
Exchange feeling: Every night the iceberg school flower kiss cry

[Super sweet dog food, system, single female master, Shen Hao, female chasing male] and ice Mountain school flower Mu Xin porcelain exchange taste, smell, touch, she took a bath, wear black silk, Ye Fan can feel. The school flower eats expensive salmon, sleeps in the presidential suite, and drives a super car, all of which are enjoyed by Ye Fan. So, a dark night, school flowers directly door wall dong Ye fan. "My big bed, you sleep." "Top food, you eat." "Huge pocket money, you spend!" The whole school was shocked to find that the school flower has always been high and cold

Cz_Cz · Urban
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96 Chs

Baby looks good at night without makeup

Ye Fan enjoyed her coquettish, bowed his head and kissed her forehead: "This has just begun, the best?" You have to have a sense of experience for a while before you make a speech, ok?"

Mu Xin porcelain smiled happily: "Good."

"I was not mature before, may make you not apologize, I apologize to you." I am also the first time to be a boyfriend, the first time to like you, may not be perfect, but the rest of my life please advise." Ye Fan sincerely to Mu Xin porcelain said.

He and Mu Xin porcelain conceal love, only temporary.

In the near future, he will hold hands with Mu Xin porcelain, stand in the sun, and accept the blessings of everyone.

Mu Xin porcelain leaned up to her face and kissed Ye Fan's thin lips: "Well, I am also the first time to learn to be a boyfriend, I try to keep..." Don't bully you!"

"Well, you say bully me, look who bullies who!"

Ye Fan raised his arm and patted the small buttocks of admiring China.

Although Ye Fan experience is the feel of the heart of the porcelain, but still can vaguely feel her shyness and softness.

'You've gone too far! Mu Xin porcelain's face turned red, "How can you do this!"

"What, I will bully you! I defend the sovereignty of being a boyfriend, you said to compensate me, won't you forget?" Ye Fan snorted.

Mu Xin porcelain's little face flushed, whispered back: "That is not such compensation."

"My baby is so shy." Ye Fan approaching, pressing in front of Mu Xin porcelain, gently knead a Mu Xin porcelain delicate face.

"Ok, I'm sleepy, you go to bed ~!" The porcelain mouxin bit her crimson lower lip shamefully.

She is afraid that Ye fan really make what extraordinary action, she has poor self-control.

It would be bad if a storm broke out of control.

When her father comes back, look, without two people to volunteer, just look at her tall belly.

That would be even more difficult!

"Okay, I'm going to bed. Good night." Ye Fan does not continue to flirt with heart porcelain.

What home run? It was so fast.

Although he covets his girlfriend's body, he does not fall in love for sexual reasons.

Besides, he can't go rogue now that he's switched senses.

He was just teasing his girlfriend, and he liked to see her shy in front of him.

It's really cute.

"Ok, go to bed early." Mu Xin porcelain face red said.

When Ye Fan got up, he grabbed his wrist, pressed it over her head, and then kissed the delicate red lips.

Kiss two people hot.

Admiring the heart of the porcelain eyes are hot forced red, the voice is also a little dumb: "HMM, kiss enough? I can't go to class tomorrow when my lips are swollen."

"Good night kisses are necessary, good morning kisses are necessary, and when people ask you why your mouth is swollen, you say your boyfriend kissed you." Ye Fan looked at the beautiful and delicious face in front of him, rubbed her small waist, and involuntarily chuckled.

Mu heart porcelain more shy, hand push Ye fan: "Don't play rogue, good to go back."

Ye Fan reluctantly let go of the love of the heart porcelain, before leaving between her ear, low and dumb said: "looking forward to tomorrow's good morning kiss, take the initiative, good."

Said Ye fan close, kiss a heart of porcelain clear full ears.

Just a few seconds, the milk white ears have been flushed, hot.

Ye Fan pharyngeal saliva, hard to pressure the heart of the desire to break out, let go of the heart porcelain.

"Ding, intimacy detected, congratulations to the host for 300 points."

After closing the system panel, Ye Fan and Mu Xin porcelain waved goodbye and easily returned to their rooms.

Think of his wish to let Mu Xin porcelain become his girlfriend, then the mood is euphoric.


Don't let your girlfriend stay up late.

Ye Fan put on the quilt and soon fell asleep.

The next morning, Ye Fan woke up, he also felt a soft and comfortable feeling lying in bed.

He chuckled.

Apparently, some lazy little slacker is still up.

Ye Fan crept up and went to wash.

After finishing his washing, he knocked on the door of the porcelain house: "Little lazy worm, it's going to be late, get up ~"

There's no movement in there.

Ye Fan did not feel her rise.

Dude, you're gonna be late. You're still asleep.

Yevan simply pushed the door open.

He saw the body curled up in a ball.

The heart porcelain is lying on one's side.

Her small hands look soft and tender, close and pull in the pillow, the quilt is wrapped in her exquisite and slender body, the curve is beautiful and sexy, the feet outside the quilt are exposed, pink and white, very small.

Leaf fan feel themselves in the hand, must be soft, hands can hold.

In hearing the movement of his approach, she said a sound of sleep, obviously still some getting up: "Woo woo woo, so sleepy ~"

The little trill began, and the last note trembled.

Ye Fan's whole body is crispy.

He moved forward and sat next to the porcelain, witnessing her lovely and silly side.

Her long beautiful eyelashes, like two rows of dense feathered fans, are a little princess carved in pink and jade. Thick black long hair patch beautiful shoulders, porcelain jade as appropriate, soft beauty.

What his eyes see, but also feel hot eyes.

Where there is a ditch, there is a fire.

Must occupy the front row!

Even Ye Fan!

Mu Xin porcelain is 36d, and now she is wearing a thin silk pajamas with suspenders. www.b ǐ q nu get argument. ℃ ǒ m

No matter how much tolerance, it's hard to calm the fire.

Ye Fan looked away immediately.

Beauty is like a Wolf. It breaks the will. Don't even think about touching it!

"You can feel me get up, still sleep ah, make up sleep in class, now can not afford to be really late ~" Ye Fan reached out and gently push Mu heart porcelain shoulder.

Mu Xin porcelain was still sleepy, heard Ye Fan said, and laughed out loud: "I am a good student ~ you put up bad ideas, the teacher has to be dissatisfied with your heart."

"Then good students can't be late and leave early, can they?" Ye Fan reached out and caressed her long thick black hair.

She felt a lazy stretch, a faint yawn, and then sleepily opened her eyes.

When she found that Ye Fan looked at her directly, she only realized later.

The little blush is so swollen, it makes her look even more beautiful.

Her little PAWS immediately grabbed the quilt and pulled it up to the bridge of her nose.

"Whoo, you go out ~ I just woke up now, so ugly."

As a girlfriend, in front of her boyfriend, she will definitely pay attention to her image.

Especially the special love of beauty of the heart porcelain, no exception.

No one has ever seen her wake up ugly.

Ye Fan was the first!

Ye Fan looked at the move of Mu Xin porcelain, it was interesting: "Cover what cover, so good-looking, but also ugly ah?"

ps: For a five-star, recently in order to write diligent, virtual, so give a small reward bar > 3 <

Old rule, a big god certification plus more!