
1. Background

"In the year of 2022 corona-z spread like wildfire through entire population. The entire population was reduced by around 200 million but the people that survived came out better.

We unlocked the first barrier limiting our potential as whole. Though we didn't understand what changed, information was still exchanged at breakneck speed in dark space and from anonymous comments of YouTube videos and web novels.

Scientists theorized that may be we have started getting conscious of our soul and we have just gained rudimentary control or the power stored in soul. Many believed that this was the limiting factor hindering us from truly achieving anything historical as we were not working with fully grasped body and soul. It was termed that thing evolved was fabled unlocking of pituary gland or the heaven eye. And all the people improving their strength were termed as the combat warriors.

The initial 18 years after evolution for humanity as a whole was known as Juvenile era as we stabilized our gains and started exploring unknown.

Researchers hypothesised that the P- gland was the connecting nod between physical body and soul. Development of P- gland made minor improvements in our physical conditions but our mental power seemed to have qualitative changes. Most of the population received photographic memory and increase in storage capacity in terms of information. Our senses were enhanced and it was believed that if we can achieve complete evolution we might be similar to Gods, magicians immortals, devas, etc. Complete or even partial evolution might be able to make us conscious of the fundamental laws of the nature so that we can bend or control them to our will.

The increase in intelligence of whole population was most taxing for economy as well as day to day operations.The sudden increase made situation chaotic and unstable. The stock market took a total of 8 years to stabilize, of which the all the global exchanges were closed for cumulative of 3 years.

Revolutions were raged everywhere by minorities around the global for difference in treatment. Most intense were by women for equal and fair treatment.

It took every ounce of strength and patience that government leaders could find to not escalate the conflict in to a world war or trigger a mass scale suicide bombing. Dictators and colonial small countries under military regime saw the most chaotic times. As every country was capable of developing weapons of mass destruction, minerals were monitored strictly by global leaders. A more powerful organization was required to stabilize and guide the masses in positive direction. During this period we found that processing of information still varied from person to person. So we gained a direction to which we needed to unlock or reach the next limiter we could find.

Human federation was established as the monitoring body of the whole population. Voting rights were given to countries according to their might. Laws were established and a strict military of mixed countries was established. It was given governing authority of the whole planet so that the most fundamental rights are given to everyone.

During this period it was also found that doing meditation was helpful in improving processing speed/ comprehension and physical capabilities. Mudras made in yoga was found to be having better result in achieving meditation. Special breathing method of Ming dynasty was also particularly helpful. Classics were dug up during this period, of every religion and civilization existed to better the technique of improving the P- gland. No special air was discovered but it was believed that dark matter was what helped soul improve. Most amount of research was done in this particular direction as everyone was hoping to increase their power and lifespan.

After the initial turmoil, the news was all about space race among countries and discovering minerals suitable for construction of spaceship for deep space dive. Colonial era was more chaotic among the rich classes. New elements and minerals were found to be useful were mined and this was starting of colonial era.

After 50 years we colonized most of the planets in solar system but we realised that reproduction was not possible as we further go away from Earth. Scientist termed that having lack of origin energy in dark matter. So environmental laws were implemented on heavy scale and most industries were told to shift their operation on further planet pockets.

After breaking the space barrier of our solar system we found primitive alien races. An intense debate was carried out to make the aboriginals our slaves.

The potential limit breaking and colonization made us arrogant. Just as we were debating about the said race another race made contact. This was much fiercer race and the war started after minor skirmishes. The combat warriors of every countries were involved and we were beaten back to our homes. It took everything of human federation to just resist them. Weapons of mass destruction were useless due to technology differences. Missile technology was useless due to highly advanced high frequency monitoring radars and space warp technology present in enemies hands. Their space warp technology was more advanced and only suicide bombers helped.

During this period some unstable elements were quickly eliminated from human federation to make a united front. After much difficulties the war was stabilized as we found some allies who like us were fighting the same war. After information exchange we came to know that aggressive race is known as Prad. Now who among you would tell me the no. and names of our allies?." Mr. Vardas asked the class

Excitement was written all over everyone faces as this was their true beginning of combat warrior journey. The path of immense glory and wonders containing whole world. The path to reach the stars. This was their first lecture regarding anything remotely related to combat warriors. But there was something more important today.

Mr. Vardas " I know all of you are really excited about getting your evolutionary serum this afternoon but can we focus on this."

This is my first novel. Would appreciate any suggestions. Also like to ask you if it feels that chapters are shorter then please mention that.

Roshan_Radadiyacreators' thoughts