
Floating Cloud Sect

Stell found himself facing several people. He knew that he was in a dream, and although he felt strong emotions for the people in front of him, he also felt somewhat detached, as if those weren't his own emotions.

With a sigh, he felt himself leaving the dream, waking up.

Feeling refreshed, he gradually opened his eyes, realizing he was lying on a bed. It was the most comfortable surface he had ever lay upon.

Taking a deep breath, Stell could sense the air's incredible purity and richness. His nostrils seemed unable to cease inhaling. Only when he could no longer hold his breath did he reluctantly exhale.

Observing his surroundings, he realized he was within a modest wooden cottage. Nearby stood a person attired in green robes and a young girl, no older than twenty-five.

"Why has he been asleep for so long?" The girl inquired, nearing the green-robed individual while bearing a plate with two cups and a glass.