
Exchange feeling: Every night the iceberg school flower kiss cry

[Super sweet dog food, system, single female master, Shen Hao, female chasing male] and ice Mountain school flower Mu Xin porcelain exchange taste, smell, touch, she took a bath, wear black silk, Ye Fan can feel. The school flower eats expensive salmon, sleeps in the presidential suite, and drives a super car, all of which are enjoyed by Ye Fan. So, a dark night, school flowers directly door wall dong Ye fan. "My big bed, you sleep." "Top food, you eat." "Huge pocket money, you spend!" The whole school was shocked to find that the school flower has always been high and cold

Cz_Cz · Urban
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96 Chs

What do you want? Is that how you play it?

If he was broke, he'd be a multimillionaire by now!

Internet users immediately began to debate.

A lot of money! Three thousand universal to buy luxury cars, luxury homes! His vision is too hot!

[The big guy seems to have just played, there is no record of transactions!]

He seems to know that Blue deer will rise? Is he not an internal staff of Blue Deer, secret operation!

[It is very possible, if you know the grapevine, and then vote, then I do not complain, I hate!]

[Who said he had grapevine news, did not see this time to buy three people, he voted the most! Prove that his vision is good!]

If only three people invested in Blue Deer stock, it is clear that Blue Deer company itself did not know that it could earn so much.

It was totally unexpected.

But it was calculated by the other side!

Everyone gasped. What kind of god is this?

"I have played for seven or eight years, but also than a novice?"

I just look at the door, and they have already abandoned me several blocks?

Mother asked me why I look at the phone to kneel, that is I kneel to lick the God!

I'm the only one who cares if he has half a million dollars in principal and can he still put it in at one go...

That it is.

The average person has $200, $300 in savings, which is pretty impressive.

Not to mention half a million in savings!

Even $500,000 in savings, which could be invested in stocks? After all, stocks are risky, and as they are now, some people win and some people lose.

Not only that, but he's willing to spend half a million dollars on a stock like this!

What courage!

Unique vision!

No shortage of money!!

Amid the sound of adoration, Lin Ming, a very well-known trader, posted and opened his mouth.

[This guy is not a big god at all, he does not understand the stock market, he has now voted for the "West City enterprise"! It is estimated that what is a nouveau-riche, random investment, blind cat met a dead mouse!]

Lin Ming has helped a lot of rich people to make money, in the eyes of investors, the position is very lofty.

Now Lin Ming have appeared to speak, that is 100% of the other party is throwing results good luck, make money.

[Investment in Xicheng enterprises? Xicheng is going to close down, and his projects are not good!]

[Ha ha ha, I thought it was a big god, it turned out to be a big fool, there is no brain, the west city to pay a mess, he also want to vote!]

"His father is not king many fish ah? Ha ha ha, spend a few hundred million can inherit hundreds of millions of wealth!"

Now everyone is more and more believe Lin Ming's rhetoric.

Must have been some kind of upstart, bored, throwing around.

Now some people have begun to gloat, feeling that the other party has invested in the [West City Enterprise] will soon be wiped out.

If you do, you have to pay it back.

Don't envy who makes money, maybe they will become poor in the next second.

[Lin Ming Big God, really hit the nail on the head, no wonder it's big guy!]

[Yes, Lin Ming, but the industry's most powerful trader. If there was such a genius, would have been dug up as a trader!]

Who says not, where in the world there are so many stock genius!

However, the investors, did not think of the moment Ye Fan is snoring.

He didn't get up until after eight o 'clock the next day.

Ye Fan look at the time, there is class in the afternoon, so he got up to wash.

When he came downstairs, he found Mu Xin porcelain sitting at the table, obviously ready to eat breakfast.

She had long hair, watery eyes and a pretty face.

It is a face that pleases and delights the eye.

But she obviously ignore themselves, red lips pout, let Ye fan some helpless.

Still angry?

"Good morning." Ye Fan went over to greet her.

Her eyes glared at him, ignoring him.

Ye Fan is very depressed.

He likes her, so he's a burden to her.

She doesn't like herself at all, except for the switch.

"Yesterday, I..." Ye Fan want to express his mind, the result was the heart of the porcelain interrupted.

"You eat these." Mu heart porcelain put a rich breakfast, push to Ye Fan in front of.

Ye Fan was very happy.

This is supposed to be a reconciliation.

Give him a delicious, hearty breakfast!

"I eat this." Mu Xin porcelain said.

Ye Fan saw Mu heart porcelain took a bowl of white porridge.

This makes Ye Fan's joy diluted in an instant.

This clear soup is watery, there is no oil and water, and the result is that the heart of China eats this?

"White porridge is too little, eat something else, eat some fried dumplings." Ye Fan feel mu heart porcelain to drink white porridge is too monotonous, pushed her some fried dumplings in the past.

"I think it's good for you to drink white porridge, clear your intestines, you used to drink white porridge, I call this to vote for its good." Mu Xin porcelain skin smile flesh does not smile, "you are not willing to now?"

And now she's settling old scores with new ones.

Ye Fan before eating is also the white porridge in the canteen, and then she ate tasteless.

That she now eat, let Ye Fan taste the taste of white porridge, it is not too much.

Who let Ye Fan say those strange words, but also do not keep his promise, betray the cooperation of two people, in the outside.

"It's okay, as long as you like it."

Ye fan is to understand Mu xin porcelain in revenge on him.

Ah, really can not offend girls, this temper up, he is difficult to resist.

At this time, you must not contradict the girl, or the consequences will be more serious.

Ye Fan eats the delicious food, but the mouth is the taste of clear soup.

It's so light.

He now has all kinds of regrets.

It turned out that the experience of admiring the heart porcelain was like this, thinking of the bad food in the canteen, what I had done was too lacking.

It's no wonder that Mu Xin porcelain is repulsed by what he likes about her.

Which girls do not like warm men ah, it is estimated that they did too much before, in the heart of the porcelain here led to a bad impression.

Ye Fan thought here, decided to change, and strive to compensate for the heart of porcelain.

If things get better now, there's got to be a chance.

Congratulations to the host, eat sweet together, get 300 points. The system goes online.

Ye Fan was depressed.

Sweet dining? Where's sweet? Sweet home?!

After dinner, Mu Xin porcelain hum: "I'm going to school."

"Come along." Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah.

As a result, he approached, Mu Xin porcelain stared at him with his eyes, and also put out a killer: "I squeeze the bus!"

Uh-huh. That's gonna make you scared.

The bus is crowded and smelly.

Now Ye Fan is used to luxury cars, certainly not willing to take the bus.

"I'd better take the bus." Ye Fan shook his head.

If he's in a sports car, at least he can experience it better.

After all, the morning rush bus experience is terrible.

"I've never been on a bus before. There's always a first time for everything. You have to have a try in life. Mu Xin porcelain listened to his words, some secretly pleased.

See, Yevan just won't do it.

Mu Xin porcelain itself is not going to take the bus, is the mouth to scare him.

A little punishment. Look at him.

ps: In the next chapter, detente relations, do not deliberately give bad reviews because of a certain plot, do not respect. There's a reason why the writer arranges the plot.