
Euphoric Ecstasy

Fifty-Shades of Grey, 365, and American Psycho all in one. Lex Maō, a supermodel and CEO of a multi-billion dollar company, presents himself as a cold-hearted, methodical intellectual who doesn't care about anything or anyone. Ryan Moore, a very broken girl with big dreams manages to fall into his sights and quickly piques his interests. Lex craving entertainment, sees her as an opportunity for fun and injects himself into her life. But everyone knows the cliché of how the lion fell in love with the lamb and how they lived happily ever after... Well the story's much darker than that. Everyone has a secret they'd kill to keep quiet and when you are treated like a villain, a villain you'll most likely become, Lex was no exception. Excerpt: Ryan's PoV: "I could buy you the world and you still wouldn't accept me, would you?" He looked at me with an uncharacteristic anxiousness. "You aren't the problem Lex." I stared up at him. "It's what you do that I find so repulsing." For the first time there was genuine hurt in his eyes, his normal arrogant smirk was replaced by a look of deep torture. "You find me repulsing?" He suddenly had withered into something as delicate as a flower, teetering on the brink of self-destruction. "You told me you were a monster..."I hated him for lying to me, but something deep within me yearned to hold him. "So act like one and prove it, not that it will change anything." Lex's PoV: As I pulled into the rundown warehouse I knew all too well, I could feel her eyes on me, so I turned to witness a confused and slightly distraught expression plastered over her striking facial features. "What the hell is this?" A discontent, annoyed tone did it's best to hide her anxieties, but her eyes can't lie. I took a deep sigh and closed my eyes. "Ōjo, this is your last chance, once you know there's no turning back. Ignorance is bliss. Let's just go back to the condo and forget abou-" "NO!" Her nostrils flared wildly as her features tensed and wrinkled in her frustration. "Stop trying to get out of this! I'm not going to live a lie! Now show me what the fuck Oyabun means or I'm fucking leaving Lex!! I'll leave you and this city and all of your bullshit!!" She shouted furiously, her intense rage seething through all of her straining muscles. "Fine." I said in a soft, monotone pitch, my deadpan expression the result of the suppression of my pain, my gaze looking towards the cracked walls and the broken, busted, and boarded windows before I turned to see her. She was already staring intently at me, her vehemently bitter glare directed towards my eyes. I closed them and sighed deeply, taking comfort in the darkness, calming my nerves via the sight of the empty expansive nothingness afforded to me by my shut eyelids. Then I opened the car door and followed the path inside where I was greeted by many large muscular men, mostly Asian, and all with dragon tattoos poking out slightly from under the cuffs of their formal fitted black attire. Ryan's PoV: I was so confused, so anxious, so terrified, so sad and fucking enraged all at once that it felt like he had left the knife in after stabbing it in my heart. I just couldn't keep myself from thinking, my mind was working overtime. The worst thoughts and possibilities came to me over and over in such a short time span. I wasn't sure I was going to make it. I stared at him from the passenger seat of the car, as he talked to the tatted men. He towered over them, everything about him screamed whispers that only a few could hear. The mens faces were growing meaner and Lex's expression was still calm. He pulled out a gun, aiming it at the head of the man he was talking to, almost instantaneously he pulled the trigger. I let out a scream as the gun's echo shocked me back to reality. The pieces were slowly falling together, it all started to make sense as the other men bowed before him.

Draven_Nyx · Teenager
Zu wenig Bewertungen
6 Chs


Ryan's PoV:

Lex took me back to his place and gave me street clothes that consisted of a silk blue spaghetti strap flowy pajama shirt and matching blue shorts with black lace making up the hem. I sat on the couch trying to order a plane ticket.

"What're you doing?"

"God you've gotta stop doing that!"I nearly had a heart attack.

"What are you doing?" He ignored my statement.

"I'm trying to order a plane ticket."I glared.

"No need."He walked to the fridge.

"What do you mean? How else am I supposed to get there?"

"I'll pay for everything."

"Wait what?"

"I told you I'd handle everything, did I not?"He grabbed a plastic box of raspberries from the fridge and a Fiji water.

"Yeah."I felt myself relax and I sat back down on the couch.


My phone shut off, "Ugh I hate this phone!"I shook it.

"What's wrong?"

"This phone is like 3 years old and it's so unbelievably slow."

"I'll get you a new one."He popped a raspberry into his mouth.

"Wha- Just like that? No planning, no questions asked, you'll just buy me one?"I was confused, as I leaned my head back on the couch, looking at his shirtless, slender, yet well muscled frame.

"Yeah."He said simply, taking in another raspberry.

I sighed. I wonder how much he was willing do do for me. Wait, no why am I thinking like that. I shook the thought out of my mind.

"What?"He stared at me intently.

"Nothing..."I played with my hands.


"What!?"I raised my voice.

"Don't be a spastic. What's on your mind?"

"Who's Amanda Panda and Addy?"

His face wrinkled into annoyance, then a smile, before laughing.


"That was sure a lot of emotions you just went through... Care to explain?"

"Those are my exes."

"That's tacky."

"What is, letting my exes have my Netflix?"

"Not just that, but having the audacity to share it with two of them."

"They're twins. They share everything."

"Wait wait wait. You're telling me you were in a relationship with twins?"

"Yeah."He said as if it were the most obvious thing in the world.

I didn't know whether to say way to go or be disgusted. So I went with both.

"That's great and all, but what the hell."

"Like you have room to judge Ōjo. With that body and face of your I'm sure you'd had your fair share."He downed another raspberry.

I stayed silent, looking away from him.

"Wait... Are you a virgin?"

"No."I sighed, "Far from it."I was a little hurt.

"Ryan. What's wrong?"

"I don't wanna talk about it."I looked back over and next thing I knew he was right in front of me.

"Did someone hurt you?"His expression was serious.

"I said I don't wanna talk about it."I looked away from him.

He grabbed my face, squishing my cheeks. "Did someone hurt you." His were wild and his face was hardening.

"Yeah, you are, right now. Let go."I put my hand on his wrist trying to pry him off of me.

"Tell me."His eyes now furious were filled with rage.

"Yes."I felt my heart begin to sink as the memories came knocking.

He released me, sitting down next to me.

"Who?"He pried, staring intently at me. "Ryan tell me who hurt you?"

"This man named Jerry."As the memories came closer and closer the door they were sealed behind I felt my eyes begin to fill with tears.

No I can't. I can't cry like this. Not...Not in front of him.

"Last name."He demanded.

"Sanchez."I looked away as a tear rolled down my cheek.

"Tell me what happened. I know it's hard, but-"

"Let me guess? It'll be okay right? Is that what you were gonna say?"I bit my lip as the bitterness and sadness set in.

"No. It's not okay. I was going to say that just because you were all by yourself then and suffered in silence doesn't mean you still have to be. You aren't alone anymore. You have me."His face was stone, but his eyes were passionate.

"I've never felt good enough for anyone because of what was stolen from me. I've never felt pure."

"Ryan you are pure. Purity is what comes from the heart and the mind and the soul. And you've got it."

I could no longer hold back the tears as they streamed down my cheek, The tears fell at his words and at the painful memories. No one had ever told me that it wasn't okay, always "It'll be alright", "You're strong", "Stop clinging to the past", "Forgive and forget." Why should I have to be strong all the time? How could I forget something like that? It will never be alright.

This was the first time in a long time that I felt vunerable. I tried wiping the tears away but they were relentless. I began sobbing loudly the memories flooded my mind. The moment my heart began to pour Lex pulled me into his chest, wrapping his long, warm arms around me. We sat in silence as he held me while I cried. Lex held me until I was done and then some, by that time three and a half hours had past.

"You must think I'm weak."I sniffled, my head leaning on his warm, smooth chest.

"You are beyond strong Ryan, stronger than any person should ever have to be."He said quietly, stroking my curls.

"I've had to protect myself for a long time..."I didn't know where to start, "I've been alone for so long... I shouldn't have let my guard down."I was afraid to let someone in, I couldn't handle being abandoned again. "I can't afford to."I felt the numbness begin to isolate each part of me one by one.

"I swear that you'll never be alone again..."His words were absolute. "I promise I'll protect you."

Without even realizing it he had fought off my numbness. I picked my head up. His hazel eyes were gentle as he gazed into my soul and I into his. I could feel the static between us, our bodies calling out to each other, yearning to learn the way the other tasted. Lex answered the call by leaning in closer to my face. I froze as my body tensed. I couldn't move, I was afraid. I didn't want to be taken advantage of, I was so vunerable, I didn't know what it was I wanted. He stopped for a moment, then changed direction and gingerly kissed my forehead. My body instantly relaxed under his warm, soft lips. I let out a small sigh of relief.

"I won't ever force you if I can help it."He whispered. He rested his chin on my head.

"Mm..."I inhaled his scent as I snuggled into him.

"I'll sit here as long as you need."He pulled me closer, pulling his legs up on the couch creating a small barrier between me and the outside world. It felt safe. I'd never felt so safe in my life. I closed my eyes.