
Exchange feeling: Every night the iceberg school flower kiss cry

[Super sweet dog food, system, single female master, Shen Hao, female chasing male] and ice Mountain school flower Mu Xin porcelain exchange taste, smell, touch, she took a bath, wear black silk, Ye Fan can feel. The school flower eats expensive salmon, sleeps in the presidential suite, and drives a super car, all of which are enjoyed by Ye Fan. So, a dark night, school flowers directly door wall dong Ye fan. "My big bed, you sleep." "Top food, you eat." "Huge pocket money, you spend!" The whole school was shocked to find that the school flower has always been high and cold

Cz_Cz · Urban
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96 Chs

The bully worships you?

Which thought of a moment of school bully to Ye Fan bow, attitude is very humble: "You can not and Mu Xin porcelain love!" Please, don't let her chase you!"

Ye Fan: "!!"

Hongyi froze: "???"

Big brother, you were supposed to beat Yevan up!

Where's your mean man? Why did you shoot him?!!

Ye Fan also did not expect the school bully is such a reaction, he is completely black question mark face.

The school bully also shed tears in front of him: "I like her for a whole thousand days fifty-two days!" I've been chasing her for a thousand days and fifty-two days!"

"I have never seen her so infatuated with a boy, she is so good, you accept her!" I am content to see her happy!"

School bullies can't eat well or dress well these days.

He heard that the heart of the heart porcelain chasing Ye fan run, love dearly.

A girl who was loved by him in the palm of his hand, now so humbly pursuing a boy.

Why should Ye Fan hurt his little princess again and again?

Looked at the bully begged, Ye fan felt some sympathy.

The all-powerful big brother, the result is hurt by love, or a licking dog.

"As long as you stay with him, I will give you all the protection money I collect in the future!"

"Be my big brother! Let me know if anything happens!"

Looking at the school bullies have done this step, Ye Fan sighed: "I will try hard."

It's not him who doesn't want to. It's the girl who doesn't want to.

School flower which is his licking dog, if not for the system to do things, the two people's body sense changed, it is estimated that the school flower will not have an intersection with him.

In seeing Ye Fan nod, school bully moved to tears chaos tremble.

Hongyi broadcast room just entered the netizen is shocked.

[My God, can the school bully be Ye Fan to cry! Ye Fan is also too Niu force bang, sure enough to let the school flower do licking dog people are not ordinary people!]

"This is the first man to surrender to the school bully! I am the bow, the ground, 666!"

Hongyi looked at all praise Ye fan comments, is very anxious.

He is in order to let everyone see Ye fan fool, just open the live broadcast.

How come everything is different from what he imagined!

"Ding ding ding ding --"

The phone rang.

Gave Hongyi a surprise.

Hongyi subconscious will see just still in the talk Ye fan and school bully to look over.


Hongyi wants to run, but a few of the bully's younger brother was caught in a moment.

I had my phone ripped out of my hand.

"You take pictures?" The bully frowned.

When Ye Fan saw Hongyi, he started to stir up trouble: "Does he have a grudge against you and want to make a mistake so that he can take a video of you hitting someone so that the school can expel you?"

The bully's face darkened.

He was already criticized several times by the school, he has been very honest man, the result did not expect there is a bitch to plot against him.

"No, that's not true! Hongyi shook his head, his eyes full of fear.

He totally wants to make Ye fan fool, not at all what Ye Fan thinks.

The bully turned off the live stream of his mobile phone, fell to the ground and stomped on it with his shoe.

The screen of the phone immediately shattered.

Refracted Hongyi afraid face.

For a moment, the bully subconsciously pulled Hongyi's collar: "Good guy, today let you know that I am not easy to provoke."

As soon as the words fell, a fist smashed hard on the bridge of Hongyi's nose.

Then Hongyi was surrounded by a group of younger brothers who kicked and punched him.

Hongyi pain convulsions, toward the bank watching the fire Ye fan for help: "save... Help..."

And Ye Fan coldly looked down at Hongyi pain unbearable appearance, fell two words: "Deserved."

If you want to trick him, you don't see who he is.

Ye fan ignored Hongyi's cry for help and left directly, Hongyi was beaten black and blue, paralyzed on the ground crying and sobbing. www.b ǐ q nu get argument. ℃ ǒ m

After finishing his clothes, the school bully scolded Hongyi: "Spare your life today, next time you see me take a detour, or I will beat you once!"

I don't want to live anymore if I try to screw him over.

After the school bully and others angrily left, Hongyi with tears, facing the colorful face, biting the back teeth, hate straight teeth.

Blame Ye Fan, or he could have been beaten.

He will never let Ye Fan go!


"Well... No, don't!"

Late at night, a girl's groan came from the large room.

Her skin looked like snow, and she was lying in bed in a very thin white nightgown.

Elegant and high face, it seems to dream of something bad, frown, forehead between the fine sweat, wet black hair.

Her long, slender fingers clung tightly to the sheet, and she shook her face back and forth, frightened and pale.

Suddenly a hand fell on her wrist.

It was cold to the bone.

Completely the Mu Xin porcelain to be scared to wake up.

"Make the clang!"

The light was turned on.

Mu Xin porcelain saw the boy sitting on the bed.

His dark eyes are worried, between the brow pulled into a "river", looking at Mu Xin porcelain and nervously asked: "you have a nightmare?"

Mu Xin porcelain gasping for breath, obviously shocked.

Her hair was scattered and her pale face made her look miserable.

"You... Why are you here?" 'she asked in amazement.

"I switched senses with you, you had nightmares, I didn't know." Ye Fan raised his eyebrows and said of course, "Drink some water."

Ye Fan was sleeping next door, he felt palpitations, especially the feeling of panic.

He was afraid that there was something wrong with Mu Xin porcelain, and quickly came to see it, and the result was that Mu Xin porcelain had a nightmare.

"... Yes." Mu Xin porcelain does feel a little dry mouth.

But her heart was still in a panic.

The real picture in the dream, or let her hard heart. The thought of it sends her into a frenzy.

She saw Ye Fan's wide tall figure and felt a little safe.

Free from the nightmare, the sense of bondage gradually disappears.

Ye Fan handed the warm water to Mu Xin porcelain, Mu Xin porcelain has caught the cup.

When she took a sip, the result was tasteless.

As she frowns, a shadow falls.

"I should drink it so you can feel it." He took her hand and took a sip of water.

His thin lips were moist, dripping with water and looking a little sexy and flirty.

Especially the fingers together, more and more let the heart of the porcelain breath disorder, the heart plop plop beat.

Mu Xin porcelain also tasted a taste of water, dry and cool.

Ye Fan just drink is the heart of the porcelain just drink to the place.

Her lips are still there.

Let his ears burn, and a trace of joy and joy arose from the heart.

"Did you feel it?" Ye Fan stared at Mu Xin porcelain with intense eyes.

"There are... I got it!" The little rabbit who admired the heart porcelain was heaving back and forth, nervous as hell.

Congratulations to the host, and Mu Xin porcelain indirect kiss, get 500 points. System alert.

Ye Fan closed the panel, staring at the Mu Xin porcelain: "Are you still thirsty? Want some more?"

"No, thank you." Muxin porcelain two flushed cheeks, obviously still a little restrained.

She had expected Ye Fan to just leave.

Who knows Ye Fan just lying in her side!

What is he doing?!!