
Even if the whole World was watching // Larry Stylinson

[complete] "This school is Tomlinson's last chance." "Thats not my problem." "What about a deal. You take care of him and I will put in a good word for you at Harvard." Ugh that was a strong deal the director knew exactly how much Harry wanted to go to Harvard. "Fine" Grate now he had to deal with this little badboy. He rolled his eyes. Harry's whole life is planed he would finish his senior year go to college and live his own life everything seemed to go perfect for him. Louis is adventures, spontanious and dosn't give a fuck on planing stuff. He and his girlfriend were happy but there was something messing in her eyes. Well, falling in love was definitely not supposed to be on his to-do list. (Also available on Wattpad and soon on Ao3)

t0mm0_thetease · Andere
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28 Chs


"Can you believe we're seniors??" Niall jumped excited and smiled as Harry and he walked into the hallway. Harry smiled back at him "No, it seems like yesterday, that we started fifth grade." The first day of school was always special to him, it was the day where everyone started kind of a new life. At least that is what it felt like.

Everyone changed due to the summer holidays. Niall had died his hair blonde which turned out to suit him pretty well. Harry had always loved to experiment with his clothes but he never had enough courage to wear his favourite outfits to school. That was one of the things he wanted to change this year.

"Guys we're in senior year!" Zayn yelled running towards them. The three boys ended up in a group hug. "I missed you guys." He said letting go of them. "We missed you too Z." Niall said in his Irish accent. "I like your bun, I didn't know you were growing out your hair." Harry gave Zayn a wide smile.

"Oh, I was just too lazy to go to the hairdresser. But look at you, your outfit looks so gorgeous." Harry blushed at the compliment, he was afraid that everyone would judge him because of his outfit choice but it didn't seem to be the case.

A smile grew on Harry's face, he had never felt so good like in the past few weeks. He just signed into two of his dream colleges, He and his step-brother Niall got into the same class and Zayn had finally spoken to Gigi who was his crush for two years and he looked so happy now.

"Let's go and take our last mirror-selfie," Niall said walking straight ahead of the washroom. It was a silly tradition they had, every first day of school from first grade on they took a photo in front of the washroom mirror together. But this year it was their last. It was kinda sad but they still had one year to go so it wasn't too late to have fun together.

"Okay, I think we have enough now." Harry smiled as he took the 100th photo. "Then let's go we don't wanna be late on our first day," Zayn opened the door for the other two boys. "We're always late. Not like it is something unusual." Niall laughed.

Luckily the boys got to sit next to each other. The teacher came into class followed by two guys one was tall with brown hair styled into a quiff he had grown a beard and a horrible tattoo on his right arm he must be over 18, he wore a red flannel and black skinnies.

The other boy was a lot smaller he had also brown hair which crossed his forehead, he had heavenly blue eyes wore black skinnies as well but with a white tank top and a jeans jacket on top. His facial expression looked kind of intimidating.

"Who are they?" Zayn wondered. "I have no idea they must be new." Weren't they way too old for senior year? And why did the blue-eyed one look at him like that? Everyone in the class started whispering. "Can I get your attention please?" Mrs. Hunters shouted "As you may have noticed," She started as everyone was quiet.

"We have new students. If you could introduce yourself, please." She turned towards the boys. The blue-eyed one had stopped looking at Harry. "My name is Liam Payne I'm from Australia and just moved here." The flannel guy said with a friendly smile on his face. "And I'm Louis written with s but it's silent. I also moved here but from Doncaster."

The boy had an accent sharp and rough, it sounded beautiful to Harry. There was something about him that wouldn't let Harry go. "You guys can take place at the tables over there." Of course, it had to be the table next to Harry's. He noticed Louis glancing at him as he passed him to sit down. At least there was a gap between their tables so they don't sit right next to each other.

Harry tried to act as normal as possible along with the lesson, he didn't want anyone to notice that he had a weird feeling about that Louis boy. He took out his journal to check his to-do list. He loved planing everything, it gave him structure. But all he had left to do today was bringing his third college application to the director's office. Everything else was already marked in pink.

It was the best feeling to cross things off of his list. Harry loved having control over his life. Zayn and Niall didn't do something like that they're spontaneous and didn't like planning that much but they never judged him for that, they never judged him for anything. That's why they are his best friends.

"Are we going to leave for diner?" Niall asked biting his pen. Harry turned with a questioning look on his face "Where do you want to go?"

"I don't care we are seniors now we are allowed to leave school during breaks."

"Right I totally forgot about that."

"I heard of a new diner not far from here it's called O.p.s," Zayn whispered scrolling through his phone. "Here." He handed his phone over to Niall who looked immediately amazed, Harry snapped it out of his hand to see it too. "Let me see."

Mrs Hunters pretended to clear her throat to get their attention "Did you guys forgot the rules over the summer break? Hand me your phone, Mr Styles." Harry felt everyone look at him, he hated that.

"It's not mine."

"I don't care!" She snapped the phone out of his hand. "Somebody else who wants to break some rules?" She asked strictly.

"Every time." Someone said in a sassy voice. Harry turned his head to look who it was and saw Louis smiling wide at the teacher. His smile shined so bright like it was made of sunshine.

It didn't match the appearance he made in front of the classroom. Suddenly he looked past the teacher straight into Harry's eyes. Those heavenly blue eyes looked right into his soul. Harry's heart skipped a beat. Why did it do that? Harry watched the smile on Louis' face slowly disappear, he looked serious now.

"Mr Tomlinson! I talk to you." Mrs Hunters said in an annoyed and louder voice than before. Louis took his eyes off of Harry. He didn't notice he was holding in his breath until he stared back at his table. "What was that?" Niall asked confused. "I-I have no idea." Harry kind of stuttered probably the whole class watched them staring at each other. Oh god, that was embarrassing.

Harry let his head fall onto his crossed arms on the table exhaling loudly.


"I think it's the next one right," Zayn said pointing at the street, Harry sat in the back seat and tried not to think about Louis and his smile. "Don't you guys think it's weird that the new guy was there the first lesson and then just vanished?" Niall gave Harry an asking look through the rearview morrow.

Harry just shrugged his shoulders "I didn't notice."  He did, and that's why he was so confused. Maybe he just got sent to the director's office." Niall gave him a not believing look "Yes sure, and how do you know which of them both I'm talking about?" Zayn laughed "Got ya!" Harry felt his cheeks burn. "Turn the volume up." That was the only thing he had said about that.

Niall gave him one last smile and turned the way up. They spent the rest of the ride singing along some Ed Sheeran songs with their whole heart. It was always fun to sing with them in the car. "Here it is," Zayn said turning the volume back down. Niall stopped the car in front of a quite small building that looked like from the '90s.

"That looks dope," Zayn was amazed. The whose Diner looked like it was from an old movie like the place a friend group would meet once a week, it was quite cool maybe they could come there more often. "I like it here." He looked up to Niall and Zayn who were sitting across from him. Both of them had wide smile on their faces.

"Why are you guys smiling like that?" Niall pointed to the counter at the other side of the room. "Look who works here." Harry turned around and saw a boy at the counter his hair laying across his forehead in the same clothes as in school. It was Louis. He handed out Money to a woman and smiled at her just before he looked over to Harry.

He quickly turned back to Niall and Zayn "Awkward" Niall sang. Harry gave him a warning glance "Shut up Horan" hissed trying to hide so that Louis wouldn't see him. "Harry, he is already on his way," Zayn tried not to laugh by pressing his lips into a line. Harry tried to act as naturally as he could, the two other boys shouldn't get another reason to tease him.

"You're at my school right?" Louis stood next to their table writing something on the small pad in his hand "Yes I'm Zayn this is Niall and this is Harry." Louis looked up and gave Harry a little smirk "Unbelievable." Louis shook his head. "Don't you dare using your phone in class again Mr." Harry smiled wide. "So what can I do for you guys?"

"I would like to get some fries and a coke please." Louis looked over to Zayn "Imma take the same but with some chicken nuggets as well." Harry watched Louis write everything down. "What about you curly?" The blue eyes tugged at him. "Uhm I-I will take-" He cleared his throat. Louis just called him cruly which made Harry stutter "I will take the same as Niall." He quickly ended his sentence.

"Sure" Louis chuckled quietly as he wrote it down. "I will be right back." Louis pushed the pen behind his ear and walked back to the counter.

"Don't you look at me like that." Harry glanced at the two laughing boys. "Oh we're sorry curly but that was too funny."

"Don't you dare ever calling me that again." Harry hissed. Niall's eyes were in tears from all the laughing, but the worst was no matter how mad Harry tried to look, Nialls laugh always made him laugh too.

"Here you go." Louis placed three plates on their table. "Thanks," all of the three boys said. Watching Louis leave. "I think he's nice we should ask him to hang out," Niall suggested, Zayn nodded approving taking a sip of his coke. Harry just ignored them and ate his fries.

The diner door swung open and two girls stepped in, one with long brown hair looking like she was some sort of a model. Eleanor Calder, the most popular girl at school, was always prom queen and of course the captain of the cheerleader team. The other one was shorter than her she had blonde long curls and wore a lot of makeup. Her best friend Perrie.

"Why does it always seem like they walk in slow motion?" Niall asked confused as they all looked at them. Eleanor walked over to Louis who already looked up and smiled at her. Then she pressed her lips against his.


I don't know what to think of my new story.

I just had the plot idea and hat to at least write one chapter.

Please tell me if you would like to read a next Chapter

x Nina