
454 Golden Emperor_1

Time was ticking away, and the situation on the continent was quietly changing.

Once unstoppable, the Western Empire now teetered on the brink of collapse. After losing Mel City and Mud Quagmire Fort, the arrogant and foolish imperial nobles finally understood the predicament they were about to face.

Under these circumstances, the foundations of the mighty empire had a vastly different outlook on the disasters occurring at the empire's two borderlines.

Facing the Soaring Dragon Legion and Vide people who had crossed Mel City and were launching attacks on other Western Empire towns, the incompetent nobles only felt fear.

Whatever they said at this time would be false; those were monsters that could tear them apart and swallow them whole.

If their territories were conquered by the Eastern Empire, they would merely switch allegiance without significantly changing their present life.

But if the enemies were those monsters, the situation might be completely different.