
Euphoric Ecstasy

Fifty-Shades of Grey, 365, and American Psycho all in one. Lex Maō, a supermodel and CEO of a multi-billion dollar company, presents himself as a cold-hearted, methodical intellectual who doesn't care about anything or anyone. Ryan Moore, a very broken girl with big dreams manages to fall into his sights and quickly piques his interests. Lex craving entertainment, sees her as an opportunity for fun and injects himself into her life. But everyone knows the cliché of how the lion fell in love with the lamb and how they lived happily ever after... Well the story's much darker than that. Everyone has a secret they'd kill to keep quiet and when you are treated like a villain, a villain you'll most likely become, Lex was no exception. Excerpt: Ryan's PoV: "I could buy you the world and you still wouldn't accept me, would you?" He looked at me with an uncharacteristic anxiousness. "You aren't the problem Lex." I stared up at him. "It's what you do that I find so repulsing." For the first time there was genuine hurt in his eyes, his normal arrogant smirk was replaced by a look of deep torture. "You find me repulsing?" He suddenly had withered into something as delicate as a flower, teetering on the brink of self-destruction. "You told me you were a monster..."I hated him for lying to me, but something deep within me yearned to hold him. "So act like one and prove it, not that it will change anything." Lex's PoV: As I pulled into the rundown warehouse I knew all too well, I could feel her eyes on me, so I turned to witness a confused and slightly distraught expression plastered over her striking facial features. "What the hell is this?" A discontent, annoyed tone did it's best to hide her anxieties, but her eyes can't lie. I took a deep sigh and closed my eyes. "Ōjo, this is your last chance, once you know there's no turning back. Ignorance is bliss. Let's just go back to the condo and forget abou-" "NO!" Her nostrils flared wildly as her features tensed and wrinkled in her frustration. "Stop trying to get out of this! I'm not going to live a lie! Now show me what the fuck Oyabun means or I'm fucking leaving Lex!! I'll leave you and this city and all of your bullshit!!" She shouted furiously, her intense rage seething through all of her straining muscles. "Fine." I said in a soft, monotone pitch, my deadpan expression the result of the suppression of my pain, my gaze looking towards the cracked walls and the broken, busted, and boarded windows before I turned to see her. She was already staring intently at me, her vehemently bitter glare directed towards my eyes. I closed them and sighed deeply, taking comfort in the darkness, calming my nerves via the sight of the empty expansive nothingness afforded to me by my shut eyelids. Then I opened the car door and followed the path inside where I was greeted by many large muscular men, mostly Asian, and all with dragon tattoos poking out slightly from under the cuffs of their formal fitted black attire. Ryan's PoV: I was so confused, so anxious, so terrified, so sad and fucking enraged all at once that it felt like he had left the knife in after stabbing it in my heart. I just couldn't keep myself from thinking, my mind was working overtime. The worst thoughts and possibilities came to me over and over in such a short time span. I wasn't sure I was going to make it. I stared at him from the passenger seat of the car, as he talked to the tatted men. He towered over them, everything about him screamed whispers that only a few could hear. The mens faces were growing meaner and Lex's expression was still calm. He pulled out a gun, aiming it at the head of the man he was talking to, almost instantaneously he pulled the trigger. I let out a scream as the gun's echo shocked me back to reality. The pieces were slowly falling together, it all started to make sense as the other men bowed before him.

Draven_Nyx · Teenager
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6 Chs


Ryan's PoV:

I gazed into the mirror at my now unfamiliar reflection, it gazed back at me as if I were just as unfamiliar. I had honey-caramel colored skin and I'd very recently dyed my long dark brown curls a sandy brown, ordered a pair of colored prescription contacts and started straightening my hair, all out of self-loathing. I stared at the brilliant blue that had become of my once brown eyes. The white wife beater clung to my small waist and my large bust. I guess that was one thing I was thankful for, my curves, as much as I hated the attention, I could use it to my advantage. I don't know how long I stood there staring, but my alarm snapped me back into reality. I tore myself away from the mirror and stood before my small, cramped closet.

Today was a big day, I had an interview at Fletcher Incorporated, it was a multi-billion dollar company. I took out a black pantsuit that consisted of a black top and a black knee length skirt. I pulled on the black pantyhose then slipped on black heels.

"Dress for the job you want."I reminded myself.

I grabbed my bag and headed for the door, making sure to lock it.

I wish I could afford a car, but with my current situation affording a car and paying rent were virtually impossible, so I had to suck it up and take a taxi.

"Take me to this address please."I said handing the driver a piece of paper as I settled uncomfortably into the yellow car.

"That's an hour 'nd fifty-five minute drive. You sure ya got enough to pay for that sweethot."His New York accent was thick. "Plus I neva been up dat way."

I resisted the urge to laugh at the way he spoke.

"Yes I'm sure." I said flashing my wallet with an annoyed tone, he seemed surprised as he finally registered that I wasn't born around here.

"So where ya from?"He looked at me from his rear view mirror.

"California."I said keeping my attention on the tall buildings passing by.

"You'a pretty lil thing."He chuckled quietly.

"Don't be a creep."I shot him a glare.

"Learn to takea compliment deary."

I answered him with silence.

"Oh I see how it is, that's how it gonna be?"

I had pulled up the route on my phone because I didn't trust this man, he took a right turn when he should have taken a left. We were only 6 blocks away, but it still gave me a bad feeling.

"What are you doing?"I tried to conceal the anxiousness in my voice.

"Taking a short cut."He claimed calmly.

"I thought you said you've never been up this way?"I slowly dipped my hand into my bag, quietly trying to find my pepper spray.

"Don't recall."He kept his eyes on the road.

"Pull over."I said through gritted teeth.

"You ain't goin' no whea sweethot."

I went for the door but there was no handle. How stupid could I have been to not notice it?

"I said pull over."my hands clutched the canister.

"And I said you ain't going no whea."He was starting to lose patience.

I unclipped the button and as discreetly as I could took off my seat belt.

His eyes shot up to the rear view mirror, glued to me, I glared at him, trying keeping my cool.

I reached around and sprayed him, he screeched in pain and the car swerved. I grabbed my bag and climbed into the front seat, opening the car door. He grabbed my leg and tried pulling me back in, but by that time my adrenaline was pumping and my heart was racing and I was on survival mode. He dug his nails into my leg and I kicked him in the face. His eyes were still squeezed shut, but he was like a pitbull with it's jaws on my leg. I threw my bag out of the car and whipped around clawing at his face, trying desperately to land a punch and once I did, I kept laying them on, he threw up his free arm to protect his face.

"Let me go!"I screamed, continuing to claw and punch him.

"No, you're porfect. You got a pretty face and sexy body. I could make big money off of ya."

I screamed as loud as I could, then grabbed onto his wrist trying to pry his hand off of me. I could feel myself slipping away. I had to think of something fast. I reeled my arm back, flattening my hand and shot my hand straight out, hitting him in his jugular. He released me, his hands rushing to his throat as he gasped for air. I wasted no time scrambling out of the car.

I grabbed my bag and ran as fast as I could.

I know I should be worried about the fact of how much worse that scenario could have been, but I was focused on one thing, my interview. My pantyhose were torn and the tight bun I had pulled my hair into was now a mess. Once I was sure I was far enough away I looked into the glass of an busy shop that was right across of Fletcher Incorporated.

"I can't go to my interview looking like this.."I was disappointed. "But they don't give second chances. So I guess the question is how bad do I want this."

There was only 15 minutes left before my interview, not enough time to change out of the pantyhose or fix my hair.

"To be early is to be on time, to be on time is to be late."I told myself as I marched across the street and through the glass doors.

The skinny red-headed receptionist gave me a disgusted look. "Uhh, can I help you?"She was obviously displeased.

"Yes, I'm here for an interview."

"I find that very hard to believe."She clicked her tongue.

"Listen lady, you would not believe what I just went through, pick up the phone and tell your boss that his 9:00 o'clock is here."I sent her the coldest glare I could muster.

She looked taken aback for a moment and slightly frightened. "He's out right now."She said smugly, before picking up the phone, "Security." Her eyes looked up at me, a smirk on her lips.

Just then the glass doors opened and in walked a tall man. His beauty was otherworldly.

"Mr. Maō, this...thing is claiming to have an interview with you."She had a sly grin.

"Ryan Moore?"He said checking his Rolex, he almost looked hopeful.

I nodded.

He shot the ginger a glare that faded as quick as it had come and she immediately shrank into herself.

"Let's get you the paperwork."

He wrapped his long arm around me and pulled me towards the elevator. The elevator ride was filled with a silence that made me feel awkward as he towered over me, taking in every inch of my face. The elevator ding broke the quiet and I scurried out of the elevator. I swear I almost heard a laugh come from him as he stepped out. He walked over to his desk and sat in it. He stared at me as I filled out the paperwork.

"So Ryan..."He once again stifled laughter. "Isn't that a name for a boy."

I took in an annoyed breath, trying resist the urge to be sarcastic. I'm sure it was written on my face.

I nodded grudgingly.

"Come sit."He extended his hand indicating one of the two chairs in front of his desk.

I wiggled my toes to try and keep from looking visibly anxious, then sat at the edge of the seat.

"So why do you want the internship, Mrs. Moore?"His hazel eyes were unrealistically beautiful.

"I want to one day run my own company."I paused, letting him take that in, but he seemed unphased. "I figured taking this internship at such a successful company would get me some quality experience."

"Why kiss ass, doesn't seem like your style."He said as more of a statement than a question.

"Excuse me?"I wasn't trying to kiss ass, I was genuine about every word.

He seemed displeased at my calm reaction. "I said... There's no need to kiss ass."

I could barely keep my composure. This man was toying with my emotions and I wasn't sure if I could handle it after what had happened earlier. I felt my eyes begin to water.

He looked surprised, as a tear ran down my cheek, I closed my eyes trying to hide my shame.

"Wha- Why are you crying, can't handle a little heat?"He went from confused, to worried, back to teasing.

"Even if I told you, you'd not believe me."

"You're probably right, but try me."He leaned back in his chair.

I explained everything that had happened to me, trying to hold back the tears and keep from falling apart.

He seemed disinterested.

I felt my face twisted into sadness at his cold-hearted demeanor.

"I told you, you'd not believe me."

"Oh no, I believe you. I believe you very much in fact."He said calmly, looking at his nails.

"Don't play with me."I flew up from my chair and slammed my hands on the desk.

"I believe you because I saw it happen."

In that instance my heart sank. "Y-you saw..."

"Yes."He stared at me.

"And you did nothing to help?"I felt myself slipping away again, keep control.

"Why would I? None of my business."He shrugged.

I glared at him, but kept silent, I turned around and grabbed my bag, heading towards the door.

"And where do you think you're going?"

"I'm leaving."

"If you leave you'll never get that position...And I'll make sure you don't get one anywhere else either."

"You aren't that powerful."I placed my hand on the doorknob, turning it.

"Do you know who I am?"He asked condescendingly.

"I don't care."I opened the door and walked out.

I walked to the elevator, feeling satisfied at leaving him bewildered. I held my head high as I walked to the exit. I felt the ginger's eyes burn into my back.


I turned around and there stood that smug, rat bastard. Now I felt the eyes of everyone in the room on us.

"What do you want?"I glared up at him.

"You want experience right?"

"Yeah, what of it."I tried to figure out what it was he wanted.

"I can give it to you."

"Oh really? And what happened to me not getting the job, or any other like it after I left your office?"I bit back sarcastically.

He looked pleased and his lips held a smirk. He ignored my comment, "You want to know what running a company is like?"

"That's not in the job description, but that would be preferable."I was now utterly confused.

"Well then... You're my personal assistant."

"Since when?"

"You just said what you really wanted is hands on experience and what's more hands on than being the boss's personal assistant?"He looked at me with expectant eyes.

"Oh I don't know being the actual boss."I felt my lips start to pull into a smile, but I refused to let it grow.

He must have noticed because he smirked. "I'll have someone pick you up, 8 o'clock sharp."