
Academy Days

Kiyoshi stared at the gate of Konoha, intimidated by its size. He had never seen a structure so big in his life. Two men with wild hairstyles and Konoha forehead protectors stood at the gate of Konoha. Murata held Kiyoshi's hand all the way up to the gate, where he talked to the two.

"Hey! Murata! Long time no see! How's it going?" The one on the left with black spiky hair and a bandage covering his nose, called out to Kiyoshi's father.

"Yo! Kotetsu, how's the wife and kids?" Murata said. All three of them stood silent for a moment and then Murata and the unnamed guard started laughing. Kotetsu had an annoyed look on his face, waving them away. Kiyoshi was completely confused.

"Alright, we still need to do the procedures of letting you back- Wait, you have a kid?" The other guard blurted out, pointing to Kiyoshi, who hid behind Murata's legs. Murata pushed him out from behind his legs.

"H-hi, my name is Takahashi Kiyoshi and I'm 7 years old." He said semi-confidently. The two guards aww'ed at the gesture.

"Well, I'm Hagane Kotetsu, and this big and scary guy is Kamizuki Izumo. Welcome to Konoha." Kiyoshi bowed to them, standing at a 90 degree angle for a bit too long.

"Aww, just for that one, he gets in with no checkup." Kotetsu said. Izumo looked in disbelief at him, but sighed and agreed. Murata started to go in with Kiyoshi before he was stopped by Izumo.

"Did you hear about Katsumi's promotion to Jonin?" Izumo whispered to him.

"No, I didn't. Is there something wrong?" Murata questioned, a serious look on his face.

"Oh, he was just telling you. She's been very frustrated lately, so I recommend you "visit" her soon." Kotetsu said, a mischievous look on his face. Murata rolled his eyes and bopped Kotetsu on the head. The two did all of the usual checked in before letting Murata in. Kiyoshi waited on the other side of the gate.

"Hey, kiddo, how about we go see your mother? I'm sure she missed you."

"Yeah, I think I'm ready." Kiyoshi grabbed Murata's hand and they walked to the address located on the back of the letter.


Kiyoshi waited at the door of a house in the residential district of Konoha. He held flowers in his tiny hands, while Murata knocked on the door. The door opened slowly, making the anticipation in Kiyoshi's heart skyrocket.

The door opened more quickly, and behind the door was Kiyoshi's mother, Takahashi Kasumi. She had flowy blonde hair and green eyes. Kasumi picked Murata up by his shoulders and spun him around in her arms.

Kasumi was significantly taller than Murata. While he was 5'6, Kasumi measured up to 6'5. Kasumi kissed Murata all across the face, while he squirmed in her grasp and tried to get out of her large bust. She was beginning to make out with him when Murata pushed her away.

Murata was now blushing like a schoolgirl who got confessed to by her crush. "S-Sumi, Kiyoshi is right there." Kiyoshi looked down at Kiyoshi and repeated the same process as with Murata, minus the making out.

"Oh, you've grown so much, my baby boy!" Kasumi finally let go of Kiyoshi, who was now dizzy from all of the spinning. Kasumi had a bright smile on her face and proceeded to talk their ears off about what had been going on for an entire hour.

"Kasumi, this is all nice, but shouldn't we be sending Kiyoshi off to school? We can talk after that." Murata said, then checking the time. "Uh oh, it's a few minutes until school starts!" The eccentric woman gave Kiyoshi a paper bag.

"Bye Kiyoshi, have a great day!" Murata said as Kasumi left.

Kasumi picked up Kiyoshi once again, then looked directly at him. "Wanna see something cool? Watch this!" Kasumi began to body flicker with Kiyoshi in her arms, making sure not to drop him. They arrived at the academy in a matter of seconds, making Kiyoshi dizzy once again.

"Bye! Have the best day, and don't be afraid to outdo everyone!" Kasumi pushed Kiyoshi forward, making him feel a little bit more confident. He waved back to her as he entered the school, going to the class he was assigned to.

(To clarify the timeline, Kiyoshi is going to school a year before the Rookie 9, so he is in the same generation as Rock Lee, Tenten and Neji)

Kiyoshi entered the class and various children were talking to each other. Most of the other children grew up in Konoha, and therefore, knew each other. Kiyoshi took the only vacant seat, completely opposite to the window seat on the other end of the room.

Next to Kiyoshi sat a boy and a girl. The girl next to him had slick black hair put into a pigtail and black eyes, and had a prideful look on her face when she talked to the boy next to her, who looked very similar to her. Kiyoshi could already tell the boy was licking her boots.

"Hey, you, introduce yourself before me." The girl demanded. The boy glared at Kiyoshi, who looked around and pointed at himself.

"Me? Aren't we gonna introduce ourselves in a few moments? Can't you wait?" Kiyoshi didn't mean to be rude, but he wasn't taught proper social manners. The two children obviously had a higher education than him. and their jaws dropped.


"Alright, class, my name is Mizuki and I will be your instructor for the next four years. I want everyone to come and introduce themself, starting with you up in the front." Mizuki pointed to the boy in the seat in front of Kiyoshi, and the introductions began."

"My name is Rock Lee and I want to be the best ninja I can be!!!" An energetic young boy with a bowl cut and green clothing yelled. Most kids were already annoyed by him, but Kiyoshi respected the boldness.

"I am Tenten and I wanna be a great kunoichi like Tsunade one day!" A girl with two buns, a white shirt and brown pants said.

"Hyuga Neji." A boy with long brown hair and clear eyes said, a clear trait of the Byakugan.

"I, Uchiha Hiroto, will become the greatest ninja!" The boy sitting next to Kiyoshi with spiked hair and black eyes announced.

"Ignore him. I am Uchiha Maki, and I will become Hokage." The girl tried to be serious, but it just looked cute in the eyes of adults.

"My name is Takahashi Kiyoshi, and my goal is to make my parents proud." Kiyoshi didn't have a big life goal yet, so he chose something generic.

These were the most notable people in Kiyoshi's class for the next few years.

Sorry for the double notification. I forgot to add something.

jojojajahelpcreators' thoughts