
Exchange feeling: Every night the iceberg school flower kiss cry

[Super sweet dog food, system, single female master, Shen Hao, female chasing male] and ice Mountain school flower Mu Xin porcelain exchange taste, smell, touch, she took a bath, wear black silk, Ye Fan can feel. The school flower eats expensive salmon, sleeps in the presidential suite, and drives a super car, all of which are enjoyed by Ye Fan. So, a dark night, school flowers directly door wall dong Ye fan. "My big bed, you sleep." "Top food, you eat." "Huge pocket money, you spend!" The whole school was shocked to find that the school flower has always been high and cold

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96 Chs

Hot springs are good when you have a girl with you

Ye Fanis eyes can not blink, very nervous.

He thinks the steam's too much, preventing him from seeing beautiful women.

He is like the husband of the wedding night, the first time to eat forbidden fruit as monkey anxious and nervous, especially to see the "wife" good intentions of the dress, but also relaxed and happy.

When Ye Fan is full of expectations, the graceful graceful graceful porcelain finally enters his eyes.

Her thick, shaggy long hair was up, her fair skin was hot or something, red and delicious, and she wore a halter striped one-piece swimsuit.

Although it is not a bikini, there is no snow-white belly exposed, but it can be seen that the soft and convex body posture, especially the slender and long legs exposed, is simply better than wearing black silk.

The toe is a touch of scarlet nail, stepping on the floor, da da da, but like stepping on Ye Fan's heart.

Each other under that a beautiful face, is pure desire ceiling.

Green, full, like a newly ripe peach, let people want to bite.

Her skin, too, had a rosy pink hue.

Seeing Ye Fan, her ears slightly closed, obviously a little shy.

She automatically grabbed a towel to cover it.

It is This is the first time she has worn so few clothes in front of boys.

This is the most fabric swimsuit in her stash.

But on Ye Fan burning eyes, she really feel good shame.

What do you do? She regrets it and wants to run

However, Ye fan still dont know Mu heart porcelain timid and shy idea, he is some not satisfied.

He hasn't seen enough yet.

But she won't, so he can't force it.

As a gentleman, you still have to respect girls. It takes a long time.

"Come down." Ye Fan said to Mu Xin porcelain.

Her face was a little bit delicate, and she first gently tested the water temperature with the back of her foot, as if she were afraid of burning.

Looking at her twisting hands and feet, Ye Fan laughed out loud: "Can you feel it, we are exchanging body feelings."

Being teased about the heart of the porcelain, her little face red: "I am afraid of water, careful not a little!"

After all, growing up, she had a shadow over everyone.

Ye Fan think is also, he can not go too far, who are afraid of things, especially the heart of China is a girl.

When Mu Xin porcelain carefully wanted to come down, a pair of strong and powerful hands caught her arms and gently lifted her, and Mu Xin porcelain was already brought up.

There was a weight on her palms, but her breathing became confused as she looked at the shirtless, attractive man in front of her.

[ Ding -- Three hundred points for intimacy detected. ]

Ye Fan is to help Mu Xin porcelain.

But as soon as he touched her skin, he regretted it.

It's too soft and slippery, especially since her skin is so white and shiny.

The visual impact, coupled with the touch conveyed through her feelings, stirred Ye Fan steaming.

"Thank you."

Ye Fan heard her shy voice.

Her hair was silky and soft against her cheek, her eyes were full of shame, and she was perfectly ripe for picking and kissing.

In Ye Fan subconscious to close, can not help but kiss her red lips --

"Miss, Master Ye, wine and food are here."

Ye Fan found that the maid came.

She carried a plate full of wine, glasses and fine food.

After all, it's a special plate, so you can float on the water.

Although soaking warm, can drink some wine and eat something very good, but was interrupted, Ye Fan is still some unhappy.

But he was a little sober, and if he did kiss, he might scare the other person away from seeing him.

It'll take him a while.

"How can she run so fast?" Mu Xin porcelain wondering looked at their maid and ran away.

After listening to Ye Fan, smile is very happy.

This silly silly, is really don't understand, or false don't understand.

"What are you laughing at?" Mu Xin porcelain looked at Ye Fan strangely.

She really didn't understand why Ye Fan was laughing.

Ye Fan approached and looked at her with interest: "Beautiful days, long nights, why do you say she runs so fast?" Not afraid of disturbing us both."

Ye Fan deliberately interest the head, with a finger to shield the heart of China's beautiful cheek broken hair.

He could feel the restless quiver in her cheek, a small one, but it made her vulnerable and sensitive, sweeter and more delicate.

His face burned completely.

Ye Fan words are particularly instructive, immediately let mu heart porcelain thoughts toward the strange place to sail.

'Don't drive! Stop!" She dodged, a little flustered.

Pink face born in spring, it is estimated that because of shyness, more watery red.

A pair of deer as clear eyes, nowhere to place, see Ye fan is not, see Ye fan is not.

You know Ye Fan is shirtless now!

"Can't you just put some clothes on?" The porcelain ears are red.

"You have seen men dressing in hot springs, well, you have been peeping at my body for a long time, afraid of my temptation to bleed the nose." Ye Fan carried away, "How about I become beautiful?"

Ye fan installed big Wolf to pounce up.

Muxin porcelain fried red face, small hand against Ye Fan's chest: "Don't!"

Ye Fan's line of sight subconsciously fixed in the heart of the hands of porcelain.

The touch of her hand, he could feel it clearly.

That's exciting.

Ye Fan's breath was heavy, and he smiled meaningfully: "Are you driving like this?"

Mu Xin porcelain was frightened, the skin showed obvious cherry red, because shy, the voice was obviously raised, like shrimp excited very: "No!"

She flustered away her little hands.

Some secretly regret how they touched him ~

Whoo! Now he's laughing!

Looking at the soft and delicious porcelain in front of him like a small white rabbit, Ye Fan desperately suppressed the throb: "Ha ha ha, you are too cute."

Being kua Mu Xin porcelain, show eyes open, innocent and silly blinking, mouth mutters: "I was lovely."

And can't help laughing, very happy.

[ Ding -- Detect the Yuanyang bath with the school flower, get 500 points. ]

Ye Fan shut down the panel of the system.

Now he felt relaxed and comfortable. www.b ǐ q nu get argument. ℃ ǒ m

After all, soaking in hot springs, bathing the skin, being fumed by the hot air, is very comfortable.

"Eat." Mu Xin porcelain is ready to move, eyes with longing, like a cat lazy and lovely to come over, "jelly is delicious."

Ye Fan laughed.

Who can not understand the meaning of her words.

She's the one who craves jell-O.

Spoil her.

Who made her cute.

Ye Fan picked up the jelly, Mu heart porcelain with a lovely excited face, eyes bright.

See Ye Fan heart surge, completely by the heart of the porcelain to electricity.