
Chapter 22: The Secret in the Pantry

Leena didn’t know why she bothered to be disappointed. It was a long shot going to a random Italian restaurant on the east side of town hoping to see Ransom along the way. She didn’t even know where his house was since he’d asked her to close her eyes for a couple of minutes, and she had stupidly obeyed him.

Stupid. She was being stupid. What did she even expect if she saw Ransom? If he was really part of the Giudice Mafia, then she shouldn’t be seen fraternizing with him. Not to mention she had Brian with her. She seemed to keep forgetting that Brian was her fiance.

But when they had driven through the east side of town and found a nice little mom and pop Italian restaurant and driven back home and Leena never once caught a glimpse of anyone who could have been Ransom, she was upset. She felt like a foolish, love-sick girl from a rom-com.