
Exchange feeling: Every night the iceberg school flower kiss cry

[Super sweet dog food, system, single female master, Shen Hao, female chasing male] and ice Mountain school flower Mu Xin porcelain exchange taste, smell, touch, she took a bath, wear black silk, Ye Fan can feel. The school flower eats expensive salmon, sleeps in the presidential suite, and drives a super car, all of which are enjoyed by Ye Fan. So, a dark night, school flowers directly door wall dong Ye fan. "My big bed, you sleep." "Top food, you eat." "Huge pocket money, you spend!" The whole school was shocked to find that the school flower has always been high and cold

Cz_Cz · Urban
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96 Chs

I made the school girl cry

Ye Fan nodded: "Yes."

He caught a glimpse of his table piled high with finished instant noodles buckets and takeout boxes, and was furious: "Brother, please throw them into the trash can when you're done!"

"And, little Five, what happened to those stinky socks on my bed! Did you throw it on, do you want to study biological weapons? You have worn it for several days and still don't give me to wash it!"

If it was normal, Ye Fan would have been smelly.

But now he's swapped tastes with the school flower. He can't smell it.

It won't be a problem for him anymore.

He also smelled the fragrance of the flowers and the girl's house.

Aw, finally getting out of this filthy, stinking dog house and smelling something normal.

It smells so good! It is estimated that Mu Xin porcelain has now lived in the mansion ~

But Ye Fan still have to let these dogs clean up.

Men's sleep is difficult to worry about the health of the bedroom, but he is still a bedroom long, great responsibility!

Several roommates do not play the game now, all hang up, and ask around Ye Fan.

"What's going on? How on earth did you save the schoolgirl?"

"The body of the school flower is soft, do you have artificial respiration, kiss her!"

Ye Fan raised eyebrows: "Beauty is like a Wolf, disintegrating people's will, breaking the hearts of bad people, please don't be so dirty, ok?"

"Then you talk about love specifically!"

"Yes, they're all brothers, so why keep secrets?"

In the face of his brothers' urging, Ye Fan said seriously: "The table is too dirty, the socks are too smelly, the hygiene of the dormitory is too dirty, the garbage has not been emptied, and the homework has not been written..."

Ray: "I do my homework!"

Fat tiger: "I clean!"

Five: "I wash socks!"

Three roommates, desperate to eat melons.

Usually like a lazy, can sit absolutely do not stand, can lie absolutely do not sit, now one is more diligent than one.

As the head of the dormitory, Ye Fan can finally have a holiday.

"It was so easy!" Ye Fan made a lazy stretch.

Of course, after a group of people do good things naturally pester Ye Fan to continue gossiping.

Ye Fan put the context all said again, of course, the secret of the system.

Everyone is staring at each other.

I didn't expect something so amazing to happen.

"You are now the saviour of the school flower! That's amazing!"

"That's three hundred thousand! Why do you still work when the living expenses are fully enough!"

"This is pie in the sky! Why wasn't I there, or something good would have happened to me!"

Look at everyone pity appearance, Ye fan triumphant.

Hey, you don't know that I have a very powerful system.

I have, you don't!

Just then, he suddenly felt the elasticity.

Is that --

Ye Fan's face went hot with a thud.

His breathing is getting out of whack.


In the bathroom.

In the midst of the fog, there was a graceful and sexy figure.

She is the heart of China.

Just got home, I felt that my legs were sore, and I also felt that there was an unbearable taste in the room.

It smells like stinky feet, mixed with the disgusting smell of instant noodles.

It's like stale water.

I'm totally gonna stink her out.

What a terrible smell!

But the room clearly points the aromatherapy, but also planted a lot of flowers, the smell should be good.

Mu Xin porcelain sprayed a lot of perfume, the result can not smell the fragrance, or feel the taste between the nose is unbearable.

There was no way. The porcelain had to escape to the bathroom.

"I'm just so tired, I'm hallucinating. A good bath and rest will fix it." Mu heart porcelain comfort themselves.

After all, she's just been in the water, and it's not unusual for her to experience a disturbance of taste, smell, and touch.

So Mu Xin porcelain pulled down the zipper of the skirt.

She showed rich skin, soft skin like flowers delicate and beautiful and rich.

Pale, slender legs protrude from under a slip dress and tap the floor.

She unbuttoned her underwear with a handy cart.

However, I can't feel the power and softness of my 36d.

She sighed.

When is she gonna feel normal?

She looked at her sultry figure in the mirror and then got into the bathtub.

At the same time, Ye Fan enjoys the comfortable hand feel of the palm.

She brushed every inch of her skin and he felt it.

So slippery!

Although not personally saw, but can not stop Ye Fan's imagination is very rich.

The comfort of being immersed in hot water all over the body, the feeling of water brushing against the skin, the touch of fingers, reminded Ye Fan that she was taking a bath!

"Rogue system! Ye Fan let out a low spit.

It is I can't believe you can even feel it.

It wasn't there, but he was there.

I have to say that the school flower body is very good!

The skin is so slippery!

Let Ye Fan have some dry mouth.

The system replied innocently: "What bad intentions can the system have, it just wants to benefit the host."

Ye Fan: "..."

You know what? If you can feel it, it's worse if you can't eat it!

Ye Fan was simply hot and restless.

Small five saw Ye Fan walking around the house, scratching his head, and asked strangely: "What's wrong with you?" Ye Fan!"

"Yeah, it's a little hot." Ye Fan fanned with his hand.

Now he is in the bath, can also feel the fingers of the heart of China, can not be hot!

As a result, Xiao Five muttered: "It's only ten degrees now, which is so hot."

As everyone knows, Ye Fan actually has a super nice invisible welfare.

But the good news is that this ordeal is over after a while.

Ye Fan also gasped out a breath.

After that, all he enjoyed was the smooth touch of fine clothes, and wearing them was particularly comfortable.

More comfortable than the ten yuan a T-shirt bought by Ye Fan, the material is not the same.

Ye Fan is lying on the bed.

What I felt was not the hard, low-quality wooden bed of the dormitory.

It's the soft feel of the mattress.

It's so comfortable.

Ye fan pleasant full of very.

It is estimated that the bed worn by Mu Xin porcelain is tens of thousands of yuan.

Not only does it not crunch and make a sound, but you can feel the elasticity of Simmons's big bed.

However, Mu Xin porcelain is not so comfortable.

Obviously sleeping is a mattress worth hundreds of thousands of dollars, but it does not feel soft.

On the contrary, I feel hard and my back hurts.

She's tossing and turning and she can't sleep well.

Obviously very sleepy, has closed his eyes to sleep.

But her consciousness is very clear.

She even felt a different touch on her palms.

Qiu solid strong, feel strong.

It's like she's touching strong, defined abs.

One, two, three...

Wait, no!

She felt like she was moving down again.


"Oh, what is this?

Mu Xin porcelain's face was crimson to the extreme and he shook his head violently.

Is she dreaming now?!