
Exchange feeling: Every night the iceberg school flower kiss cry

[Super sweet dog food, system, single female master, Shen Hao, female chasing male] and ice Mountain school flower Mu Xin porcelain exchange taste, smell, touch, she took a bath, wear black silk, Ye Fan can feel. The school flower eats expensive salmon, sleeps in the presidential suite, and drives a super car, all of which are enjoyed by Ye Fan. So, a dark night, school flowers directly door wall dong Ye fan. "My big bed, you sleep." "Top food, you eat." "Huge pocket money, you spend!" The whole school was shocked to find that the school flower has always been high and cold

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High cold people set is false, pet husband is true?

What makes them even more inconceivable is that the porcelain is completely hard-working.

It's like a dog licking template! Licking dogs can't think of, admire the heart porcelain has done.

She was even afraid of Ye fan back against the uncomfortable, gave him a cushion.

They wouldn't have believed it if they hadn't seen it with their own eyes!

After Ye fan hang good salt water, Mu heart porcelain and carefully supported Ye Fan out.

I mean, what kind of girlfriend could do that?

I mean, the whole school just blew up?

They admire the heart of the porcelain support Ye fan left the back look through the autumn water.

One by one, the pain is unbearable.

"Now Ye Fan is not with the school flower, if they are together, the school flower does not know how much spoil him!"

"Finally know why the school flower is cold, because she is not warm you!"

"So many suitors, the school flowers do not want, the result is to be Ye Fan's licking dog, we are worse in Ye Fan?" "

Ye Fan on the heart of China after the sports car.

Mu Xin porcelain personally drive, send him back.

"I asked the teacher in the infirmary and took notes. You have to eat light food these days. You can't eat anything stimulating." Mu Xin porcelain said seriously.

"What about you?" Ye Fan sidelong glance at the heart of porcelain.

After all, two people's sense of body is exchanged together.

He can't eat delicious and drink spicy, and it's the same with China.

"I can only eat the same as you!" A few words were coldly thrown out between the teeth of a porcelain admiring heart, some grievances, "What can I do?"

Ye Fan heard her complaint, laughing out loud: "You eat hot pot, I can feel it, but it does not affect my body."

Mu Xin porcelain staring at, a pair of clear eyes like water with innocent: "No! As punishment for not caring for your body."

Ye Fan chuckled. "It's not that I want to be allergic."

Mu Xin porcelain looked up and down Ye Fan, solemnly said: "It is. You are allergic to the fabric, your clothes are too airtight, the fabric is too bad, quickly lost."

"What shall I wear?" Ye Fan looked down at his clothes.

It's not as bad as Mu Xin porcelain said. It's the clothes he bought with his roommates at the night market last year.

He hasn't worn it for a long time, and I didn't think he would be allergic, so it seems to have been on hold for a long time, and his skin is intolerant.

"Come on, I'll take you shopping for clothes." The voice of Mu Xin porcelain is as wonderful as a trickle of water, with a bit of charming.

Ye Fan soon found the sports car parked in the department store.

Here is the city's top shopping mall building, consumption is very high, all are selling brand names.

Ye Fan and several roommates came, but found they could not afford anything.

Four figures for any shirt, totally driving out the Student party.

Compared with the ashes before coming out, Ye Fan straightened his back and walked in.

Mu heart porcelain with Ye fan into Gucci store.

The customers in the store looked at the golden couple in surprise.

The men are handsome and the women are charming.

Even the couples in the store, they couldn't take their eyes off it.

However, Mu Xin porcelain to the eyes of others regardless, generous said: "If you like to buy, I pay."

Gucci is outrageously expensive for just one dress.

What man wouldn't want to wear it if he could.

Ye Fan is no exception.

Ye Fan usually does not like shopping, no concept of clothes, wear comfortable on the line.

"This one." Ye Fan casually took down a black T-shirt.

Results Mu Xin porcelain blinked beautiful eyes, unsatisfied said: "You are still a handsome boy, how to taste so bad."

Be such a big beauty is a handsome boy, Ye fan natural delight.

But in the face of her behind that sentence, Ye Fan is completely disagree.

Originally boys wear clean and tidy is also very good, how and bad taste is related.

The next sentence surprised Ye Fan even more.

Mu Xin porcelain exposed the fragrant shoulder, proudly turned to the buyer and said: "In addition to this black, every other model according to his size, to a set."

Ye Fan: "??"

There are at least dozens of styles here.

And they all got one?

The shopping guide was ecstatic.

It's a super customer!

You know there are not many men's clothes here, most of them are boys buying clothes for their girlfriends.

The result is a big list!!!

Mu Xin porcelain language out of surprise, but also let the store's male customers dumbfounded.

Originally looked at Ye Fan with a heart of porcelain came in, feel Ye fan must be very rich.

I don't think I could have found such a beautiful girlfriend.

Turns out they were wrong.

It's this girl who's really rich! She's a rich woman!

Not only a rich woman, but also very doting boyfriend!

Gucci's price is not cheap, the results all over again, even if the real white rich beauty have to hesitate, the result of the heart of the porcelain can buy freely, this price is absolutely expensive!

On the contrary, the girlfriend around them is not considerate at all, and all kinds of trouble: "It is not expensive, how do you not buy this, too stingy!"

All these guys are so pissed off they want to dump their girlfriends.

You see, people have to be prettier than you, and sweet and gentle!

The most important thing is how to love the boyfriend!!

If your girlfriend, can have half of the love of heart porcelain, really thank God.

Mu heart porcelain left the address, let people pack the door, when you pay by card, shopping guide reminder

"The gentleman has already paid."

Although the shopping assistant made money, he sighed.

Originally she thought Ye Fan is soft rice, turns out to be a local rich!

It's a combination of power and power, and that's how rich people digest it.

Looking at Ye fan tall and handsome appearance, the shopping guide are some crazy.

How could she not meet such a rich and handsome man? What a pity.

Mu heart porcelain stunned for a moment, stunned to look at the guide pointing to Ye Fan.

Ye Fan saw Mu Xin porcelain killed over, she is like a little wild cat fried hair, the voice milk fierce milk fierce: "How do you pay?" Where did you get the money?"

In the face of the love of China Xingshi, Ye Fan straightened the collar of his newly changed shirt: "I am much richer than you think."

Although he is bound to the soft food system, but such a large sum of money to let the girl to come, he is still a little sorry.

Mu Xin porcelain angrily: "I buy it for you! You won't let me buy it, do you despise my strength? Let's move on."

"??" There are also operations like this.

Ye Fan are shocked, but has been mu heart porcelain pulled out.

Originally in the dark to observe the male customers, after listening to the envy is crazy.

Look at his girlfriend!

The boyfriend secretly paid the bill, and even made the girlfriend angry!

Is this a human thing? If you let your girlfriend pay, will be the other side ridicule stingy, wonderful, the result to Ye Fan here is actually upside down!

Ye fan was mu heart porcelain brought to aj shop to buy shoes.

"The best and most expensive here, arrange for him!" Mu heart porcelain arrogantly said to the shopping guide.