
Everyone Has a... Crown?

Everyone has a crown. They were there from the moment one was born to the moment they died and they couldn't be removed. Each crown has its own shape and color, but they are all definitely crowns. It's just that... No one could see them... No one could touch them... No one could feel them... No one even knew they existed... Until Lian was born.

Suiyan · Fantasie
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71 Chs

Teach Me More

Lian, Carol, and Duran didn't really know if they could do such a thing. However, one thing was certain. Their enemies in this world would definitely not hold back. In the end, Lian could only nod in response. "I-I will try..."

Blan didn't want to waste time, so he quickly acquired the things he needed in the settlement before ordering everyone. "Let's go! Joani definitely won't wait either. Besides, he said that there are more heading to Ostalas Forest, so we need to be quick on our feet."

The outskirts of Ostalas Forest was predominantly occupied by Level One Star Energy Creatures, and few could pose any real danger to Star Energy Warriors. Most of those who fought for Star Energy Creatures' parts in this place were new Star Warriors who had recently learned how to use their Star Energy.

This would be the perfect place for Lian, Carol, and Duran to try out their abilities. Unfortunately, they had little time at the moment. With that said, they didn't go out to actively find Star Energy Creatures in this place. In any case, this was a territory of the Star Energy Creatures. Even if Lian's group didn't go looking for them, the creatures still found them.


Tuly looked ahead as something that looked like a white bull came charging in their direction. Not only one but eleven of them at once! Tuly immediately understood why, though. "It's the Three Tailed Hagas. Look there. Their offsprings are not far behind them."

Blan immediately made his Cubi change direction. "Let's go around them. If we can avoid fighting, then that's the best thing."

Tuly shook his head, though. "Sir Blan might know about the location of the Tricolor Flowers, but I'm more experienced regarding the Star Energy Creatures here. Those Hagas will keep pursuing us for quite a while before giving up. It's better if we scare them away and go straight. Believe me. It will save us a lot more time."

Blan narrowed his eyes but nodded in the end. "Fine! You're a Level Three Star Energy Warrior, so you should be able to scare them off easily."

Tuly smiled as he unsheathed his sword. Grisa and the others did the same thing before they took formation. "I'll control the flow of Star Energy. You guys just have to aim in the middle of their pack."


Immediately, Grisa's group noticed how much more Star Energy flowed around them, thanks to the battle formation. Now that Tuly had reached Level Three, the amount of Star Energy he could gather was over twice as before.

Tuly's group then jumped with the help of their Star Energy as their swords and bodies caught on fire once again. Of course, this time, Lian, Carol, and Duran knew they weren't really burning but controlling their Star Energy.

However, before Tuly's group could even launch their attacks...


A powerful ray of blue light passed by them, hitting the three Hagas at the very front! It's just that they were almost hit by it too.


The ray of light passed through the Hagas' bodies before disappearing into the forest behind.

Let alone the deaths in their pack, just the extremely loud sound of that ray of blue light already scared the remaining eight Hagas to death! They immediately turned around and rushed back to where their little ones were located as they made shrill sounds from their mouths. The small ones seemed to understand what the survivors meant and immediately rushed into the forest while the adults followed them from behind.

Back on Tuly's side, they were all on the ground as the fire around their bodies disappeared. Well, that didn't matter since the only thing they paid attention to was Lian.

Lian seemed to understand why Tuly was looking in his direction. "Ahem... sorry, I used another silver coin."

Tuly's mouth could only twitch after hearing that. "To hell with the silver coin! What the fuck was that? The last time you used that thing, it didn't have even half of the strength of this one! On second thought, you almost killed us instead!"

Lian bitterly smiled in response. "S-Sorry. I knew it was going to be stronger since I got the Lightning Element Star Energy Absorption Manual. However, I truly didn't expect it to turn out this powerful. I was afraid I wouldn't have enough attack power to help, so I truly used as much Star Energy as I could. The idea was to deliver my attack together with you guys."

Blan was just as shocked, of course. "You were lying, right? The's no fucking way you are at Level One. If you caught a Level Three Warrior unprepared, you could definitely kill him with that thing."

Lian shook his head in response. "I'm just using the knowledge from our world to manipulate the properties correctly. I'm truly just a Level One Star Energy Warrior. Errr... no, that's not correct. I'm no warrior at all. I didn't even want to kill those Hagas to start with." Lian couldn't help but sigh as he looked at the Hagas' bodies. He truly couldn't wrap his head around it. Sure, Lian did say that everyone was just sacs of elements in the past. But that's because he wasn't the one who killed them when they arrived in this world.

Duran patted his shoulders in response. "It's okay. Just think about those Hagas as steak. Perhaps they have good taste, you know?"

Carol felt like that was the worst excuse ever.

Yet, Lian...

"Steak, huh? A lot of protein... that works!" Lian seemed to accept the idea quite well. "Tuly, can we take their meat? It would be a waste to leave them behind."

Tuly wanted to cry when he heard that. Lian already forgot he had almost killed them. "Who cares about their meat? Just make sure the next time you try out your skills, you wait until we're far away."

Blan was quite happy, though. If Lian was that strong at Level One, wouldn't he be even more so since he was at the Peak of Level Two? "Lian, I'm your master, so you must teach me more about your methods too."

And as always, any Golden Tickets and Stones are welcome. ;)


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