
Chapter 25 Inheritance Test

"Haaa!" Long Lei groaned as he pushed the bronze door, having already reached the Initial Stage of the 5 Titan's technique his body strength was immense but this bronze door still took an immense amount of effort for him to push open.

As he pushed it for about a minute it finally creaked open allowing him to pass through. 'Being this young has its benefits.' He thought to himself before sneaking into the room. Once inside, he found himself in an open room in front of a wooden puppet.

"This is such a cliche." He sighed to himself as 2 lights could be seen where the puppet's face would be. "Commencing Inheritance Test, Difficulty 1!" The puppet announced before charging at him.

It had the strength of about a 3rd Stage Qi Refinement cultivator, but this was nothing to Long Lei. "Just die, trash." Long Lei said before charging at the puppet and destroying its head. This level of opponent was nothing to him.

After the puppet was destroyed, Long Lei noticed a small key in its remains. 'This seems to be important.' He thought to himself before picking up the key and looking for a key hole. Soon a few minutes passed, but eventually Long Lei found the key hole and inserted the key.

He then turned it, seemingly starting a mechanism behind the wall, which opened up a passage in front of him. 'This just makes my job that much easier.' Long Lei mused, before entering the passage.

It was dark and cold, and the walls looked like they were made of stone. This didn't concern Long Lei too much though, he just wanted to find the soul cultivation technique and get out of there.

After about 5 minutes Long Lei finally found himself inside another room, this time there were two puppets seemingly made out of stone. "Commencing Inheritance Test, Difficulty 2!" They said in unison before charging Long Lei.

Sadly for them, they were beaten in the same swift manner as the last puppet, and from their remains Long Lei found 2 keys. They were almost identical if not for their names seemingly being different.

"Left or Right?" Long Lei asked himself, before shaking his head. "Fuck it, I choose you pikachu!" He said before picking right and moving towards the right key hole. 'Wait but, does it matter which one I pick actually?' He thought to himself, realizing that his previous indecision was probably for nothing.

In fact after inserting the right key he heard some rumbling, but no door opened, after inserting the left key though the next passage appeared in he continued through it. The walls of the passage this time were silver and not much else was of note.

As Long Lei walked through the passage, he grew border and border when he suddenly realized something. 'Aren't these passages at a slight decline actually?' He thought to himself when the 3rd room appeared in front of him.

Inside there was one silver puppet with golden eyes. "Commencing Inheritance Test, Difficulty 3!" It said before seemingly unsheathing a sword. Long Lei was about to pulverize it when suddenly it began to speak again.

"If the inheritor can defeat me, he will gain the inheritance of Jiang Long, the 1st Emperor of the Flowing River Kingdom!" The puppet finished before immediately attacking Long Lei.

'Hmm, 9th Stage, you would have been a bit of an issue, if I didn't have my body cultivation that is.' Long Lei pondered, before punching towards the puppet. Immediately the puppet moved its sword to block Long Lei's blow, being pushed back multiple steps.

"Seems you're not as weak as your brothers." Long Lei chuckled before, going in for another attack, luckily for the puppet it managed to block the attack again, and the again, and again and again. But over time it was being worn down while Long Lei still had energy to spare.

"I've enjoyed this fight, but now its time for you to go." He declared before throwing a kunai. Naturally the puppet was confused and seeing as Long Lei had missed his shot, it didn't take notice of the kunai, that was until Long Lei suddenly disappeared! Before it could even fathom what was going on though, it felt an attack hit its head before it exploded into bits.

"Well good bye, silver boy." Long Lei muttered before picking up a golden key. "And hello treasure." He continued before finding the key hole and inserting the key. He then opened the passage before entering it.

After a few minutes of walking he made it through and into the final golden room. As he looked around his eyes rested on a scroll almost right in front of him. "Mine!" He exclaimed before bolting towards the scroll.