
Everyday Life With A Futa

In a different version of the story Miia and the others are placed in the care of Desirae Hanafuda, a Japanese girl. Only she's not just a girl she's a Futanari. Now Desirae has to deal with the unique needs of her new roommates and the struggles of managing her own little dream Monster Girl Harem. Contains Futa and LEMONS

Sebastian0narvaez · Anime und Comics
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69 Chs

Chapter 10: Egg

() indicate thinking

Desirae's POV

"Yo I'm back!" I called out as I closed the door behind me.

"You're finally home Baby!" Miia cheered.


"Had to make up all the stuff I missed while I was sick, we were low on food." I rolled my eyes.

(We're always low on food with the way this lot eats.)

"Did shopping go well?" Mero asked.


"Yeah there was a sale." I nodded "lucky us."

"Hmph!" Suu ran up and aggressively hugged me.

"Whoa!" I laughed "nice to see you too."


"Suu leave Mistress alone she's tired." Cerea scolded.

"It's okay." I smiled rubbing Suu's head.

"Wifey~" Papi whined.

"Yeah sorry what is it?" I asked turning to face her.

"Papi is gonna lay an egg."

"GAH?!" we all gagged "WHAT?!"

"W-W-What?!" Miia snapped "Papi are you fertilized?! Baby you need to be more careful!"

"Someone as small as Papi?!" Cerea huffed and heaved.

"So Papi has been your girlfriend all this time?!" Mero yelled.

"Roar!" Suu mumbled holding up a stick.

(What the hell is going on?!)

"What is the meaning of this!" Miia yelled trying to choke out Papi.

"Papi…?" I asked "When were you gonna tell us this, I'm not ready to be a mother."

"It's not fertilized." Papi blinked.

"GAH!" I slammed my head into the wall "The fuck?!"

"Wait so do you lay eggs day like a chicken?" Miia asked.

"No…" Papi shook her head "Only a few times a year, this is the first one since I came to Japan so I'm not comfortable."

"Maybe you're just stressed." Mero said "with everything you've been doing with the Miss your mind might be thinking you accidentally got pregnant."

"Speaking of which how do you even know this one isn't fertile."

"It feels too small." Papi said "the real eggs are way bigger, I'd know if it was a real one."

"Well maybe we should call Miss Smith just in case." I nodded "Can't hurt to be safe."

I heard voices outside before there was banging on my door.

"I'm busy." I said opening my door.

"Is this the house where the egg laying harpy lives?" a short stocky man asked.

"Who the hell are you?" I asked.

"Kasegi, I'm a director and I heard you have lots of Extra-Species girls here and I was hoping to make a documentary about it."

BEEP BEEP! My pervert detector is at max.

"See ya sleezeball!" I said slamming the door in his face "Try someone more gullible."

(I'm the only pervert allowed here…)

"Who was at the door?" Miia sked.

"Don't worry about it and don't open the door for strangers." I warned "By the way if you see any creeps stalking around outside let me know."

I shooed all the girls off and told them to make sure Papi was comfortable while I put the groceries away.

(This was close, if Papi was actually pregnant…yikes, I'm not ready for that!)

I put the food away before going out to check on the girls.

"Do you need anything Papi?" I asked popping my head in to the room she and Suu where in.

"Nmhm." She shook her head no.

"Okay, just yell I'll be around if you need someone." I smiled closing the door.

I went around the house and stopped to see the other girls, first was Mero.

"Hey." I said walking in.

"Hello." She smiled swimming up to the edge of the pool "Do you need something."

"Nope just popping my head in." I said dipping my toes in the water.

Mero and I chatted for a bit before I worked up to asking her a question I had been thinking about for a while.

"So you're clothes…are you into all that Gothic Lolita stuff?" I asked.

"Yes, I think it's cute." She nodded.

"I've never seen you in much else, I was starting to think that bikini top was your glorified bra." I laughed.

"Yes." She giggled with me "That's understandable."

Mero swam away before coming back to the edge and pulling herself out of the pool.

"Opps." She blushed as her chest nearly fell out of her top.

"Let's fix that." I said grabbing her top and adjusting her bosom.

"Thank you." She blushed more.

"I'll see you around." I dried off my feet and headed to see the others.

"What's up." I said entering Cerea's room.

"Mistress." She nodded as I stood by the door.

"So…I was wondering."

I reached out an poked her large breasts "I've never seen you in a bra, I mean I by no means have small breasts but yours are huge compared to mine so I'd think they require…support."

Cerea just blushed and slammed the door in my face.

"I'll take that as a no." I nodded "Time to bug Miia then."

I walked into the Lamia's room and she was curled up on the bed.

"Stupid Papi, trying to have Baby's baby…unfair."

"I'm not even gonna kick that nest." I said turning right around.

"Mhm." Suu ran up and grabbed my arm before pointing towards her room.

"What is it girl, did Mero fall in a well?" I said with fake enthusiasm.

"Egg." She pointed."

"I see." I smiled "Come on let's go."

Here you can insert your own dirty thought about egg laying harpies.


"Never again." I sighed sitting at the table with Miss Smith.

"Drink?" she asked.

"I'm not old enough." I shook my head.

"Shush." She whispered handing me a wine glass "I won't tell."

I took a sip, red wine, it was okay. I'm not a loser, I might not be old enough but this isn't the first time I'd had alcohol.

"Good job calling me about that director by the way." She said refilling her glass "I'm working on tracking him down now, the government has never authorized anything like that so keep your eyes open."

"I'll be fine." I rolled my eyes.

"Wifey!" Papi yelled running up and hugging me.

"What's up? You need something?"

"I…forgot why I came down here?" Papi hummed.


"Well bye." Smith said leaving suddenly.

"Okay~?" I sighed "I'm going to bed."

"Oh Papi will go with you!" she said trotting behind me.

"Sure." I laughed.

I went to my room and started to get undressed and ready for bed.

"Wow…" Papi said sitting on my bed "Wifey is so big."

"You mean this?" I said grabbing my breasts "Yeah I am…thanks."

"Papi is small, she needs it to fly." Papi nodded.

"You're not all small." I laid in the bed and pulled Papi on top of me, I reached back and grabbed her cute butt "This isn't small."

"HA!" Papi let out a small moan.

"Mmmmm." I groaned as Papi leaned in to kiss my neck while I grabbed her ass.

The two of us cuddled for a bit before I moved Papi's clothes to the side and allowed myseld to slid right into her.

"OHH!" She gasped.

"Still…so…tight." I growled as I started bucking my hips.

"Wifey~" Papi whined "It…feels good."

"I know, we've done this before remember." I told her as I thrusted into her tender hole.

"Oh yeah…that's right." She moaned "so…good."

I squeezed Papi's ass as I thrusted into her more and more, making her moan her nickname for me. Her cute little butt clapped and made sexy noises as I banged her, her ass was crashing into me. Papi was shoving her face into my breasts and I was loving the motorboat she was giving me.

"Get ready Papi…I'm…I'm gonna cum inside you!"

"HAAAA!" she gasped.

"UGH…PAPI!" I moaned as I started filling her up with ropes of hot, sticky cum.

When I was done orgasming I lifted Papi off of me and let her lay down.

"Goodnight Papi."

"Night Wifey." She cheered.



Thank you for reading. Feedback is appreciated. Feel free to message me any questions or concerns.

Suggest who you want to see in the future.

Next Time- It's Rachnera…that's it, nothing else to say. Heck I even shortened this chapter so we could get to her faster!

Till Next Time!