
Exchange feeling: Every night the iceberg school flower kiss cry

[Super sweet dog food, system, single female master, Shen Hao, female chasing male] and ice Mountain school flower Mu Xin porcelain exchange taste, smell, touch, she took a bath, wear black silk, Ye Fan can feel. The school flower eats expensive salmon, sleeps in the presidential suite, and drives a super car, all of which are enjoyed by Ye Fan. So, a dark night, school flowers directly door wall dong Ye fan. "My big bed, you sleep." "Top food, you eat." "Huge pocket money, you spend!" The whole school was shocked to find that the school flower has always been high and cold

Cz_Cz · Urban
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96 Chs

The boss is online

It is not an ordinary staff workstation, it is obviously a spacious room that has been decorated, and the ornaments inside are carefully selected, everything.

The leather seats were also very handsome, and Ye Fan immediately sat on them.

Although he could not feel the softness of the seat, he could feel the softness of the Mu Xin porcelain now sitting on the sofa.

That's so hardcore!

Ye Fan looked out the window contentedly.

You can see the tall buildings and the traffic outside.

It was magnificent, exactly what he'd seen on TV, and a little further out you could see the sea.


It feels cool and comfortable in summer and warm in winter.

No wonder so many people want to be a bully, the original experience is so good.

"This one for him? You're not kidding!" Hongyi biting back teeth, very angry.

This office he saw before, but Xue Kaiwen said its own arrangement, it can only be idle.

I didn't think it was going to Ye Fan now!

This makes Qi shareholders very jealous.

He just ran out of there, looking for a theory from Xue Kaiwen.

"What's going on? Why give him an office, he is a student, can use such a good office, and he studies, can come for a few days, this is not a waste!"

Qi shareholders angrily shouted at Xue Kaiwen.

Xue Kaiwen's eyes with a little displeasure, she looked at the shareholders: "Give him, how is it a waste, don't forget that he is the first shareholder, in the company has a high right to speak, I am the president, I decide it is good, you can leave dissatisfied."

You can tell that Xue Kaiwen is really unhappy.

Qi shareholders have a fire in their belly, but they still wimp out when they hear the word "leave".

Although he is not drunk, but at least in the company also earned some dividends, the company had problems, he wanted to withdraw the idea.

As a result of the investment crisis, the company has gradually started.

When he was about to make money, how could he leave the opportunity to make money?

That's a fool!

"Kevan, I don't want to be treated well, but fairly, I'm your friend!" Qi shareholder tone softened a lot.

"There is no so-called fair in the workplace, you want a studio, I do not say a word to find someone to set up for you, your studio is also the best in addition to Ye General, you are too greedy."

Xue Kaiwen looked at the shareholders with some helplessness: "You really regard me as a friend, don't make me difficult to do."

Xue Kaiwen took the lemon tea out.

Qi shareholders secretly clenched their fists, very unwilling.

At the moment of Ye Fan sitting in a chair, drink Xue Kaiwen personally made lemon black tea.

He could not taste the taste, but saw the jealous eyes of the Qi shareholders watching in the dark, and he was very happy.

What a ride.

"Auditions for artists tomorrow?" Ye Fan swept a form and asked Xue Kaiwen.

"Yes, after all, the company now has only a handful of artists, and they want to sign some artists to act." Xue Kaiwen smiled faintly, "Ye shareholders, you can choose together tomorrow if you are interested."

Qi shareholders after listening, the heart is not the taste.

"He's just a college student, whatever he can pick, and then all the random artists will sign in!"

In the face of the clamor of the shareholders, Ye Fan cold hum: "I am too handsome, let you judge people by their appearance?" It must be my fault. But it must be your fault to think less of me."

Ye Fan's eyes are cold and his aura is powerful.

Not only shocked the shareholders, but also let Xue Kaiwen's heart beat faster.

Xue Kaiwen appreciated Ye Fan very much, and immediately began to speak for him: "So many companies, Ye shareholders take a fancy to us, his vision is very good, I believe his vision."

After hearing Xue Kaiwen's words, Qi shareholders are very depressed.

The goddess of their own everywhere to Ye fan turned, it is so irritating!

"Well, I'll see what he can pick!" The shareholder gritted his back teeth in displeasure.

Tomorrow to give Ye fan a Mawei, no matter what Ye fan choose, he will be against Ye Fan.

Ye Fan is very confident.

He's systematic. He's got a good eye.

After all, he has two Kings in his hands: "talent identification skills" and "ability to know people well."

Now the company is also his, as an entertainment company, has excellent all-around art ability is very important, is bound to relate to the future development potential.

Ye fan see time is not early, will go, is Xue Kaiwen personally sent downstairs.

He drove back to Mu's house in the Silber.

Just did not expect to arrive at the door, and a beautiful image bumped into a face.

"Yefan, why did you come back now?"

Mu Xin porcelain tied ball head, face is delicate, wearing a short-sleeved shirt and a pair of hot pants, exquisite, slender legs long white, fairy hair blinking, water Lingling and beautiful.

In the face of her surprise, Ye Fan's hands on the steering wheel, lips Angle a sip: "What, miss me?"

The silly face immediately fried red, she suddenly shook her head at Ye Fan: "No, I did not miss you!" Me to I'm just afraid you'll go somewhere and tire me out."

"So you're worried about me?" Ye Fan's smile did not diminish.

He is a bad thief.

Just teasing her.

Love to see her face red, a variety of refutations but can not fight their own appearance.

"Even less! Don't think, in the misinterpretation of my meaning ~ "Mu Xin porcelain delicate little face is completely red, glossy white ears are hot red.

It looks more interesting in Ye Fan's eyes.

Perhaps too shy, or embarrassed, she immediately pulled away from the topic, her eyes on Ye Fan's sports car.

"Is this a Sibel? Why did you change cars? "

Mu Xin porcelain surprised very, and then the small face is very pale: "You should not be renting it?" Where do you get the money, if you need money and tell me, don't do those illegal things!"

Ye Fan's eyes were full of a rich smile.

Look, Mu Xin porcelain just said not to worry about themselves.

I was so worried about myself.

It's so cute.

Her little face is completely pink and cute.

Especially by that pair of moist eyes, Ye Fan is physically and mentally rippling.

"I just did something illegal, what should you do?" Ye Fan's lip Angle involuntarily raised.

"I... What can I do?! Whoosh, I don't want to feel like I'm stepping on a sewing machine in prison!" Mu Xin China grunted, her face unwillingly.

That said, she was actually very worried about Ye Fan.

In fact, Ye Fan is not so bad, or a potential stock, if it goes astray, it is a pity.

"Not only the tailor's machine, but maybe the soap, oh, but it doesn't matter, it's all you feel!" Ye Fan sighed and looked at her with a meaningful smile.

Mu Xin porcelain is like a frightened little rabbit, the original soft face, now rose red, immediately shook his head: "Even less!" What did you do, tell me, I'll help you think of something!"