
Aron The Friend

It's been almost an hour when the girl left but Orion seems to be still in a daze. There's an unfamiliar feeling that he does not know how to describe.

The image of the girl's beautiful eyes with long and thick lashes seemed to be plastered in his mind and he's longing more for her naturally sweet scent.

This is the first time that his feeling was so disturbed because of a girl. He had seen all sorts of beauties wanting his attention, but no one made him feel interested and excited until today.

He pouted his thin lips trying to sniff the air hoping he can smell that sweet scent from that girl.

He felt frustrated. This feeling is unfamiliar to him and does not know how to define it.

'Is this what called the love at first sight?' a question in his mind.

He got frustrated and dismissed the thought. He knew he had to eventually marry someday, but love will be the last thing he will entertain. Besides, growing up with a family that has no warmth and love at all, he has no idea how loving someone and how to be loved felt like.

He is usually at this place to relax and calm his mind but the image and the memory of scent of that girl could not give him calmness, he left the place feeling annoyed at the feeling.

While driving back to the company, he received a call from his friend, Aron Tang. He switched the car speaker.

"Happy birthday dude." The first thing he heard.

"Thanks, what's up?" Orion asked.

'It's your day so I'm treating you for a dinner. I originally wanted to go clubbing but my little sister insisted to come with me." Aron responded.

"But we can go after dinner." He continued before Orion could respond.

"Where?' he does not like the idea but since it's his friend Aron, he agreed to avoid further discussion.

"Let's meet at the Quantum Hotel at 6." Aron stated.

"Okay." Orion agreed then hung up the phone.

"Is that an o....." Aron was to ask if the okay included the clubbing part but realized that Orion already hangs up the phone.

"Ugh! Why am I still your friend? You don't even know the human basics." Aron shaking his head in disbelief.

Aron being a talkative, carefree and joyful person while Orion is the opposite, everyone knew them wondered how the two of them became friends.

One thing is only common with them, their interest in mixed martial arts.

Their fathers are friends and are both successful businessmen. They were introduced when both young and became friends despite their opposite character.

During their elementary days, their fathers agreed to enroll them both to Taekwondo summer class for self-defense after the news of a businessman's child got kidnapped.

They were forced but gradually liked it until they ended up learning other mixed martial arts fighting styles. They are good enough to be in competitions but they refused offers to join. They just treat it as a form of bonding and relaxation.