

It hasn't been heard of in centuries He never expected to have another mate Having always wished for a mate, Gianna Walt finally gets what she has been wishing for but she didn't expect him to be Alpha Vladimir of Crest fall pack. Alpha Vladimir of Crest fall pack didn't expect to have a second mate after the tragic death of his first mate and unborn child. So when he begrudgingly goes to the Moon child pack for the soon-to-be Alpha's wedding and meets his second chance mate, he is determined to have her as the Luna of his pack and nothing more. With the mystery surrounding the death of his first mate and a mistake of a drunken night, would his plan of keeping her at arm's length succeed or would she fight to mean something more to him?

Hannie305 · Fantasie
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27 Chs


I really needed to find something to do. I had to stop roaming about the house doing nothing. I guess I'll have to talk to Vladimir about it, when I manage to see him that is. I can't keep being idle. I could help training some of the children in the pack. I mean I was good at combat and would be a great help to the pack.

I was walking to the kitchen to get something to eat for lunch, I was really hungry. I wonder how not doing anything all day still made you hungry.

Walking into the kitchen I met a woman who was about the same age as Vladimir's mum. She was preparing a smoothie. I wondered who she was seeing as I haven't seen her before.

"Hello", I tapped her shoulders to get her attention. She turned to me with a glare.

Whoa! what did I do.

"And you are". She asked gruffly but didn't wait for me to reply.

"You must be the new maid right, get this place cleaned up really quick". She said too sweetly with a fake smile on her lips.

"Oh no you are mistaken I'm not a maid, I'm Gianna, Vladimir's mate". I said politely and stretched out my hands for a handshake. I wasn't one to be rude to my elders even if they were rude to me. But she just looked at my hands as if it were acid and walked away.

Well that was awkward.

Oh well another name to add to the list of those who didn't like me. Yes, I did keep a list since they were increasing daily, except I didn't get her name, I'd just have to ask Jo when I see her later.

My stomach grumbled reminding me of the reason I had come to the kitchen in the first place. I went to the fridge to get the left over mac and cheese that the cook had prepared earlier to warm up. I was really hungry.

After lunch I was going up to my room but stopped abruptly when I saw Vladimir and Shawn glaring heatedly at each other.

I wonder what was up with this two.

I walked closer to them and was able to catch some of what Vladimir was saying

"Don't you dare cross me Shawn because you won't like what will happen. Don't you forget that I'm your Alpha while you are at my pack which means you follow my orders". Vladimir gritted out through clenched teeth.

"A title we both know you don't deserve at all. We both know that my father was meant to be the Alpha and if my father wasn't injured prior to that fight, then things would have ended differently". Shawn said angrily.

"But he wasn't and he didn't win the fight, so stay away from me Shawn and don't get on my nerves or you won't like me at all. I didn't get the title of the ruthless Alpha for nothing. I could always ban you from coming to my pack so don't test me".

After saying that Vladimir turned and left, leaving a fuming Shawn who had his fist in a tight clutch. From the look on his face and his body language, he wanted to punch Vladimir so bad but was holding back because Vladimir was the alpha. And doing that is akin to starting an Alpha's challenge.

I was still standing there shocked by the exchange that I had just witnessed, Vladimir looked very different. He looked deadly. Shawn turned to leave but saw me.

I thought he was going to say something to me but he just continued on his way.

What was going on with the both of them, they were cousins so why do they seem to hate each other, I didn't understand, but I had to talk to Jo about this. She would know considering the way she had behaved with Shawn when he arrived some days ago.

I went up the stairs towards my room and picked up my phone to text Jo.

When you get back I would like to talk to you.

I really needed to know what was going on around me.


I was laying on my bed listening to Avicii SOS with my legs resting on the wall bobbing my head to the music when I smelt Jo. I quickly pulled out my air pods and turned to her.

"Wow, you really shouldn't be so carried away. I have been standing here for 2 minutes now and you just noticed, what if I wanted to kidnap you i would have done that easily". She said sitting on the bed.

"Firstly, you are not a kidnapper and even if you were i could have defended myself so it wouldn't be easy for you. Don't forget, I'm an alpha's daughter so I know how to defend myself if i need to".

"Secondly don't blame me. I was bored while waiting for you to get back and decided to listen to some music. And it's not my fault that I get lost in my music, that's just because my taste in music is awesome". She laughed before turning serious.

"You wanted to talk to me, hope everything is alright, was my brother a dick again, oh I will so punch him this time-" I caught her off before she could continue.

"Before you go all mother hen on me it's not what you think. I just wanted to ask about Shawn". Immediately I mentioned Shawn I could see her expression changed.

Now my curiosity was heightened. I needed to know why sweet Jo would dislike her own cousin.

"What do you want to know about him".

"Well for starters, you all don't seem to like him, and today after lunch I was going up to my room when I saw him and Vladimir arguing and Vladimir threatened him. I've never seen him like that, he was in full alpha mode".

She sighed before proceeding to talk. "Well he is our cousin as you already know. His father was my dad's elder brother." I interrupted her.

"But if he was your dad's elder brother that means..." she cut me off.

"Yes he was to be the Alpha but he didn't want the title. He found it too stressful and wanted to live a burden free life. So my dad had to become the Alpha" she paused before continuing.

"We were all very close, we would go for vacation together, have family picnics and do other stuff family do together. It seemed like everyone was okay with how everything turned out, but all of a sudden and out of nowhere, his dad decided to challenge my dad for the Alpha title, and that is a fight to death as you know it". I nodded and she carried on.

"We were all shocked, it was unbelievable seeing as we just came back from one of our family vacations a month ago, and everything had been fine.

Shawn's father had been injured from a previous rogue attack and was in no condition to fight, but he had insisted. Everyone tried to stop him but it was as if he was not in his right mind as if he was possessed. My dad could not refuse no matter how much he wanted to it was his brother after all. But you know that an alpha can't refuse a challenge no matter who it was that challenged him except the other person withdrew the challenge. We all tried to stop him but he wouldn't listen, so my dad had no other option but to fight him and seeing as his wolf was an alpha he felt threatened". I noticed that she was clenching her fists and they had turned white, so I placed my hands on hers to show that I was here for her.

"I remember they had begun the fight and it was brutal. Even though my uncle was injured he still fought well, but my dad finally overpowered him and put him down. Everyone knew what would happen next, my dad had the opportunity to kill him but he didn't".

"He left his brother there on the floor. I still remember it like it was yesterday, my dad was walking away he had pardoned his brother but as he walked away, my uncle stood up slowly and then charged at my dad. Everyone screamed, he was going to attack my dad from behind and kill him, but my dad was able to dodge him and before he could regain balance he flew and landed on a sharp branch which pierced him right through his heart. He died immediately.

"I was still young when it happened, I was nine, but I knew that after that fight, our family was never the same again. Shawn's mother was devastated after all she just lost her mate. So my parents had advised her to leave the pack for some time, to change scenery for a while--, she paused "‐-and that was what they did wrong. They shouldn't have sent her on a vacation when she needed us the most. She needed us to be there for her not to have sent her away, but they thought it would help, and they were wrong.

Once she came back to our pack with Shawn they were not the same people we knew anymore. They had become bitter and resentful. Shawn and Vladimir had been best friends but the incident destroyed their friendship and our family. My father had never been able to forgive himself and still blames himself for his brother's death, He still lives with the guilt. In fact, they are suspected to be the traitors but we don't have any evidence to it, so we can't do anything about it". She sniffed.

This explains the woman I saw in the kitchen and why she behaved that way towards me.

"Well I met his mum today and she wasn't nice". I said trying to lighten up the mood, but it didn't really work as she just gave me a sad smile.

"Well just stay clear of them and you won't have any problems with them". she stood up and picked up her purse.

"Well this was enough heavy topic for me". I smiled sadly and nodded.

"I understand, I'm sorry for making you recall those sad memories".

"No problem. Besides you deserved to know you are a part of this family now. Well I'll go shower, get something to eat and sleep off this headache, I'm having.

"You can take some pills to get rid of it rather than sleeping it off". I said knowing the headache must have been caused by her wolf. You see when you try to stop your wolf from taking control you get a headache immediately she's under control.

" I will after I eat something. I will see you later in the evening and we could watch a movie"

"Okay, I can't wait". She smiled and left my room, shutting the door behind her.