
Exchange feeling: Every night the iceberg school flower kiss cry

[Super sweet dog food, system, single female master, Shen Hao, female chasing male] and ice Mountain school flower Mu Xin porcelain exchange taste, smell, touch, she took a bath, wear black silk, Ye Fan can feel. The school flower eats expensive salmon, sleeps in the presidential suite, and drives a super car, all of which are enjoyed by Ye Fan. So, a dark night, school flowers directly door wall dong Ye fan. "My big bed, you sleep." "Top food, you eat." "Huge pocket money, you spend!" The whole school was shocked to find that the school flower has always been high and cold

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No woman in the heart, draw the sword nature God

Inside the vip department.

Mufu asked anxiously, "Doctor, how is my daughter?"

After the doctor looked at the examination results, he said to Mufu: "After our police, Miss Mu is not serious, but her body is a little weak." Her taste disturbance may be related to too little rest, and she should rest well."

After hearing this, Mu Fu was relieved, and he told Mu Xin porcelain: "Daughter, you are too tired, just go back and have a good rest."

After checking the data, Mu Xin porcelain also felt that she was too tired recently and had hallucinations.

Now she's not doing anything.

Actually feel some muscle distension, the body is very weak, especially the legs are very tired and heavy.

I guess I really need to get back to work.

Mu Fu to Mu heart porcelain for the discharge procedures, going to let mu heart porcelain home to rest well.

After coming out of the hospital gate, Mu Xin porcelain feel heavy eyelids, it is too tired, a careless and passing figure hit hard.

"HMM." Ye Fan subconsciously covered his forehead.

He did not feel any pain after a full day of exercise, but now he did feel a slight swelling in his forehead.

[ Congratulations to the host, close collision with the target, reward a Kawasaki h2 motorcycle. Now parked in the hospital garage, with the old driver's super high driving ability and motorcycle certificate. ]

Kawasaki h2 motorcycle, but Ye Fan's dream love car!

Especially now also has a super high driving ability, without a certificate to get on the car, it is really cool!


Ye Fan heard a beautiful groan, and only then did he notice the beautiful girl surrounded by a group of black-clad bodyguards.

Her long black hair reached to her waist, her face was palm-sized, and her skin was white. Her whole face was too pretty, except that her eyebrows were slightly furrowed and her arms were covered with innocent pity.

Ye Fan is not too familiar with this face.

Since he entered the school, the topic of conversation around the boys has not left her.

She has such a beautiful face, such a good family, such a hot body.

But this is also the first time he and her to meet, looking at the beautiful girl in front of him, he also a little hot breath.

Ye Fan never expected to be bound to such a goddess.

It was thanks to her that I was able to eat the best food I could.

At this moment of the admiration of the heart porcelain, the forehead does not hurt!

When her forehead hit his arm.

But her arm felt like it had been hit by something hard, and it was tingling.

She looked up in amazement at another muffled, magnetic hum.

She saw a handsome boy standing in front of her, rubbing his forehead.

Boys tall and thin, with a large body, full of masculinity. Black fine hair, in the sun has a light halo, black eyes thin lips, ripples a beautiful arc, is a god Qingqi Lang guy.

"Are you all right?

Even his voice is very nice.

I'm about to get my heart's porcelain ears pregnant. www.b ǐ q nu get argument. ℃ ǒ m

"It's all right." Mu Xin porcelain pretended to cool back a sentence, "sorry, hit you."

I have some doubts.

He didn't hit his head. Why is he rubbing his forehead?

As a result, something happened that surprised Mu Xin porcelain.

Her fingers felt the smooth skin between her forehead.

In sync with his movements!

When Mu Xin porcelain was suspicious, Mu Fu already called her outside the hospital door: "Daughter, what's wrong?" Get in the car."

'Good! Mu Xin porcelain should be a sound, then toward Mufu walked past.

She and he passed, Ye fan still some reluctant to see her leave.

After all, it's the first time I've met a goddess.

And without saying anything, she just left.

But fortunately, the target of their binding is her, and the days are long.

Ha ha, it's more important to carry the car.


The parking lot.

Ye Fan, who handled the discharge formalities well, saw the fine workmanship and beautiful model design of Kawasaki h2 black motorcycle.

'At last! Ye Fan touched the motorcycle with satisfaction.

Just ride it without saying a word. Don't be too cool.

Especially when you wear a helmet.

Ye Fan just took the bike out.

Today is cloudy, blowing strong wind, especially riding a motorcycle will definitely feel the cold wind.

But Ye Fan didn't feel it.

Instead of being cold and uncomfortable, he felt the comfort of leaning his back against the luxury car cushion, and the heat blowing, warm as spring.

Don't even think about it. It's gonna be in a luxury car.

Just Ye Fan saw Mu Xin porcelain on a Rolls-Royce phantom car.

Now he enjoys the comfort of a luxury car with little effort.

What a ride!

Ye fan enjoy, love heart porcelain is suffering.

"Ah-choo! The heart of China sneezed.

She was trembling now, her nose was red, and she felt the chill of the wind.

'It's cold! She looked around at her arms.

After seeing this, Mufu became nervous and quickly scolded the driver: "Quickly turn up the temperature!"

However, it is useless, even if the temperature is large and high, Mu Xin porcelain still feels cold.

Her eyes were red with cold, shining with tears, delicate and pitiful.

It's strange that when you're sitting in a warm and comfortable car, you still feel the cold wind.

When you're resting, it's like you're riding a motorcycle.

Why is her body so strange after falling into the water this time?

I don't think she's haunted!


Ye Fan has returned to the college by motorcycle, and then to the 502 dormitory.

The stairs were very tiring, especially the fifth floor.

But now my back's not aching, my legs aren't aching.

I feel so free.

After opening the bedroom door, I saw three roommates playing lol.

"Come back? Turn on the black!" Roommate Xiao Five asked happily.

The fat tiger, who was hitting the crackling sound of the keyboard, murmured strangely: "Why come back so late today, where did you go without class in the afternoon?" You are missing a big show, today the school flower fell into the water!"

"Yes, I was rescued and sent to the hospital, it seems nothing serious." If I were at the scene, I would be distressed to death, how did I fall into the water, I heard that the rescue was a man from our department, I really thank him, otherwise I would not see our goddess!" Rango said excitedly.

"Just so, I'm going to save the school flower." Ye Fan answered carelessly.

"Oh, that's all right." A few heads.

But after thinking about it, it's like oh, my God.

"Thief! Are you the one who saved the school flower?"

"Oh, my God, the hero is in our dorm? "

"Seeing the goddess in trouble, it was you who drew your sword to help?"