
Even if the whole World was watching // Larry Stylinson

[complete] "This school is Tomlinson's last chance." "Thats not my problem." "What about a deal. You take care of him and I will put in a good word for you at Harvard." Ugh that was a strong deal the director knew exactly how much Harry wanted to go to Harvard. "Fine" Grate now he had to deal with this little badboy. He rolled his eyes. Harry's whole life is planed he would finish his senior year go to college and live his own life everything seemed to go perfect for him. Louis is adventures, spontanious and dosn't give a fuck on planing stuff. He and his girlfriend were happy but there was something messing in her eyes. Well, falling in love was definitely not supposed to be on his to-do list. (Also available on Wattpad and soon on Ao3)

t0mm0_thetease · Andere
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28 Chs


His body was shredded, muscles sharp and skin tanned. Harry held in his breath without noticing. All his tattoos were showed off now, his right arm was fully covered with small separate ones like a bird (Which reminded Harry of his own that he hot at to his seventeenth birthday.) a compass and... a stickman? As if that had a meaning. And he had lettering tattooed across his chest it said,

It is what it is

In squiggly font. Harry wondered what that may meaned. Wait, no. It was still Louis he was nailing his eyes on.

"You're blushing," He said sassily walking casually over to his closet taking a few pieces of clothing out. Harry cleared his throat and grabbed his shoes. "I didn't know it was your room," He said quickly tying the laces of his shoes. This situation was so awkward, why did he have to fall asleep, and if that wasn't enough it had to be in Louis' room.

Harry didn't even wonder how his shoes and jacket got there or why he woke up covered in the blankets when he actually fell asleep on top of them, he just wanted to leave. "You slept well?" Louis asked he had completely changed he wore shorts and a tank top now. What the hell he changed while Harry was still in the room?! Oh god. Don't blush, don't blush, don't blush. He always blushed pretty easily, it meant nothing but he didn't want Louis to think it meant something, because... Well,.... it didn't.

Wait where did Louis sleep? Harry looked confused at the other side of the bed and back to Louis who rubbed his head with the towel. "Don't worry I didn't sleep in the bed" He pointed at an armchair left to the bed. Harry was confused by the way Louis acted, he was.... nice. Unusual. He let him sleep in his bed while he slept on an armchair??

Harry shook his head at himself leaning over to grab his jacket "Listen Uhm I'm so-" He stopped as he saw a picture of Niall popping up on his screen. Thank god. He picked up as quickly as possible. "Niall?"

"God Harry where are you??"

"Uhm still at the house, you need to pick me up." He said as quietly as possible hoping Louis wouldn't listen.

"Uhm okay but I want every little detail." Then he hung up before Harry could complain. He rolled his eyes at himself. "Uhm I- I will go now." Harry heard Louis chuckle before he closed the door behind his back and exhaled deeply. Oh god, that was probably the most embarrassing moment in his whole life.

As he, fastly, walked down the hall Eleanor walked past him, not even looking at him for one second she looked mad tho. Something felt weird then it hit him. His jacket. It was still in Louis' room. Fuck. Harry didn't go back to get it it was embarrassing enough for today or probably for the next few months. Niall needed about 10 minutes to arrive. He didn't stop asking what happened. After a while, Harry couldn't stand his annoying questions anymore.

"Did you hook up with som-"

"No, I didn't" He cut the blonde boy off with an angry tone. He could be really annoying sometimes. "I just fell asleep." He said quietly spinning the rings around his fingers like he always did. "Alone." He clarified.

"So where is the problem?"

"In Louis room." He added almost silent

"Oh god," Niall burst out laughing. He didn't stop and his actual HA HA HA's didn't make Harry laugh too, as usual, it just made him feel embarrassed.

"Would you stop laughing now"

"Yes, I'm sorry." He said forcing a natural look on his face. He did a really bad job of it. Harry turned to look at him

"Sorry, I can't it's just too funny." He continued laughing, Harry just rolled his eyes once again. At least he was honest to Niall, well he didn't tell him about the shower thing but at least he didn't lie. Harry was fine with that. But the worst part was, he couldn't stop thinking about the picture of Louis shirtless.


The rest of the weekend was the usual which consisted of movie nights with Niall and talking on the phone with Gemma. She had asked a lot of questions about the party thing, thanks to Niall that he told her. He somehow managed to change the subject every time she started with it again.

"Excited?" Niall smiled spitefully from his left. The windows were down and the wind let Harry's hair fly in every direction but mostly into his face. God, he urgently needed a haircut, the curls already reached his jaw. He pushed them back with his sunglasses. He was sweating. It was just so hot outside and he was maybe a little nervous. Not because of Louis himself more because he completely embarrassed himself.

Perfect. Now Louis had another thing to tease him with. Harry could already see his provocative smile that made his eyes crinkle up. Ugh. Harry didn't answer, he just looked him dead in the eyes before he got out of the car. The warm air felt heavy in his lungs. He threw his bag above his shoulder and brushed his hand through his hair, it was still knotted.

"Come on it won't be that bad," Niall said putting his hand on his shoulder. Harry shook it off. Oh, he had no idea. This will be worse than bad. Harry groaned loudly putting his head back and reluctantly followed Niall. It was unbearably hot in the hallways. Classes weren't better all windows were wide opened and sometimes let in a breeze of cold air. Luckily Louis hadn't said anything about the incident a few days ago so far.

Harry couldn't concentrate in that heat. "can I go to the toilet please?" He walked down the hall as soon as he got permission. Hopefully, the cold water would help his headache a little. But before he even opened the door he smelled the strong smell of cigarettes. Harry roughly opened the door and found Louis sitting at the other side of the room on the floor.

The room was filled with the heavy smell of acrid smoke. "What the hell?!"

Harry coughed at the smoke. Louis looked up to him, his eyes half-lidded smiling into the air. "Haz-" he said so quietly and soft it reminded Harry of the drunk guy at the party. He walked closer to the boy "What are you doing?!" he fumed angrily. Louis giggled holding up a bottle of vodka it was half empty. "Jus- chillin' out." He bubbled. "Did you drink all that?!"

Louis drew on his cigarette and blew a whole cloud of smoke into the air. "Maybe" he almost whispered staring lost into the air. Grate, now Harry had to deal with him. Mr Johnson couldn't see him like that under any circumstances. Because then Harry could forget Harvard. Ugh. Great.

Harry rolled his eyes annoyed leaning down clenching Louis wrist pulling him up on his feet. "Let go of me," he protested trying to free himself from Harry's strong grip, but he was too drunk. "fine" he breathed trying to stand up by himself. It didn't work his knees kept collapsing beneath him. Harry took Louis' arm and put it around his neck. They stumbled through the bathroom over to the sink.

Louis looked awful, dark bags under his almost closed eyes and the cigarette still between his thin lips. Harry snatched it and threw it into the trash bin right next to the sink. "Hey!" Louis put on a grumpy face which would make Harry laugh if he wasn't as angry as he was at the moment.

"That was mine!" He said opening the bottle again and taking a sip. Was he serious?! Harry took a deep breath in to keep calm and ripped the bottle away from Louis. "What the hell Curly?!" Oh god, when would he finally stop calling him that was Harry hated it. He turned the bottle upside down above the sink and emptied it. He feels so much better as he saw Louis horrified look.

"This stuff is expensive-" Harry let the bottle fall into the trash bin and turned on the tap. "Close your eyes," He warned a little too late, maybe on purpose. "What? Wh-" He stopped as Harry splashed cold water into his face. "what the hell?" He choked breathing in deeply, still not able to stand on his own.

Harry escaped a laugh "Just trying to get you at least a little sober." He shrugged his shoulders "I guess it didn't work." Louis gazed mad at him. Harry checked the hallway before he stumbled out of the bathroom, Louis' arm still around his neck. The way over to his car wasn't easy Louis kept stopping every few meters.

"I will drive"

"Absolutely not."


"You're drunk," Exhaled heavily. Louis was even more annoying when he was drunk Harry was surprised that this was even possible.

"No I'm no-" he stopped ripping himself apart from Harry. He ran over to the bushes and, uh gross. What was Harry even doing here he should be studying. He rubbed his hand against his forehead and closed his eyes for a second to realize what was going on. He helped Louis enter the car and even put on his seatbelt for him.

His breath smelled strong like alcohol, Harry noticed as his face was so close to Louis as he bent over. Louis deep blue eyes studied every single detail of Harry's face, it was quiet for a second. Harry cleared his throat and took a water bottle out of the glove box and handed it to Louis "Here, drink that." he smashed the car door shut.

"What are we doin' now?" he yawned, eyes half-lidded. Luckily Harry already knew where Louis lived, it saved a lot of time so maybe he could be at school on time for the last lesson at least. "I'll bring you home." Harry's eyes were focused on the street. "No!"

"Oh Yes. You need to sleep."

"Pull the car!"




Louis grabbed the steering wheel and pulled it to the right.

"Okay! For gods shake!" Harry pulled the car in front of a grocery store and turned over to face Louis "What is your problem?" Louis threw the water bottle above his shoulder onto the backseat, unlocked his seatbelt and opened the car door. "I don't want to go home." Why had Louis to be so complicated? When it was up to Harry he would lock him up in the trunk drive him home and go back to school. Well maybe not exactly but... kind of.

"You can't even walk" 

"Don't tell me what I can and can't." Louis was about to prove his point as Harry pulled him back by gripping his top. "fine." he said he couldn't let Louis go anywhere alone in his condition no matter how much he hated him. "Put your seatbelt on. And if you throw up I'm gonna kill you." He warned, Louis just giggled and did as told.

Louis kept on touching Harry's face like he was a baby and didn't stop pinching his cheeks. "Okay enough!" Harry said loudly slapping Louis' hand aside. Louis looked at him like a baby kitten, with big shiny eyes and a pouty mouth. "Don't think you get me with that." Louis started complaining about something, eyes half-lidded and his hair a whole mess. But Harry didn't listen he just turned the radio volume up and concentrated on the streets.

He had no idea where he was driving, he just drove without any destination along the highway. He couldn't believe what he was doing, he should be in class practising for the finals and work through his to-do list. And instead, he was driving around in one car with Louis Tomlinson. Drunk. And way more annoying than usual. After about an hour Harry noticed Louis had stopped talking, his head leaned back.

His arms crossed in front of his chest. Harry let the seat lean back by pushing the little button on the seat right next to Louis' leg so Louis would be a little bit more comfortable. He looked so peacefully, his eyelashes were so long they brushed his cheek, he had a few freckles that spread along with his nose and cheeks.

Harry eyed him for a few seconds until he noticed what he was doing. He shook his thoughts out of his head and turned the car harshly that Louis' head rolled over to the other side. He didn't care if Louis doesn't want to go home. Harry wasn't his uber driver or his babysitter and he really had other stuff to do.


I just realised how much I love this story hahahahhaha this is so much fun!!!

don't forget to vote:)
