

Next, Adrian and Tristen walked in holding hands as the couple they were. No surprise there.

Soon, the fool we called a teacher stormed in and began droning on and on about random shit no one cared about. And I could feel myself dozing off.

''....Lee! Miss Lee!''

I sat upright rapidly to find Mr. Somebody glaring at me from the front of the class.

''Perhaps you would mind telling us the answer to the equation. It was in such situation I blessed my roots, So all I did was read the mind of the teacher and I got my answer.

''x equals the square root of 144''. I stated simply and sat down loving the look of shock that crossed his face as he stuttered in shock.

''Tha- That is correct Miss Lee'' he cleared his throat, But if I may add, please refrain from sleeping in class next time,''

''Yeah sure'' I said knowing fully well that would never happen.

Soon the bell for the next class rang and I followed my fellow in mates out the door and to our next prison cell.