
Exchange feeling: Every night the iceberg school flower kiss cry

[Super sweet dog food, system, single female master, Shen Hao, female chasing male] and ice Mountain school flower Mu Xin porcelain exchange taste, smell, touch, she took a bath, wear black silk, Ye Fan can feel. The school flower eats expensive salmon, sleeps in the presidential suite, and drives a super car, all of which are enjoyed by Ye Fan. So, a dark night, school flowers directly door wall dong Ye fan. "My big bed, you sleep." "Top food, you eat." "Huge pocket money, you spend!" The whole school was shocked to find that the school flower has always been high and cold

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Sneak in the exam, wow everyone


Really put Hongyi in a difficult position.

He also wants to, the problem is that the school girl won't!

"If you say one more bad word about Yefan, I'll beat you up!" Friends said angrily, did not give Hongyi good face and left.

Hongyi heart a belly fire.

Why does everyone start turning toward Yevan?

It is clear that Ye Fan is not a great character!

However, the higher Ye Fan was held, the harder he fell.

After all, tomorrow is the day the results are announced.

Soon, the next day Hongyi looked forward to arrived.

School website out of the results, by entering the student number can be queried.

Ye Fan and small five, fat tiger, ray brother into the class, he saw a few happy several sorrow in the classroom.

"Oh, I failed my English again! Oops, I'm not going to get my math final credit, so I got 30 points!"

"All blame the teacher out of the paper is too difficult, such a difficult math problem, who can get a high score!"

"Who knows? I thought it would be that hard to get a scholarship."

Hongyi said proudly, "What's so difficult about the scholarship? It's steady!"

"Monitor, how many scores did you get?" People are very curious.

Hongyi directly handed over the mobile phone: "It's just so general, I'm a little out of whack."

"You are at Versailles! You did a so-so test? I passed them all. Okay! You got a hundred in English! Awesome!"

"Your math is higher than me two or three points, the monitor is the monitor, always do not let the teacher worry about learning!"

"I really want to exchange your grades, you are too good!" Maybe this time you'll be in the top five of the class!"

"I really envy the monitor to get a scholarship, for me such a poor student, to get a scholarship is a luxury!"

Hongyi touched his nose, his face was completely concealing pride: "Not bad. If I hadn't run out of time to answer the last question, it would have been higher."

Ye Fan cold sneer very.

Hongyi really can't change his habit of bragging.

Not only Ye Fan, even small five people also do not like Hongyi.

"TSK TSK, the test is also average, as for so show off."

"Yes, there is nothing to be proud of, the whole grade is higher than his exam, there are many people in, as if he is the first grade!"

Just Hongyi heard the small five and other people's ridicule, the face is very ugly: "Good, you are strong, there are scores higher than me!"

After seeing Ye Fan appear, Hongyi triumphantly picked his brow: "Did not forget our bet."

'What bet? Some students asked Hongyi curiously.

Hongyi said proudly, "He was the one who overplayed his hand and made a bet with me that he could win the first-class scholarship. If he lost, he had to bark my dog three times and give me 5,000 yuan!"

This word out, small five and other people were shocked.

"What? Did you really bet with him?" Five is in a dilemma.

Fat tiger gray to Ye Fan gently said: "The first-class scholarship requirements are very demanding, to super good grades, at least the top ten grade!" How could you make such a bet with him!"

Even Ray is very melancholy.

I'm sure he didn't want his best friend to make a fool of himself.

If you do lose the bet, it's a shame, a black history that can't be erased.

Giving money is a small matter, the important thing is to learn to bark in front of so many people, more hurt self-esteem!

See friends worried eyes, Ye Fan comfort: "Nothing, I may not lose."

"TSK, TSK, you really won't cry until the coffin." Hung Yi moved his nose in disdain.

Others began to help Ye Fan persuade Hongyi: "That is a joke, can not be true."

"Yes, this exam is a little difficult, forget it, don't take it seriously."

"Have to forgive others and forgive others, who does not talk, you are so calculating about what to do!"

Hongyi said firmly, "No, I just take it seriously!" He threw down harsh words, the result lost, but did not admit, that is the character of the problem! Don't bet, isn't not to put me in the eyes of this monitor!"

Hongyi is really angry.

I want to win, everyone let him not to find Ye fan dispute!

Ye Fan in the end what ability, can let everyone speak to him!

The others looked at each other, somewhat embarrassed.

They are on the side of Ye Fan, but the monitor obviously dare not give up. Anyway, if you deny the bet, that is Ye Fan cheat.

But they also do not want to see Ye Fan punished, after all, this request is really too much!

"I haven't lost yet." Ye Fan returned coldly.

"Well, how many points did you get on this test?" Hongyi asked Ye Fan in a cloistered manner.

"Not yet." Ye Fan's words are simple and clear.

Hongyi said pompously, "You dare not look into it! I'll look it up for you!"

Without thinking, he rushed straight to the classroom computer.

Now that the multimedia screen had landed, Hongyi immediately entered Ye Fan's student number.

Hongyi's face was excited.

Yevan is a dead man now.

Lose face in front of everyone, Ye fan to make a big fool. www.b ǐ q nu get argument. ℃ ǒ m

Ha ha ha, Ye Fan is dying!

If he were Ye Fan, he'd be ashamed to find a hole in the ground.

Hongyi thought here, are very excited.

The girls down there are afraid to look.

I think it's very cruel.

They don't want to see their male god actually lose the bet, and be humiliated by the class president.

The boys sighed, fearing the worst.

"Thunk --"

After pressing the Enter key, the computer interface began to display results.

"Whew --"

There was another gasp.

"This score, is it human? "

"Good heavens! Fantastic!"

The girls who didn't look, they all panicked.

It's over. The boy God really blew the test.

They are going to grind through their mouths and speak for their male god: "Monitor, this matter is let go."

"How can you count, but he lost, Hongyi, you should be willing to bet to lose right." A clear voice sounded.

This was not Hongyi's triumphant voice.

But from Ye Fan's magnetic voice!

What -- what the hell is going on?!

The girls are totally confused, you know?

How did the class president lose? !

They immediately looked at the big screen.

But found the interface of the achievement, too high.

The full score is 120 points.

Ideology and politics: 120 points.

English: 120 points.

Math: 119.

Language: 120 points.

Finance in general: 120 points.

Economic comprehensive ability: 120 points.


Everyone was dumbfounded.

This is a full score sheet!!

Everyone was shocked except Ye Fan.

Even Hongyi couldn't resist pressing the f5 button.

Refresh, refresh, refresh

However, it's still 120 points in a row.

His voice was hot.

Is there anything wrong with his eyes?

How come they all get perfect scores?

And Ye Fan exam full marks! That's outrageous!

Everyone could not suppress the excitement in their hearts: "How did you take the exam? Ye Fan, you are so awesome!"

"This is not an excellent student, is it learning God, how to progress so fast, have any experience!"

Even the five were so surprised that they could swallow an egg in their mouths.

"Have you been staying up late these days to study?"

"Good fellow, you have sneaked in! No wonder you were so careless when you were with us during the day, you were prepared!"

"I suddenly feel very silly and naive, the original my buddy is still an excellent student!"