
Euphoric Ecstasy

Fifty-Shades of Grey, 365, and American Psycho all in one. Lex Maō, a supermodel and CEO of a multi-billion dollar company, presents himself as a cold-hearted, methodical intellectual who doesn't care about anything or anyone. Ryan Moore, a very broken girl with big dreams manages to fall into his sights and quickly piques his interests. Lex craving entertainment, sees her as an opportunity for fun and injects himself into her life. But everyone knows the cliché of how the lion fell in love with the lamb and how they lived happily ever after... Well the story's much darker than that. Everyone has a secret they'd kill to keep quiet and when you are treated like a villain, a villain you'll most likely become, Lex was no exception. Excerpt: Ryan's PoV: "I could buy you the world and you still wouldn't accept me, would you?" He looked at me with an uncharacteristic anxiousness. "You aren't the problem Lex." I stared up at him. "It's what you do that I find so repulsing." For the first time there was genuine hurt in his eyes, his normal arrogant smirk was replaced by a look of deep torture. "You find me repulsing?" He suddenly had withered into something as delicate as a flower, teetering on the brink of self-destruction. "You told me you were a monster..."I hated him for lying to me, but something deep within me yearned to hold him. "So act like one and prove it, not that it will change anything." Lex's PoV: As I pulled into the rundown warehouse I knew all too well, I could feel her eyes on me, so I turned to witness a confused and slightly distraught expression plastered over her striking facial features. "What the hell is this?" A discontent, annoyed tone did it's best to hide her anxieties, but her eyes can't lie. I took a deep sigh and closed my eyes. "Ōjo, this is your last chance, once you know there's no turning back. Ignorance is bliss. Let's just go back to the condo and forget abou-" "NO!" Her nostrils flared wildly as her features tensed and wrinkled in her frustration. "Stop trying to get out of this! I'm not going to live a lie! Now show me what the fuck Oyabun means or I'm fucking leaving Lex!! I'll leave you and this city and all of your bullshit!!" She shouted furiously, her intense rage seething through all of her straining muscles. "Fine." I said in a soft, monotone pitch, my deadpan expression the result of the suppression of my pain, my gaze looking towards the cracked walls and the broken, busted, and boarded windows before I turned to see her. She was already staring intently at me, her vehemently bitter glare directed towards my eyes. I closed them and sighed deeply, taking comfort in the darkness, calming my nerves via the sight of the empty expansive nothingness afforded to me by my shut eyelids. Then I opened the car door and followed the path inside where I was greeted by many large muscular men, mostly Asian, and all with dragon tattoos poking out slightly from under the cuffs of their formal fitted black attire. Ryan's PoV: I was so confused, so anxious, so terrified, so sad and fucking enraged all at once that it felt like he had left the knife in after stabbing it in my heart. I just couldn't keep myself from thinking, my mind was working overtime. The worst thoughts and possibilities came to me over and over in such a short time span. I wasn't sure I was going to make it. I stared at him from the passenger seat of the car, as he talked to the tatted men. He towered over them, everything about him screamed whispers that only a few could hear. The mens faces were growing meaner and Lex's expression was still calm. He pulled out a gun, aiming it at the head of the man he was talking to, almost instantaneously he pulled the trigger. I let out a scream as the gun's echo shocked me back to reality. The pieces were slowly falling together, it all started to make sense as the other men bowed before him.

Draven_Nyx · Teenager
Zu wenig Bewertungen
6 Chs


Ryan's PoV:

I slowly opened my eyes, stretching my body as I turned onto my other side. I blinked a few times as my blurred vision came into focus.

"What the hell!"I practically jumped out of my skin.

There laying net to me was Lex, he looked so peaceful.

"Hey!"I yelled.

He groaned, turning his back to me.

"Hey!"I yelled again.

"I know you hear me! Why are you ignoring me?"I lowered my voice as it slightly cracked, I felt a lump in my throat.

"Tch..."Lex busted into laughter as he turned over to face me.

"Wh...Why you."I glared, I stared at him, realizing just how good looking Lex really was.

"You have an amazing smile."Before I realized what I was doing the words had slipped from my lips.

He stopped laughing for a moment, the smile on his face shifted into a smirk.

"Oh?"He stared at me with a look that had quickly become synonymous with him.

"I...I meant...I...Well."I stumbled over my words. I cleared my throat. "I can't see shit."I tried to change the conversation.

"You think you're going to get out of what you just said that easily?"He smirked.

"Well I..."

"Thought so."

"That doesn't change the fact of the matter. You said you'd sleep on the couch."

"I never said that."He grinned.

I glared.

He reached his long arm out, caressing my face, moving a few curls behind my ear. I didn't even think to move away, it just felt so natural, I found myself leaning into his hand.

"Stop."I said quietly, gently brushing his warm hand away.

"You sure?"His smirk faded.

I didn't answer him, I felt sort of entranced, caught up in the moment.

"I'll be patient."

"Wait what?"I snapped back to reality as he just shook his head signaling that what he said didn't matter.

I turned around, reaching into my bag and pulling out my thick glasses. I faced him and once again he busted into laughter.

"The hell are those things?!"He said between laughter.

"My glasses."I sighed in slight embarrassment.

"My contacts came out in the shower."

"You know you're supposed to take those out before you shower right?"His laughter calmed as he spoke with playful sarcasm.

"I was so tired last night I forgot."

"I'll fix that."

I looked over his shoulder to the other alarm clock.

"11:38?!"I was in shock."I'm already late for work!"

"Well I say you aren't."His beautiful smile was gone now and he returned to his usual demeanor. "I'm taking you out for a day on the town."He smirked.

I opened my mouth to speak.

"Let me guess? Unprofessional?"He smirked.

I closed my mouth and just sat there sulking a bit.

"Well that line has already been crossed."

"I don't have anything to wear."I felt myself shrinking under his aura.

He stretched himself out, groaning as he looked at me with a half smirk, "I took the liberty of ordering you clothes."

"Why?"I blinked at him.

"I have my reasons."He smirked again, this time in earnest.

I rolled my eyes, I was trying to be mad at him for sleeping in the same bed as me, but I somehow just couldn't manage to stay angry.

I rubbed my eyes as I stepped onto the stairs, a shiver ran up my spin as the coldness shocked me into alertness.

My stomach grumbled as I headed to the fridge, I swung it open, staring at the scarily organized contents.

"Making yourself at home are you?"He chuckled, I turned my head around and there stood Lex with a smile.

"I'm still mad at you."I lied, trying to sound irritated.

"How about this."He leaned on the island.

"I'm listening."I turned my attention back to the fridge.

"How about I do any one thing you want?"

I slowly turned around. "Anything?"I raised my eyebrow.

"Anything."He smirked.

"Ok then, start by making me breakfast. Oh that is unless you don't know how to cook because life was handed to you on a silver platter."I started out smug, then ended with sarcasm.

"What do you mean start by? And of course I know how to cook."He seemed a little irritated that I'd even question that.

"Yes start by, you heard me."I shut the fridge as my stomach growled louder, I had a smirk on my own face as I stepped closer to him.

"I do recall only saying one thing."He was still leaned over on the island.

I leaned onto the island matching his position as a smirk formed on my lips. "Yeah and my one thing is that you do what I want for a day."

He looked surprised for a moment before he smirked again. "Well then I didn't know you were into that Ryan."

"Whatever."I rolled my eyes, I walked around the island and looked at the barstool. I jumped up into it, but fell off.

He stifled laughter as he watched me try to get into the barstool. I tried once again, but to no success.

"Do you want some help?"He was trying so hard not to laugh.

"I don't want your help."I was getting ticked off.

"Let me rephrase then, do you need my help?"

I sighed in defeat, looking at the ground, "Yes please."I grumbled.

He lifted me up by my waist and placed me on the barstool.

I sighed again, putting my head down into my arms on the island, trying to not let this get to me.

"You know you really are cute when you are embarrassed."

I lifted my head and he was across from me staring. I stared at him, I didn't know what to say, so I just put my head back down.

"Get moving."I waved my hand. "Don't have all day."

He chuckled, washing his hands in the oversized silver kitchen sink that sat in the middle on the edge of the island. "So what do you want to eat?"

"Eggs and toast."I felt myself drifting back off, so I moved my head so I could watch him from my laid position on the island.

He must have noticed because he spoke up, "So how did you sleep?"He for once didn't have that arrogant tone in his voice as he moved around the kitchen as if it were second nature.

"Hate to say it, but I actually slept better than I have in years."

"Is that so?"Amusement took the place of his curious tone. I could tell he was smiling by the tone of his voice.

"I actually want to go back to sleep."I mumbled, trying to keep my eyes open, even with the sunlight shining from the wall of windows, there was a silent, yet intense peace that made me at ease.

"Go lay on the couch."

I didn't even bother arguing, there was no reason to, I wanted to sleep more and he was offering. I jumped down from the barstool and trudged over to the couch which I fell into. It was unsurprisingly comfortable. I set my glasses on the glass stand next to the couch.

I woke up to a smell that was delightful. I opened my eyes, slowly sitting up. I looked over and Lex was sitting at the island countertop.

"How long was I out?"I said sleepily, rubbing my eyes.

"An hour."He didn't look up from his book.

"You took an hour to make eggs and toast?"

"No, I wanted to make sure you got enough rest, so I decided to make you something that took a bit longer so you could sleep."

That was surprisingly nice.

I stared at him.

"A thank you would be nice."

There we go, back to his old self.

I ignored his sarcasm, "Thank you."I got up and walking towards him. "It smells good, what is it?"

"Salmon and rice."He grinned with a knowing look.

"You can make salmon?!"I was so happy in that moment.

"Well clearly I can."

"It's my favorite."I smiled at the large piece of salmon and the bowl of white rice.

"I know."He chuckled. "If I'd known it would make you this happy I'd have cooked it for you a lot sooner."

"How did you know it was my favorite?"I came down off my happy high and looked at him.

"You talk in your sleep, I had a full blown coherent conversation with you."

I felt my face heat up. I didn't know if it was from embarrassment or anger.

"How dare you take advantage of me like that!"I said half mad and half exasperated.

He shrugged, smiling as he stood up. Lex lifted me into the chair next to him and sat back down.


"Don't have to tell me twice."I grabbed the fork and dug in.

He used chop-sticks, eating slowly and with elegance. I'm sure I did seem like a pig, I ate fast and like the average man. I grew up with three brothers and a father so of course I was more masculine than feminine.

"So, what exactly is it that you really want? Money? A house? A car?"

I nearly choked on my drink, I coughed trying to catch my breath.

"The hell do you mean you'd buy me a house or car?!"

He raised an eyebrow in amusement, "How soon we forget who I am?"He smirked.


This could be my chance to get out of that shitty apartment or better yet get a car. But I shouldn't. But he's a rich asshole. He can afford to give to the needy.

"Ryan?"He tilted his head slowly to me.

"As much as I'd love to take advantage of this opportunity, I can't."

"Seriously?"He seemed surprised.

I nodded, finishing the last of my drink.

"Wow. I expected you to want money or a house or car or something. That's what most girls want."

"You realize I'm not most girls right?"I was a little offended, but also amused to have taken him by surprise.

"Well I'm still going to get you better looking glasses."

"Since when we're you gonna get me glasses?"

"Since I saw that grotesque pair sitting on the stand."

I looked at the clock, which read 12:46.

"Go shower."

"I noticed you give orders a lot. How about you quit trying to boss me around. I'm not your lab dog."I glared, jumping down off the barstool and heading up the stairs. I showered and did my hair. When I stepped out of the bathroom, there on the bed lay a white Breakaway Sparkling Ruched Bodycon dress and a pair of clear heels.

I sighed, just how much was he spending on me?

I slipped into the dress and once again this dress fit every curve perfectly.

I went back into the bathroom to look for a spare toothbrush, and there on the counter was a box housing an expensive electric toothbrush. I sighed and brushed my teeth with the Crest 3D Glamourous White toothpaste whitening toothpaste.

I stared at myself, I turned, looking at my profile.

"You're done I assume?"He had a grin as he leaned against the doorframe.

I felt my face heat up. I immediately stopped looking at myself and turned to face him, trying to hide my embarrassment.

"I'm not doing anything."

"I never said you were."He laughed, walking to the shower, turning it on.

I stood there watching him, zoned out. He stripped off his pants.

"If you don't plan on joining me, get out."He was disgruntled, but amused.

I shook myself awake and walked out of the bathroom.

I walked down the stairs and stood at the end looking around. So much wealth. I walked over to the couch and sat down. I grabbed the Roku remote and flipped through his apps and streaming services.

"He has literally everything in here."I muttered jealously.

I clicked on Netflix, there popped up a red square with Lex beneath it, next to it a purple one with Amanda Panda, next to that one a yellow square with Addy under it. I wondered who they were, but I decided not to be nosy, so I put on iZombie. I loved that show.

"Comfortable?"Lex was right next to my ear, I jumped up.

"What the hell man!"I glared.

"Heh, let's go."He seemed satisfied, he grabbed my wrist and pulled me out of the door.

"I don't need your help, I can walk on my own."I huffed.

He let me go and my body decided to be cruel and trip.

He opened his mouth to say something sarcastic no doubt.

"Not. A. Word."I said lowly.

He brought me to a fancy eyeglass place. He opened the door and I walked in, him following uncomfortably close behind.

"Check her eyes."He didn't even bother greeting them, just straight to the point.

"Yes Mr. Maō."

The woman shot up from her chair and led me to the back to get my eyes checked. After the examination, I walked back out into the lobby.

"Pick however many you want."He stood up from the cushy waiting chair. Lex looked uninterested in the place and in what he was saying. I went to the selection of healthcare glasses.

"What do you think you're doing?"He was now hovering over me as I sat in the chair in front of the desk with a mirror on it.

"I'm picking out glasses."

"No. You pick from that wall."He pointed to the wall full of expensive and name-brand glasses.

"Those cost hundreds of dollars."

He answered me with a look of intensity and cold silence. I got up and mumbled sorry to the lady helping me, she gave a bewildered, but knowing smile.

I picked out a clear and silver Ray-Ban 6396, black pair of Cat-Eye Glasses 32942, and a rose gold round pair.

"Get them fitted for her and get the lenses put in."He ordered nonchalantly.

Immediately the woman fitted the glasses to my face to make sure they were comfortable and didn't slide off of my face. Within thirty minutes we were out and I had three new pairs of glasses with my most accurate prescription. I had on the cat eye pair.

"It's 2:35, what do you want to do with the rest of our day?"He looked down at me.

"I kind of just want a day in, your bed is calling my name."I sighed, not even realizing what I was saying.

"Oh?"He raised an eyebrow, a smirk on his lips.

"Wait..I..Wait that's not what I meant."I tried to organize my thoughts, but the words just wouldn't come out correctly.

"Well then let's go."He looked down at me with piercing eyes.

"Stop the bs."I rolled my eyes.

"What bullshit? Don't see any around here. I was being serious."He grinned, he ran his index finger up my neck, letting it stop at my chin.

A shiver ran a marathon up and down my spine. "Hey watch it."I backed away.

"You sure are stubborn, I know you want it."He gleamed.

"Not everyone wants you Lex."I huffed.

His smile faded and he stared blankly at me.


"That's the first time you've said my name."


"I like the way it sounds when you say it."A smile broke out over his lips.

I would have thought he was being sarcastic, but his smile conveyed the opposite.

"Ok then... You can take me home now."I chuckled to myself.

"To that crumpy, run down apartment?"His disgust was evident and it seemed like I had offended him at even mentioning the place I laid my head.

"It's what I can afford."There went my self-esteem.

"Not anymore."

"What do you mean?"

"I'm going back to Miami in two days. I'm only here on a business trip."

"Wait- So you rented that place?"I felt my heart get heavy at the thought of him leaving, no, that doesn't even make sense.

"No, I own that condo, among several others."

"Hold on, what are you implying?"

"You're my personal assistant, you're supposed to follow me everywhere."

"That wasn't in the job description."

"Well clearly you didn't read the fine print."

"My whole life is here. I can't just up and leave."

"Yes you can. You don't have any family to speak of and it's not like you are leaving behind some wondrous life. Go on an adventure for once in your life, ōjo."

"What's ōjo?"

"Heh. Don't worry."

"I have a best friend who's here. I'm not just going to leave her."

"You can FaceTime. That's what technology is for."

"What about my lease?"

"I can handle that."

"What about my dog and cat?"

"You don't have any."

"But that doesn't mean I don't want pets."

"Then I'll get you some."

"I wouldn't know anyone there or my way around, not to mention where exactly do you expect me to live?"

"I'll handle that too."

"You just have an answer for everything don't you?"I let out a breath of annoyance.

"You know it, ōjo."He smirked.

"Can I have some time to think about it?"

"What's there to think about?"He kept his composure well, but I could tell he was starting to lose his patience.

I couldn't think of reason not to, not at the moment, so I just stood there looking up at him.


"I won't even have enough time to pack."

"You don't have to pack your shitty things."

"Of course I do, I won't have anything if I don't."

"I'll buy you anything and everything you could ever need, want, or desire."

Whoa...I felt my face heat up at his words. What the hell was with him, he can't just go around saying shit like that to someone he's only met a few days ago.

"So is that a yes?"He looked at me with expectant hazel eyes.

I took in a breath as I prepared for something that would change my life.
