

A young evil girl once a divine one takes on a journey to fulfill her vengeance and completely wipe out the demon race inorder to protect her mother . Releasing that she is a heir to two gods,her moral becomes extra ordinary.

Irene_Kyokuhaire · Fantasie
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12 Chs

chapter 2:yun hang mountain pass

Captain Don who was the grand knight elder showed a stunned expression finally asking grandfather "since when is Mrs yue yue a samsara sword wielder",grand elder responded sternly"I also don't know".

Every one's gaze was fixed on the sword that was coming tof the ring,the huge sword was a reflection of the samsara sword.

Terrified,the moon demon tried to escape but he was caught by some kind of chains .he tried to get them off but the chains could not even show a sign that they would burge . startled,the moon demon decided to use her mind to control her skills but all that was a wastage of energy.

The dark purple sword soon came out under Mrs yue yue guidance she locked into the struggling moon demon.the Moon demon immediately started to stammer as he called out for help from low level demons ,which were already afraid to attack

Mrs yue yue simply remarked,"stop struggling to escape and just wait for death because no one can save you today from my wrath,get ready for your punishment for your crimes against humanity."

Mrs yue yue quickly locked the death sword onto the moon demon but as she was about to release it the moon demon had disappeared in the blink on an eye.

The skill(last chance)helped high level demons to escape any sort of danger .

Grand elder rushed into the air,sealing the entire skill,by God's luck he managed to intercept the escaping demon.mrs Yue yue hurriedly guided the sword to the distracted demon .

In less than a sec ,the moon demon was chopped into two,"terrified and scared",low level demons started to flee from yun hang mountain pass streets.