
The beginning of the end

Hua Que stood at the peak of the tallest building in the city . His wings out proudly . even in the dark his pale skin stood out . His gaze pierced through the air as he stared down at the city . " your highness ." Ivan turned steadily to the source of the voice . Upon seeing who it was , his wings retracted . squaring his shoulders he stared at the man bowing not far away from him . " what are you doing here ?" He asked in a low voice ." Your highness , his Majesty is worried for your well being and sent me to protect you ." Hua Que stared at him and turned his back to him . "l very well then ."

Before the man could react Ivan had already disappeared from his sight . " Your highness ?"


Hua que went to the sea shore . For some unexplainable reasons he found himself drawn to the sea . Yet he also felt insatiable anger when he saw the calm waters or when there we're waves . Moreover during a storm when the sea was unsettled he felt uneasy rather worried . Despite all this , whenever something happened whether major or minor he always went to the sea. He would talk to it as if they were old friends catching up . " The city of Tranquila looks amazing tonight . But...." his bore deep to the Sea surface where the stars and moon's reflection looked like a dazzling painting . He clenched his fist from sudden anger when a strong wave came disorienting the view . " But you're still more eye catching compared to any thing else ."

" Your highness , at least you were here . please do not go out wandering again lest I get into trouble . " "We can drop the formalities while we're not in the palace , Meng Yao . You can call me Aque ."

" I dare not call you by your birth name ."

" have it your way then ."

They spent some more time on the shore before going to an inn to rest .

while having dinner Mengi Yao didn't dare sit at the same table with the prince . Hua Que asked to join him for dinner but he kindly declined .

Hua Que wasn't the type to force things on people . In cases where someone was to make a choice for themselves , he would just ask them once and whatever answers they gave so be it . Even if you'd refuse to eat he wouldn't ask twice and just leave you be .

As calm as he sounded he was the most feared person . Even more than his father . He was a man of ni chances . Everything he did was perfect after all . Not to mention , as a young man , his cultivation was at per with the King's . Making him 2nd strongest person to exist . Fear was that , he was much younger than his father , he could easily beat him in power sooner or later.

"Mengi Yao"

" Yes your highness "

" You raised me didn't you "

" Yes I did "

" you've always been truthful to me . You also willingly took care of my body when my soul wandered off after the great war . but ..."

" do you have any worries or questions your highness "

" why do I feel like there's something you're hiding from me "

" your just too into your thoughts lately "

Ivan sighed wondering why the sudden surge of emotions . That's so unlike him . He wanted to clear his mind and have a good rest . " you may leave ."

Once outside Mengi Yao sighed loudly. " He trusts you so much won't you tell him the truth ."

" Illusion ,"

" I get that you're the crown prince's right hand man but please respect me still ."

" My apologies chinqu"

" That's more like it . do you won't tell him "

" The beginning and end always coexist and are pre destined . We cannot change destiny , not even the Universal God can . "

" that is because he's lost his memories ."

" The end is the beginning of a new chapter . I changing it can bring out good result or the other it's best if it remains anonymous . Remember ,every person is the center of their own story . Whether evil or righteous . And no one is aware of their end or sure of the beginning ."