
You Are very Tasty!

* Teacher's van *

Samantha: Teacher can i sit next to library Sir?

" Why? "

Samantha: I don't want to sit next to him.

" You are still hostile? "

Teacher please no offense but aren't you getting too bossy? You can't force me against my will. This is not junior school.

" You !how dare you speak to me like that?"

Teacher don't be mad and let's have a peaceful trip.

S.teacher: Samantha this is not the right way to talk to your teacher .


Senior teacher i am sorry but my point is valid plus sorry teacher i will not do that again.

S.Teacher: Alright now Alan you will sit next to window then Samantha and then Library teacher.

Samantha: But!

S. Teacher: No but !

[ Samantha don't want to sit next to Alan but it's like they were fated to be together during this trip or maybe in future too.]

L . Teacher: Samantha right? Haven't seen you in library before!

Samantha: I don't go there actually i am not into reading.