
Exchange feeling: Every night the iceberg school flower kiss cry

[Super sweet dog food, system, single female master, Shen Hao, female chasing male] and ice Mountain school flower Mu Xin porcelain exchange taste, smell, touch, she took a bath, wear black silk, Ye Fan can feel. The school flower eats expensive salmon, sleeps in the presidential suite, and drives a super car, all of which are enjoyed by Ye Fan. So, a dark night, school flowers directly door wall dong Ye fan. "My big bed, you sleep." "Top food, you eat." "Huge pocket money, you spend!" The whole school was shocked to find that the school flower has always been high and cold

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96 Chs

School girl jealous, the consequences are very serious

He's not dating anyone?

Admiring heart porcelain eyelashes blink, suddenly the mood is messy.

"Are you mistaken about something?" Mu Xin porcelain voice a little trembling.

"There should be no mistake. There are pictures and evidence." Xiaoyue directly handed the mobile phone to Mu Xin porcelain.

Mu heart porcelain saw Xiaoyue mobile phone, is a few photos of Ye Fan and other girls.

Two people don't know what they are talking about, and the Angle is quite intimate.

At the moment of seeing, the heart of the porcelain was suddenly uncomfortable for a moment.

When she stared at the photo, Xiaoyue began to complain: "I heard that he directly chased girls and went to the other person's normal university, and now the normal university's campus network is fried." What vision do you say Ye Fan, put you don't like, the result to like this?"

The girl in the photo is too ordinary, and there is no bright spot in her appearance.

Compared with the exquisite and beautiful Mu Xin porcelain, it is really a difference of clouds and mud.

Mu Xin porcelain drooping eyelids, some melancholy said: "This girl should be exceptional, good personality, and kind."

After listening to Xiaoyue, began to love dearly for heart porcelain.

"In character, in goodness, who is better than you? Not to mention you have money and looks!" Xiaoyue said angrily.

Look, how long has his good friend been licking the dog of Ye Fan? This backward pursuit, Ye Fan is not rare.

Before Xiaoyue felt that Mu Xin porcelain personality is high and cold, not approachable at all, like the flowers of Gaoling, rejecting people thousands of miles away.

But after getting along for a long time, Xiaoyue found that Mu Xin porcelain is a delicate, kind and enthusiastic person.

She's a great girl! If she were a man, she'd love Moxin porcelain!

Beautiful face, light body, easy to push down ~! Such a girl, Ye Fan still don't want, this is not like!

Mu Xin China's face fried red, red lips mumbled: "And I have nothing to do with it?" Who he likes has nothing to do with me."

"It doesn't matter." Xiaoyue comfort Mu heart porcelain, "the next is better."

Ah, my good friend is very sad now.

Still trying to be brave.

It must be hard to say that.

Admires the heart of the porcelain heart really some unspeakable boredom.

She and Ye fan exchange body feeling, on the three chapters, he temporarily not with girls.

I didn't expect to have a girlfriend so soon.

Whew, men are big pig's feet.

Not to be trusted

I can't help myself!

Mu Xin porcelain angrily pursed her lips, playing the keyboard hand aggravated a little.

Leave him alone!

It hurts like hell!

Don't care if he lives or dies!!

At this moment Ye Fan and Yaoyao together, sitting in the cafe.

In addition to Yaoyao, there is Yaoyao's friend.

"Yaoyao, it's because you're afraid of your friend that you're running away." Ye Fan eyes firmly stared at Yaoyao, "Do you think you robbed her opportunity, and then let her lose the election, very sorry?"

Yaoyao was shocked.

She had no idea that Ye Fan had guessed her mind.

This is so accurate!

"Yaoyao, how can you think that?" Yaoyao's friend said angrily, "Such a good opportunity, you want to give up? Besides, I was going to give it a try and didn't expect to get signed!"

Yaoyao hung her head guiltily: "I'm afraid it will affect our feelings and make you unhappy."

"Why am I not happy, my good friend will be a big star in the future, which can be boasted for a lifetime!" Besides, you are hot, I can also work for you as an assistant, not why not!"

Yaoyao's friend has a careless personality and does not care much about what Yaoyao does.

This makes Yaoyao's eyes red, she felt the friendship is valuable.

"Yaoyao, don't you also want to act, you also recorded a radio play before, the mood is quite in place, and you are really beautiful after makeup." Come on, I believe you, will be able to break through a day!"

With the friend's refueling, Yaoyao also summoned the courage to come and clenched the small powder fist.

"And now you're going to sign." Ye Fan asked.

"I'll sign!" Yaoyao was already tempted, but with some scruples, she flinched.

Now that her friend doesn't mind, it's a shame that she gave up such a good opportunity.

It'll be too late if she regrets it later.

Ye Fan is very satisfied.

Fortunately, there is a system in place to avoid these twists and turns of girls, in one step.

Sure enough, the bell must be fixed.

Ye Fan handed the contract to Yaoyao, Yaoyao bowed his head and signed.

Looking at Juanxiu signature, Ye Fan nodded, sure.

"Good cooperation. Now I have a TV play for you called Glory. I will send it to you and you can watch it." Yevan paused. "I'm going to make you the No. 1 girl."

Hearing this, Yaoyao was shocked: "Female No. 1? No way! I can't take the lead. I thought it was just a walk-on at first."

"You are the main object of our company, I think this script is very suitable for you, you can also play." Don't deny yourself now. I'll get an acting teacher to guide you until you go back and read the script."

Ye fan patiently soothes Yaoyao's mood.

Yaoyao looked up and looked at Ye Fan's handsome and gentle appearance. She was fascinated.

She nodded shyly. "OK."

Yaoyao's friend is also very happy for Yaoyao, and the two people are happy.

Ye Fan also followed with ease.

No idea, a moment to feel the pressure of the fingers.

Knock, knock, knock

What Ye Fan had felt before was a gentle tapping, or the use of a mouse.

All soft and soft.

And now this brutality?

What happened to her, hitting the keyboard so ferociously?

Who pissed her off? It's like a belly fire.

Ye Fan felt his fingers were hot and sour.

This makes Ye fan a little sour to shake hands, or there is no way to let their hands not so sour.

Where is Mu Xin porcelain now?

You might as well tell her.

Ye Fan began to send heart porcelain wechat messages.

I didn't answer.

There's no shield. I didn't respond.

Ye Fan some doubts.

He began to call Mu Xin China's mobile phone again.

A sweet voice rang from the phone, "Hello, the number you dialed is off." www.b ǐ q nu get argument. ℃ ǒ m

Ye Fan was helpless.

Why didn't she answer her phone? She turned it off?

Now Ye Fan doesn't know where she is.

It's a good thing Ye Fan has a system.

"If I want to find someone, is there a way?"

System answer: The host can draw the prize, I will accurately refer to the host's wishes, to provide the prize.

Yevan's excited. That's great.

"Then I'll draw three times."

Ye Fan after the exchange, began to carry out the lottery, a total of two prizes.

Ding, congratulations to the host drew Patek Philippe commemorative limited edition watch.

Ding, congratulations to the host to draw the gps positioning system, you can lock people or items, accurate positioning.

"Great, all I want the most, the system I love you, too understand me!" Ye Fan was excited.

System: "Sorry, host, I don't love you, I love the beautiful girl system!"

Ye Fan: "..."

The system is also an lsp!

Ye Fan soon used the gps positioning system, and soon found the location of the Mu Xin porcelain.

In the computer room at school.

So after saying goodbye to Yaoyao and them, Ye Fan rushed back without stopping.

After arriving at the computer classroom, Ye Fan subconsciously looked inside the door, looking left and right to find the figure of the heart porcelain.

Turns out there's no mouxin porcelain.

Where is he?