
Every World Seems Not Quite Right (QT)

All credit goes to the author and the editors , i am merely a fan and just want to share this awesome story . Summary: For some reason, Shao Qian devoured half of the system. Because of that, he decided to return to the worlds that he has the coordinates of, and retaliate against them. But… Why is it that every world seems not quite right? Could it be the method he used to cross through the worlds was wrong? Total Chapters -189 Chapters Only till Chapter 52 had been translated . NOT MY STORY ! NOT MY TRANSLATION ! Support the source --> https://thisantjustwannasleep.wordpress.com/ewsnqr/

Study_Bytes · Fantasie
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Who Can Understand The Feeling Of Looking In The Mirror And Seeing Yourself With Green Hair And Smoky Makeup?

As Shao Qian organised the system's data, he felt as if something wasn't quite right. It was as if the data he had wasn't complete and a lot of it was missing?

However, as Shao Qian never had contact with the system's data before, he didn't know what exactly had happened or which part of the data was lost. He could only assume that when he devoured the system, some data went missing.

After Shao Qian finished organising the data, he didn't know which world he should go to and had randomly caught a fading world close to him within the sea of stars.

However, after arriving in the world and receiving the system's transmission of the plot, Shao Qian went speechless. How was this a small world? In accordance to present terms, this should be a Cinderella and Prince lived happily ever after together once they had defeated the evil villain, kind of story.

The female lead had a group of outrageous relatives. Mhm, this was an essential tool for her. The female lead had a father who was addicted to gambling. Mhm, this was also an essential tool. The female lead also had an ignorant and incompetent younger brother who only knew how to play around on the streets. Mhm, this could also be considered as an essential tool?

It was just that his current identity was precisely that of the female lead's ignorant and incompetent younger brother that only knew how to play around on the streets. In the plot, due to not receiving any money from the female lead, he had gotten people to kidnap her. However, he failed in demanding money from the male lead, who was already his brother-in-law at that time. He had then given instructions to two other hoodlums, planning on tarnishing his own sister. In the end, it went without saying that he was caught red-handed by the male lead, who had promptly rushed over. But as he was unrepentant about what he did, in the midst of the struggle, the male lead's bodyguard had 'accidentally' struck him in the vitals, leading to his death.

As for the female lead who had lost her younger brother, as she didn't hold much affection towards this brother, she had casually found a place and buried his body. Finally, the female lead's father, who didn't have much of a presence in the plot until this moment, dug 'him' out and brought him away.

Seeing this deceptive plot, Shao Qian cursed the system. How did it choose such a terrible place? How did this kind of world without three views or logic even come about!?

Bullied by her father and brother, the female lead was pitiful and helpless, seemingly like a bitter cauliflower that grew during the winter. However, when the siblings were younger, their father hadn't simply walked away from the problem. From time to time, he would leave behind some money for the siblings' living expense.

However, in the Original's memories, his elder sister wouldn't return home for one to two days after they received the money. The Original had starved and tried drinking plenty of water to appease his hunger. But for developing children, what use did merely drink water have? The Original grew to be as thin and frail as a bean sprout from a young age.

Later on, when the female lead entered university, the Original should have entered high school. Instead, he got acquainted with a street gangster, Mao-ge [1], under the female lead's meticulous guidance. The corruption began at that moment. The Original gradually became more and more corrupt, slowly diverging off his path bit by bit.

After he finished reading the plot, Shao Qian massaged the his pounding temples gently. How bad actually was his luck, that he picked this world out of all others?

But, even if this world didn't conform to logic, he had already arrived. He might as well figure out where the plot had progressed to in order to come up with a way to confront that moronic woman.

When Shao Qian arrived in this world, the female lead had just began working at the male lead's company. Furthermore, his father still had some money left and should be going off to gamble again. As for him…

Shao Qian looked down, and upon seeing the shirt full of metal spikes he was wearing, placed a weary hand on his forehead. The Original seemed to have worn this sort of clothes until he died? It made him think of his past when he fought viciously for his life, being sent to various worlds by the system, yet he miraculously didn't die.

Searching the room of the rebellious child and flipping it upside down in the process, he finally found a set of clothes that could be deemed somewhat normal. That is if only there wasn't a hideous grinning skull printed on the black T-shirt. After changing his clothes, Shao Qian turned and faced the mirror to tidy his appearance, only to see a youth in his early teens whose hair was dyed green and made to stand straight with hair gel. Moreover, there was also smoky makeup around his eyes… This feeling was simply devastating. If you were a man, could you ignore the fact that your hair was dyed green? Didn't men not tolerate having anything green above their heads? [2]

"Sigh…" After retrieving scattered bits of banknotes from the drawer, Shao Qian walked out of the house. Without delay, he should first take care of this green hair of his, along with buying some new clothes for himself.

Shao Qian, who wore makeup and had a head full of green hair, entered the hairdresser's. After a few hours, a neat and tidy youth came out. With a delicate doll face and a crew cut, he walked nimbly out of the store. The hairdresser followed behind him, grasping the paid money in his hands as he stared dumbfoundedly at Shao Qian's retreating back. He just couldn't get it. What could have made such a lovable child don that bear-like look?

Shao Qian couldn't care less about whatever thoughts the hairdresser was having. After tidying himself up, he held the remaining money – a mere forty-three yuan [3] — in his hand and ran off towards a clothing store. Depending on his lovable appearance and eloquent tongue (acting cute shamelessly), he got a set of clothes consisting of a T-shirt and jeans that he deemed normal. Before he left, the shopkeeper's wife had also gifted him a men's vest with a beaming smile on her face.

Shao Qian returned to the apartment building and was about to pull out his key to open the door. However, his hand wasn't even able to touch the key before the door swung open. A sloppy-looking man staggered out in a tipsy daze, but was stunned when he caught sight of the youth standing in the doorway. "A' Yun?"

Smelling the putrid odor of alcohol clinging to the man's body, Shao Qian couldn't help but take a step back. Could it be that the man stopped being a gambling addict and switched to become a drunkard instead?

"A' Yun, don't go!" The drunk man abruptly sat on the ground and wailed, "You don't know! After you left, that brat cried everyday, asking for his mother time and time again. I can't even find you, how should I get him his mother? So I hid outside. But who'd knew that the brat was lacking discipline. He became so terrible! Come back please, I really can't educate that gangster child. He goes out to play around with others on a daily basis, I really…"

"Dad…" Shao Qian was at a loss and could only ask helplessly, "Who's A' Yun?"

Upon hearing these words, the man ceased wailing. Standing up, he moved closer towards Shao Qian and stared at him. After a moment, the man suddenly grabbed Shao Qian's crotch area using his right hand. The man was dazed, Shao Qian was also just as dazed. After getting over his shock, Shao Qian slapped the man, causing him to let go. "Pervert!" Shao Qian fled into the house and slammed the door shut with a 'bang!'. The man came out of his daze at the sound of the closing door. Clinging to the door, he howled, "Son! Your father was wrong! Hurry up and open the door!"

It'd have to be a miracle if Shao Qian actually opened the door. He had just arrived and yet was harassed by a sloppy old man. If he didn't take necessary precautions in the future…

Who the hell would be able to guard against this surprise attack from an old man? Towards this father of his, Shao Qian nearly threw up a mouthful of blood from anger.

Upon arriving home, Zhang Qing saw a man lying next to her house entrance. She had just intended to go over and make clear of the situation when the man looked up. Catching sight of her, he stood. "Girl, hurry up and open the door."

When Zhang Qing saw that it was her father, she wasn't relieved. On the contrary, she became even more anxious. However, she still opened the door and let the man in. Seeing the door opened, Zhang Guo Qiang rushed in and headed towards his son's room before knocking on the door. "Son, listen to your father. Daddy didn't do it on purpose just now."

Although Shao Qian saw that it was still early, he already intended on going to bed. Who would've known that just as he was in the middle of peacefully sleeping, he would he rudely awakened by knocking on his door. No matter who it was, anyone who had been rudely awakened wouldn't be in a good mood. Gripping the handle, he pulled the door open and roared, "What the hell are you doing!?"

When Zhang Guo Qiang saw his son's angry appearance, he smiled sheepishly, revealing a mouthful of yellow teeth. "Daddy missed you."

"I don't miss you." In truth, Shao Qian didn't hold much dislike towards Zhang Guo Qiang. After all, when 'he' had died, it was this father who had dug him out and brought him away. Though he didn't know where he had been brought to, at the very least, it could be regarded as saving him from becoming a wandering ghost, right?

"Son, before it was your father who was wrong, you…"

"You know you're not correct, yet you still don't make amends." In the original plot, Zhang Zi Hui was a rebellious teenager. On ordinary day, his attitude towards his own family wasn't too good. Therefore, Shao Qian's face was cold as he looked at Zhang Guo Qiang. "Look at your own sloppy appearance. Also how long has it been since you bathed? I can smell the stink radiating off you from here."

After hearing Shao Qian's words, would Zhang Guo Qiang be able to endure it? In fact… He actually did. He sniffed himself before turning to face Shao Qian with an apologetic smile. "Son, wait for a bit."