
Everyone's Queen

The awkward moment when Gianna Bardot has to choose between her Ex husband, Alexander Solace and her current lover Aival Quinn. Just like the East and West in the compass direction, just like sunrise and sunset, one which marks the beginning of the say and the other marks the end of the day, the difference between Alexander Solace and Aival Quinn is crystal clear. Aival Quinn is a prince, the second son if the president, Alexander Solace is a son of the upper class families in the country and Gianna herself, is the only daughter of the Bardot family, The Solace family rival in business. Even though she is pampered and cared for by her two brothers and her father as the princess of the family, she is faced with a hard decision of choosing between her ex husband who refuses to back down and her current lover whom she’s still developing love for. Alexander Solace us cold, very straight to the point and doesn’t entertain nonsense. On the other hand, Aival Quinn is funny and accommodating, he’s caring about everything. On matters of appearance, you’ll be stuck if you have to choose between the two, and her own brothers, they were outstanding too... In the hall, Alexander Solace and Aival Quinn looked at each other coldly. One was the ex husband, one was the current lover. She was left seated in between then with an awkward look on her face. God! Can you let something happen and just divert their attention? Gianna wanted the earth to open and just swallow her whole... Also, her friend is stuck between her desire for Xavier, Gianna’s brother and the Bardot first born son who is serious and takes nothing for granted. Beth, Gianna's former classmate and class representative, after loosing both her parents in a tragic road accident is send out of the family and moves to a small apartment where she one day meets a man trapped in the gutter. She decides to help the man only to wake to a shocking reality that this young man had a memory loss and doesn’t remember his home.

Mrs. Cyborg · Urban
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19 Chs



“How dare you stop me? She’s my ex wife!” Alex became angry.

“That’s none of our business Mr. Solace. We’re doing our work!”

When he turned back, Gianna had already left and was drinking with her father.

“Fuck!” Alex cursed.

“Alex!” Victoria came over and put her hands on his shoulder. He directly slapped her hand away and angrily stormed out of the building. Victoria was shocked but had no choice other than to run after him.

That night, he refused to talk to anyone and locked himself in his bedroom.


Gianna stretched in bed and jumped up. Today, Elliot was going back the King Eagles Film, Xavier was resuming office and she had to start her first day as a CEO.

After a warm shower, she walked out looking like a goddess.

“Ma’am, we’re here to drive you to work.” The guards bowed in respect.

Gianna nodded and entered the car Elliot bought for her. Everyone had already left but didn’t wake her up. They needed their princess to be comfortable.

The drive to the company was smooth. She entered the elevator and waited. Her office was at the top floor of the building. After settling down, Sandra, the Secretary came over and gave her all the reports of the day. Then Gianna started her work.

She even forgot to eat. After seeing the new CEO wasn’t getting out, Sandra went into her office and helped her make tea. This was a big office with everything she needed to not make her day boring. It even had a private bathroom wardrobe and a private bedroom in case she would be too tired to go home or would need a rest during the day. The coach in here were completely comfortable.

Gianna sipped the tea slowly as she scrolled through the computer. Suddenly, a text came in from Elliot.

“How is your first day in office? Comfortable?”

Gianna: Mmh... More than comfortable. I feel like am in heaven. I’ve never enjoyed my life this much.

Elliot: great to hear that. Any changes you would want to be done in the office?

Gianna: I like everything here. Next time, I would like to come with Zoe.

Elliot: sure... I also will like you to visit the film one day.

Gianna: yeah... When am free.

Gianna didn’t eat anything solid through out the day and even skipped her lunch. By evening, she started feeling uncomfortable. She send Xavier a message.

Xavier was conducting a staff meeting when a message popped on his phone. His eyes almost popped up when he saw it. Immediately, he called Elliot.

“Are you filming today?”

“No... Arranging some programmes. What’s up?” Elliot asked.

“You need to get Gg from the Jewellery company. She’s feeling uncomfortable.” Xavier said.

“Fuck!” Elliot cursed. “it will take three hours drive over. Unless I take a plane. Tell the guards to get her to hospital. Then send Zoe along. I’ll be there. Let me finish somethings.”

Immediately the guards received the order, the head guard went into her office and told her.

“Huh! I was just fine. I think it’s just that I haven’t eaten anything!” Gianna was shocked.

“Ma’am, Boss will kill us alive if we don’t take you for medical check up!” The guard said almost begging.

Gianna stood up and followed him out after which she was taken to hospital. Zoe came over and after check up, she was reminded to take her meals. Elliot arrived after a helicopter landed on the roof of the hospital. When he heard the report, he looked at Gianna concerned.

“you forget to eat? Fine, I have a plan for you. Guards, I need this alarm!” Elliot pointed online an made the order. After it was delivered, he personally installed it in her office. It would remind her every time she needed to take water, and eat her meals at regular intervals.

“Elliot, I just skipped a meal. What’s there to be serious about?” Gianna asked.

“This is your health princess. If Xavier wasn’t held up, he would be here. We failed to take care of you three years ago, we must make sure you’re ok now. Zoe, take Gianna for a rest. You’ll resume office tomorrow!” Elliot said. “I'll be going back. GG, please be safe for me, for Xavier, for daddy, for Zoe and for everyone else, please sister!”

“I promise Elliot!” Gianna hugged him. Elliot patted her lightly and left. Gianna watched the helicopter disappear.

“Let’s go before Xavier bites my head off!” Zoe urged her to come. Gianna followed.

Moments after they left, the Solace cars arrived. Alex got out and walked to the office. He came to personally say sorry to Gianna because his lonely life was boring and he missed her presence.

“Sir, we’re sorry madam just left. Try another day!” the guards bowed respectfully.

Alexander cursed inwardly as he turned to leave.


Mira had been sleeping the whole day. She stretched and felt her face with her hands.

“How do you feel?” Katherine asked giving her daughter a cup of warm sweetened water.

“Better. Where is Alex?” Mira asked looking around.

“Something came over Alex. He suddenly changed. When they got back yesterday, Victoria cried to sleep in the guest room and could not even talk. Alex didn’t say anything. We woke up and Victoria was already gone. He didn’t even seem to care at all.” Katherine explained.

Just then, Alex walked in. He looked at the two and proceeded to go upstairs but his mother stopped him asking what was wrong. “Please, watch the news.” He shrug and went upstairs.