
Everything Downloaded from Narutoverse

A lone Otaku who was struck by lighting and died was given a new opportunity! What kind of adventure will he go through in the world of Douluo Dalu 2? PS: I looked for the cover on the internet

Kitsune_kitetsu · Anime und Comics
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49 Chs

Three months later

After checking his body Yuhao decided to cultivate until dawn, open his eyes! Yuhao went back to his room to see Wang Dong still sleeping, Yuhao intended to wake him up

Yuhao "Wang dong, please wake up quickly in the morning" while pulling his cheek

Wang dong "hemm"

Yuhao "My ranking went up yesterday, let's celebrate"

Wang dong who heard it immediately got up "let's eat, I want to eat double"

Yuhao "Eat four times, you little pig"

Wang dong "hey, you are the pig"

They went to Poseidon Lake

Wang dong "waah, so beautiful"

Yuhao "why are we here, didn't I invite you to eat"

Wang dong "ngh! This place is very quiet, it's the right thing to come here "

Yuhao "It looks like someone will come here, take a look"

Wang dong "I saw it, could it be a student from the central academy, it's amazing that he can fly through the lake without even using his spirit essences"

The closer a person is, the more hot the environment!

Yuhao "retreat, go backward, you will not be able to survive, eh he has fainted" bring him back quickly and return to face that person

Yuhao [Tianmeng shows your strength], Tianmeng takes over Yuhao's body

Tianmeng "hmp very presumptuous, dare to attack me, die" attack with a laser-piercing attack, someone fell into the lake

Tianmeng "It's a million years too soon for you to challenge me, hmm someone else will come! Forget it, you're lucky to be alive "[eeh this kid's ability has improved a lot, great! I can give it a little more strength, I'm leaving]

In the ocean of awareness of Yuhao

Tianmeng "You idiot, you made me use my strength, in the following year I can't do it anymore"

Yuhao "what else can I do, wang dong is with me! I can't leave it "

Tianmeng "I have to sleep"

Yuhao "Alright, I won't bother you"

Wang dong and Yuhao woke up, found a caretaker for school facilities! Tell them to forget what happened and give them compensation

Wang dong "wa! This is Shen Hen Pill, this is really an expensive gift! Okay, let's pretend nothing happened. "

Yuhao "What is a pill, is it truly extraordinary"

Wang dong "hehehe I will not tell unless you treat me to dinner"

Yuhao "I have no family, I'm alone! This is all my savings, try to see what you can do with it "

Wang dong "eh, you're an orphan! Don't tell me that you don't have blankets because you don't have money "

Yuhao "What more, I barely even have enough money to eat" [at moment this, this is the only money I have, it looks like I have to send clones to the market again]

Wang dong "I'm sorry, I shouldn't oppress you"

Yuhao "Okay if you feel guilty enough just marry me"

Wang dong "who wants, let's go! From now on I will take care of your food expenses "

Yuhao "You said you don't want to do it, you don't need to be like that! I sell grilled fish after school, that's enough for me "

Wang dong "hump, sell grilled fish! How does it feel"

Yuhao "You will find out tonight"

Wang dong "okay"

On the island in the middle of Lake Poseidon there was a debate between the teacher and students (writer: you certainly know so I don't need to write)

Three months later, after that incident Yuhao trained himself as usual

Schedule yuhao {Get up early, cultivate at 4.30-6-30; take a shower and have breakfast 20 minutes, attend classes 7.00-15.00, study with fan yu 15.30-17.30, sell grilled fish 18.00-19.00, spend time with wang dong 19.00-20.00} after 8 pm Yuhao will take a bath and cultivate or sleep, that's the schedule Yuhao's daily life in three months, and not forgetting that Yuhao also set up clones to the market found a chance to get money, and now Yuhao doesn't need to worry about money, he has more than 200 million from buying repair and selling goods

Yuhao "stay two days before the new student exam, at least I have to finish the plan I made first, I'll do it tonight"