiding Ye fan: "I am not suitable for the entertainment circle."

"Are you afraid of hidden rules?" Ye Fan asked Yaoyao.

"No, I'm not that pretty, and I can't act. I want to find a stable job." Yaoyao's pace quickened and she was visibly depressed.

Ye Fan followed closely: "If it is the reason of money, you can negotiate in detail, you have difficulties, I can give you an advance, your base salary can also be increased by three times, you and the company's share increased to you seven to three."

Under such conditions, Yaoyao should be able to move.

Yaoyao stopped immediately.

Ye Fan let out a sigh of relief.

It seems that money can make the devil go round, and indeed there is a problem with money.

"If there is no problem, you can sign the contract now, I have brought the contract." Ye Fan smiled at Yaoyao.

Yaoyao shook her head unexpectedly, "It's not about the money! If money can solve it, it's not a problem!"

Ye Fan wondered: "What is the reason?"

So what's holding Yaoyao back from signing.

"I..." Yaoyao was about to speak, and soon her eyes turned red: "I'm sorry, Ye shareholder, thank you very much for your affirmation of me, but I will never step into the entertainment circle, you should give up."

Ye Fan was ready to cry.

Don't guess a woman's heart. It's too hard to guess.

She hesitated when she could have just said it.

Who knows what her real concerns are?

Originally Ye Fan thought to come forward today, can sign Yaoyao, sure.

But I didn't expect to hit a wall.

Fortunately, Yevan has a system.

Now he also has a "Secret Day card".

So Ye Fan used his skills against Yaoyao.

For a moment, Ye Fan read Yaoyao heart secret.

It dawned on him.

So that's it.

To solve the bell must also be the bell!

"Ye shareholder, I have to go ahead." Yaoyao said sorry to Ye fan, subconsciously want to go.

The result was Ye Fan shouted: "Wait, I know why you refuse to sign with me."

Yaoyao looked back at him sharply.

I saw his hands in his pockets, in the sunset, faintly curled lips.

Be confident and free.


In the computer classroom.

Mu Xin porcelain is doing cad work, next to Xiaoyue looked at the mobile phone, directly surprised.

"Is Ye Fan out?"

A word instantly let mu Xin porcelain hand stopped action.

She looked at Xiaoyue with astonishment: "Ah?"

Off the market? How can it be out of order!

Urge a wave of it, we do not jump chapter oh, will affect the amount of tomatoes, here kneel to jump more little brother, miss sisters can go back to look again? Thanks a lot!

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