
Exchange feeling: Every night the iceberg school flower kiss cry

[Super sweet dog food, system, single female master, Shen Hao, female chasing male] and ice Mountain school flower Mu Xin porcelain exchange taste, smell, touch, she took a bath, wear black silk, Ye Fan can feel. The school flower eats expensive salmon, sleeps in the presidential suite, and drives a super car, all of which are enjoyed by Ye Fan. So, a dark night, school flowers directly door wall dong Ye fan. "My big bed, you sleep." "Top food, you eat." "Huge pocket money, you spend!" The whole school was shocked to find that the school flower has always been high and cold

Cz_Cz · Urban
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96 Chs

The bravest man in the company, it's not gonna be easy to kick you out

Ye Fan arrived at the door of his office.

Outside the door, I heard the triumphant voice of shareholders from inside.

"Reform is very hot right now, we have to ride the heat and shoot 'The Dress Line'!"

"This' Overbearing CEO Meets Four Little wives' buy! Enough Mary Sue, I like it!"

"You report back at once as I say!"

Then it was his assistant's submissive voice: "But isn't this the master of Ye shareholders?" Ye shareholder hasn't come yet."

"I am also a shareholder of the company, you listen to him, you don't listen to me?" What I say is what he says, and he will be grateful if I give it to him."

"Huh?" The assistant was confused.

"I promise you, I chose it, he chose it 100%!" Shareholders are confident.

Leaf fan revulsion to slightly lift eyelids.

And then he threw the door open in disgust.

'That's not true!

This can be sitting in Ye Fan's office chair, feet on the desk of Qi shareholders to the shock.

I almost fell on my butt.

He did not think that Ye Fan would be killed at this time.

Ye Fan looked at the appearance of shareholders Hatoyama occupy the magpie nest, especially hate.

The ashtray on the table is the cigarette butt of the shareholder, and the shoe footprint of the shareholder's leg is also on the table.

Very dirty!

"There you are." Qi shareholders try to be calm, put on a not imaginary appearance, and said, "I have read the script, nothing about you, you go back."

"Which ones do you like?" Ye Fan walked past.

The assistant shivered and began to put the script that Qi shareholders favored and handed it to Ye shareholders: "Here."

"Oh," he said. Ye Fan glanced at it, "It's really good."

Qi shareholders more proud: "Yes, my vision is good enough."

He crowed and winked at his assistant.

See? I told you Yevan would agree!

It seems that Ye Fan also know and I make trouble, it is difficult to stay in the company, and now become sensible.

"Swish --"

All shareholders were stunned.

Saw Ye Fan in front of him, tore up those scripts, and then fell hard on his face!

The assistants covered their mouths in amazement.

This is the first time anyone's been so crazy about shareholders.

"I bought everything except the one you chose!" Ye Fan patted the table, imposing.

"Ye Fan, are you crazy?" While shareholders were shocked, they also felt a deep sense of shame.

Ye Fan's eyes coldly looked at the shareholders: "Qi Mingxuan, I let you know, you can go."

Originally, he saw that the shareholders were the company's "founding elder" on the face, a little tolerance for the other party's fault, but now the other party is intolerant, give face to face, that he as a shareholder to endure what!

He's the number one shareholder!

You need to pay people to look at you?

Then he's crazy!!

"You're not kidding! Does Keven know?" Qi shareholders think Ye Fan is very absurd.

Ye Fan replied bluntly: "There is no need to inform her, I am the first executive of the company, layoffs are normal." Now I see that you are a former shareholder, let you pack up and leave, or I will directly ask the security to throw you out!"

Qi shareholders of the palm appeared a fine sweat.

He did not expect to provoke Ye Fan, Ye fan will be so hard to blow him away!

This is clearly his original territory, when became the world of Ye Fan!

"You wait, Kevan won't let me go, she will scold you if she knows you are acting out with me like this!" Qi shareholders angrily scold a voice, and then go to call Xue Kaiwen.

Yefan, on the other hand, is no coward.

If Xue Kaiwen really stood on the side of the shareholders, he directly withdrew his shares and left!

I'm not gonna take this shit.

If the other shareholders don't listen to him, the first shareholder is not worth it.

Ye Fan must kill the chicken to make an example of the monkey, and thoroughly establish his position in the company.

He can't be like a soft persimmer and be arbitrarily manipulated by the shareholders, otherwise the shareholders stay in the company, will only sing against him, and even play wild in his head!

Ms. Xue was soon called in by shareholders.

She looked at the chaos and wondered, "What's wrong?"

"Ye Fan asked me to leave! I'm a shareholder, too, but he owns a little more stock than I do, so he can tell me what to do! I have no merit, but also hard work, you quickly give me a comment!"

Qi shareholders completely shape his hard work, said their own poor.

Xue Kaiwen's brow tightened, she looked at Ye Fan: "What reason?"

All shareholders are triumphant.

See, Xue Kaiwen is nostalgic.

How could she let herself go?! I'm gonna help him get justice!

Ye Fan lightly replied: "He occupied my office, abuse of power, the following offense."

"Do you hear that? You can go now." Ms. Xue looked to her shareholders.

Qi shareholder listened to myocardial infarction: "What?"

"If these reasons are not enough, sexual harassment against me is enough." Xue Kaiwen's eyes were completely red.

All the grievances she had accumulated in recent days exploded.

At the beginning she started a business from scratch, as a senior Qi Mingxuan partnership shares.

Xue Kaiwen is very grateful, but do not know each other is a Wolf in sheep's clothing.

The company is unstable, but also need Qi Mingxuan investment, so Qi shareholders by his shareholders, he asked her to eat in the name of the company, and even to open a room with her.

Finally Xue Kaiwen in the name of the police, this just stopped Qi Mingxuan crazy behavior.

But no one in private he still push an inch, not verbal flirtation, is in wechat hair meaty greasy love words, every day.

Xue Kaiwen simply blocked his wechat account.

Every day she is very painful, also very tired, for their own company and employees, she has no way and Qi Mingxuan broken cans, after all, Qi Mingxuan know a lot of big guys.

But since Xue Kaiwen found that Ye Fan shares, beyond Qi Mingxuan become the first shareholder, she will no longer tolerate Qi Mingxuan.

She and Ye fan, all want to catch Qi Mingxuan out.

Ye fan surprised very, he didnt think Xue Kaiwen actually has been in patience.

"Xue Kaiwen, I like you, that is sexual harassment!" Don't insult me!" Qi shareholders embarrassed very, subconsciously want to be close to Xue Kaiwen.

Xue Kaiwen dodged, and the next moment felt a pair of warm hands pull her behind.

"If she doesn't want to, you're sexual harassment!"

Powerful words rang out.

Give shiver Shiver.

She saw a huge figure in front of her.

Makes her feel safe.

Ye Fan is not at all false.

He looked at the shareholder angrily: "Don't want me to beat you all over the place, you go!"

Qi shareholders stares at Xue Kaiwen hiding behind Ye Fan: "Xue Kaiwen, are you sure you want to offend me?" I know a lot of people, you know."