
Stay For The Night

"Let's go to Alice apartment for now." Mrs. Wang declared. Alice is her niece who visits her in the villa from time to time so Gia knew her.

Gia just looked at her and nodded. She as well does not know what to do. She was determined to leave the house but she does not have a definite plan on how to live her life moving forward.

Mrs. Wang got her phone out and called her niece.

While she is busy talking on the phone, Gia looked at her with warmth in her eyes. She feels thankful that she is still taking care of her despite everything happened recently.

She somewhat feels fear in her heart thinking what if Mrs. Wang decided to leave her now. She's been with them as long as she can remember.

Aside from her parents, she's the only one she considers as a family though they're not blood-related. She silently hopes and prays that her nana can take her wherever she goes.

According to her mom, they hired Mrs. Wang just a month before she was born for her mom to have company at home. Starting then she was considered a part of their family.

After thirty minutes, they reached the apartment of Alice. It's a one-bedroom apartment that looks neat and cozy. All things are well-organized and the place looks comfy to live at.

Gia immediately felt her hunger when she inhaled the aroma of curry inside the apartment. It seems that Alice started to prepare something for them when she learned about their arrival.

"Take a seat first, I'll prepare something to eat." Alice said with a radiant smile after welcoming them at her door.

Alice is Mrs. Wang's 26-year-old niece and working as a sales clerk in a mall. Her aura seems friendly and she looks younger than her actual age with her petite body and a shoulder-length hair.

"I'm sorry Gia, this is the only place I know we can run to for now." Mrs. Wang while turning her gaze around the place. Though born with a silver spoon, Mrs. Wang knew Gia well and she is not that picky but she still worries if she can adjust to sudden change.

"Don't worry about me nana. I'm sorry I have caused you trouble." Gia said with an apologetic tone.

"Not at all. You are like my own child. I will not let anything bad happen to you." Mrs. Wang looking at Gia with sympathy in her eyes. She decided to stand as Gia's guardian until she is capable to be on her own.

Gia feels somewhat fearful thinking until when her nanny can accompany and help her since she is no longer capable of paying her.

Her mind starts to plan what next step she should do. She decided to search first for a place enough for her and for her nanny and how much it would cost when she has a chance later.

"If you are comfortable here, you are always welcome to stay here. I am out all day anyway and most of the time I just come home to sleep." Alice seems to pick up the situation by looking at their big suitcase.

Though her aunt told her they will stay there just for the night, she can feel they haven't planned where to settle yet. Unless her aunt is planning to go back home in their province. A small island located on the west side of the country.