
Exchange feeling: Every night the iceberg school flower kiss cry

[Super sweet dog food, system, single female master, Shen Hao, female chasing male] and ice Mountain school flower Mu Xin porcelain exchange taste, smell, touch, she took a bath, wear black silk, Ye Fan can feel. The school flower eats expensive salmon, sleeps in the presidential suite, and drives a super car, all of which are enjoyed by Ye Fan. So, a dark night, school flowers directly door wall dong Ye fan. "My big bed, you sleep." "Top food, you eat." "Huge pocket money, you spend!" The whole school was shocked to find that the school flower has always been high and cold

Cz_Cz · Urban
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96 Chs

What's your birthday?

"Driving? Do you call this driving, the accelerator did not step on, when you really get on the car, your husband to take you on the highway, "Ye Fan close, close to the ear of the heart of China to smile," want?"

"You're too much, I... I don't want it!!" Naked eyes can see her ears shy hot red, white slippery hands to push Ye Fan, Ye Fan firmly back grip.

Ye Fan took her hand and shoved it into her coat pocket.

"It's not up to you." Ye Fan stopped for a while, comfortable, "really warm."

Two people ten fingers interlocking, it is really warmer than wearing one more clothes.

Admiring heart porcelain look at Ye Fan handsome wanton appearance, her red lips gently hook a hook.

"I want milk tea!"

Actually trying to warm Ye Fan's body.

"Okay, whatever you say."

What are you gonna do? Spoil your wife. That's what a good man does.

[ Ding, detected ten fingers interlocking, get 300 points. ]

Ye Fan soon went to the milk tea shop with Mu Xin porcelain.

"Hello, I'd like a drink..." Before she could finish talking to the cashier, Ye Fan interrupted her reply, "A cup of orchid latte tea, topped with vegetable cream, to scatter nuts, to be half sweet, hot drink, to add pearls and coconut, milk tea cup with a heat-proof paper coaster."

Ye Fan looked at Mu Xin porcelain with some pride: "How, what I said is right, how is memory?"

"Didn't someone say it was a fish's seven-second memory? I said it and you forgot it." Mu heart porcelain head high, smiling at Ye Fan.

Ye Fan hehe said: "That depends on the situation, in the memory of the girlfriend likes to eat above, can not forget."

His words let Muxin porcelain eyes curved, smiling sweetly, she said to the cashier: "Hello, give me a cup of Ovaltine thick milk, half sugar, to be hot."

She raised her lips again, learned just Ye Fan's tone, and asked: "How, am I right, how is my memory?"

Ye Fan smiled and shook his head.

His wife is really stupid.

It's so sweet and soft.

What a cold school set up? It's a complete mess.

She's just a super sweet, and she's warm!

"Yes, remember exactly what I like." Ye Fan is very satisfied.

He has a good memory because he is systematic. And Mu Xin porcelain can remember, it's obviously about him.

Who doesn't like his girlfriend to know everything he likes.

At the checkout time, Ye fan to scan the code, the result of the heart of porcelain faster he step.

"I'll pay." Mu heart porcelain to Ye Fan shake hands, smile is very sly.

"I thought I'd pay for it."

"It can't all be the boys, it's not fair to you." You pay the big one, I pay the small one, and my girlfriend invites you to drink the first cup of milk tea in autumn, which is not too much." Mu heart porcelain tone some small pride.

Her eyes are tilted up, her lips are raised, and her skin is more translucent and moist, which is very beautiful.

Especially her little expression, too want to let Ye Fan pinch.

Ye Fan rubbed his shoulder and nodded subconsciously: "My girlfriend has this consciousness, and I have earned it."

Like other girls, thinking that if they find a boyfriend, they don't have to spend money, they just want to go for nothing.

Ye fan also dont care about the money, after all, there is money, but the heart of China for their own sake, or make him happy.

It's nice to see it go both ways.

Ye Fan entered the system lottery page, directly to the five consecutive draw.

Three high quality products were selected.

Ding, congratulations to the host for drawing a 5% stake in Romanee-Conti Winery.

Ding, congratulations to the host to get a crazy day of self-disclosure card.

Ding, congratulations to the host with a custom high-grade license plate number ownership.

Chateau Romanee-Conti is the most popular winery in France, and its wine production is extremely low, but it is the most expensive and best.

He can own 5% of the shares of Romanee-Conti winery, which is equivalent to lying on the money, and there is a steady flow of money into the account every day.

As for the crazy disclosure, that sounds like fun.

If you let the annoying person crazy self-disclosure of little secrets, seconds to catch the horse scene, then he is not invincible.

"System, you can't afford to play, how is a day card?" According to the setting of other novels, without a permanent card, you don't show the badness of your system."

System: [Host, I am almost emptied by you, become the poorest system. You at least give me a little inventory, want to draw the advanced card, you need to keep up your efforts.]

Ye Fan: "Does your warehouse have a lucky draw card?" If I can use it in each draw, will the card be of a higher grade?"

System:... Host, does your heart not hurt?!

How sad is the system when it gets a host that's too smart.

Ye Fan is just teasing the system, in fact, not so serious.

In fact, having a day pass is also good, better than nothing.

As for the ownership of the custom advanced license plate number, Ye Fan still has a doubt.

"What if someone else already has the number I want?"

Host, I have the ability to delete the memory of the world, but also wash the number, as long as you want, I will let you have, not afraid to collide with people, you are the first ownership.

Ye Fan is having some little excitement.

To know that to have a beautiful license plate, it is not easy, it is possible to re-toss tens of millions, and it is not necessarily possible to have a favorite, after all, it is likely that the license plate number you want is selected.

Now that Ye Fan can have this skill, it's easy to get what license plate number you want.

Ye Fan asked Mu Xin porcelain: "What is your birthday?"

"December 12th."

"Double Twelfth?" After hearing this, Ye Fan laughed out loud.

Mu Xin Porcelain grunted, "It's Ma Yun's fault that everyone remembered it was a shopping festival and forgot it was my birthday."

Although her father also remembers, but he is really too busy, may have prepared a very luxurious birthday party for her, but often because of busy work can not accompany her, also makes her a little lonely.

Ye Fan listened to a little distressed, raised his hand and gently rubbed the mind of the porcelain: "Rest assured, I remember your birthday, later on the birthday to take you to go shopping, empty the shopping cart for you, let you have a birthday and a holiday." Are IQ nu g Ε TV. ℃ ǒ Μ

He can see Mu Xin porcelain ears red, she pretended to be calm, but he still caught her shy shy side, "then you have to say it, can not talk about it."

"Supervision is welcome." Ye Fan has a good memory now, how can he forget.

"What about your birthday?" Mu Xin porcelain is also curious.

Boyfriend's birthday is also very important, if she forgets, then Ye fan do not know how sad.

"On March 22, I am an Aries," he leaned down and leaned close to the ear of the porcelain, and said intriguingly, "I heard that Aries and Sagittarius are born together, what do you think?"