
Euphoric Ecstasy

Fifty-Shades of Grey, 365, and American Psycho all in one. Lex Maō, a supermodel and CEO of a multi-billion dollar company, presents himself as a cold-hearted, methodical intellectual who doesn't care about anything or anyone. Ryan Moore, a very broken girl with big dreams manages to fall into his sights and quickly piques his interests. Lex craving entertainment, sees her as an opportunity for fun and injects himself into her life. But everyone knows the cliché of how the lion fell in love with the lamb and how they lived happily ever after... Well the story's much darker than that. Everyone has a secret they'd kill to keep quiet and when you are treated like a villain, a villain you'll most likely become, Lex was no exception. Excerpt: Ryan's PoV: "I could buy you the world and you still wouldn't accept me, would you?" He looked at me with an uncharacteristic anxiousness. "You aren't the problem Lex." I stared up at him. "It's what you do that I find so repulsing." For the first time there was genuine hurt in his eyes, his normal arrogant smirk was replaced by a look of deep torture. "You find me repulsing?" He suddenly had withered into something as delicate as a flower, teetering on the brink of self-destruction. "You told me you were a monster..."I hated him for lying to me, but something deep within me yearned to hold him. "So act like one and prove it, not that it will change anything." Lex's PoV: As I pulled into the rundown warehouse I knew all too well, I could feel her eyes on me, so I turned to witness a confused and slightly distraught expression plastered over her striking facial features. "What the hell is this?" A discontent, annoyed tone did it's best to hide her anxieties, but her eyes can't lie. I took a deep sigh and closed my eyes. "Ōjo, this is your last chance, once you know there's no turning back. Ignorance is bliss. Let's just go back to the condo and forget abou-" "NO!" Her nostrils flared wildly as her features tensed and wrinkled in her frustration. "Stop trying to get out of this! I'm not going to live a lie! Now show me what the fuck Oyabun means or I'm fucking leaving Lex!! I'll leave you and this city and all of your bullshit!!" She shouted furiously, her intense rage seething through all of her straining muscles. "Fine." I said in a soft, monotone pitch, my deadpan expression the result of the suppression of my pain, my gaze looking towards the cracked walls and the broken, busted, and boarded windows before I turned to see her. She was already staring intently at me, her vehemently bitter glare directed towards my eyes. I closed them and sighed deeply, taking comfort in the darkness, calming my nerves via the sight of the empty expansive nothingness afforded to me by my shut eyelids. Then I opened the car door and followed the path inside where I was greeted by many large muscular men, mostly Asian, and all with dragon tattoos poking out slightly from under the cuffs of their formal fitted black attire. Ryan's PoV: I was so confused, so anxious, so terrified, so sad and fucking enraged all at once that it felt like he had left the knife in after stabbing it in my heart. I just couldn't keep myself from thinking, my mind was working overtime. The worst thoughts and possibilities came to me over and over in such a short time span. I wasn't sure I was going to make it. I stared at him from the passenger seat of the car, as he talked to the tatted men. He towered over them, everything about him screamed whispers that only a few could hear. The mens faces were growing meaner and Lex's expression was still calm. He pulled out a gun, aiming it at the head of the man he was talking to, almost instantaneously he pulled the trigger. I let out a scream as the gun's echo shocked me back to reality. The pieces were slowly falling together, it all started to make sense as the other men bowed before him.

Draven_Nyx · Teenager
Zu wenig Bewertungen
6 Chs


Ryan's PoV:

I was so excited that I barely could focus. I stepped out of the shower, staring at my toweled body, my soppy curls clinging to my skin. I sighed and dried off, then went into my normal routine, lotion, straightening my hair and contacts. I brushed my teeth and picked out a grey pantsuit.

"Am I forgetting anything?"I asked myself, looking at the clock, 7:43A.M.

II stepped out the door.

"I need to get more pepper spray."I aloud to myself, trying to curb my loneliness.

At exactly 8 sharp, a black limo pulled into the parking lot. I blinked confused.

God I hope this wasn't for me.

"Mrs. Moore." The driver stepped out, greeting me with a smile, he was a tall blonde lanky young man of about 6'1", with piercing green eyes.

What is it with all of these beautiful people lately?

He opened the door for me and once again, I could feel the eyes of everyone around on me, I stiffly got into the car.

"So Mrs. Moore-"

"It's Ryan..I mean...Call me Ryan. Ryan is fine."I corrected him and myself.

"I doubt Lex would like me calling you that."


"The man you work for."He chuckled.

"Wait... His last name is Maō right?"

"That's correct."

"I think I've heard that before."

"You've probably heard it because Lex on top of being the CEO of a multi-billion dollar company, he is a supermodel."

"He is?"I was confused and annoyed. Supermodel and CEO, that's laughable and it made me jealous.

He must have noticed my sulking, because he became quiet. But the quiet made me uncomfortable so I spoke up.

"What's your name?"

"Bruce."He seemed surprised.


"No one ever asks my name, you just shocked me a bit that's all."

The ride after that was a peaceful one.

"Ryan, we're here." Bruce's soothing voice cut the peace of the ride and I finally took in the large building that was Fletcher Incorporated. There stood Lex, he looked like he was waiting for me.

I put my hand on the handle and Bruce nearly jumped out of his skin, "No, please allow me."

"It's fine, I can do it."I opened the door and stepped out, I saw Lex shoot Bruce a glare.

"What's your problem?"

"He knows."He said flatly, glaring down Bruce, he put his arm around me, pulling my forward.

What was his deal with constantly touching me?

We went passed the ginger who smiled at Lex, while glaring me down. We stepped into the elevator and when we reached the top, Lex pulled me into his office.

"First things first, we'll go over some strategical tactics."

Three hours went by of Lex explaining different strategies to use, when my stomach began growling.

He looked up at me, I looked away, trying to contain my embarrassment. He smirked at this.

"What?"I said slightly embittered, but mostly embarrassed.

"You hungry?"He chuckled.

"I...I am."I cleared my throat and tried to gain back my dignity.

"It's only eleven."

"That's what I forgot."I spoke more to myself than to him.

"What's you forget?"


"Well then let's take an early lunch."His smirk held, he looked quite amused at the thought.

"Yeah ok sure, you wanna go to McDonald's?"I said heading towards the door.

He clicked his tongue. "I'm not eating McDonald's. We're going to Sushi Nakazawa."

"Wha- I can't afford there!"I huffed.

"My treat."He said smugly.

"You're not paying for me."I was slightly ticked off.

"And why not?"

"I just...think that it's ahem... unprofessional."I shifted uncomfortably on my feet.

"Having dinner with your boss is unprofessional?"He stared at me.

"Yeah people will talk, plus I don't want to be indebted to you."I huffed again.

"Let them talk. What they say doesn't affect me and you already are indebted to me."He grinned.

"Yeah well it does affect me."I crossed my arms, choosing to ignore the latter part of his sentence.

"I won't let it."He took me by the wrist and pulled me into the elevator.

There stood Bruce waiting patiently for us. Lex opened the door for me and I got into the limo.

"Sushi Nakazawa."Lex demanded uninterested in his own words.

We drove past the Sushi Nakazawa.

"Where are we going?"I asked, slightly anxious.

"You really think I'd be seen out in public with you looking like that?"He let out a small, disgusted breath.

We pulled up to a boutique. Lex stepped out of the car, then waited for me. I stood in front of the doors and Lex put his arm around me guiding me in.

"Mr. Maō."A thin, yet tall brunette smiled at Lex.

"You got the measurements I sent you?"He looked around boredly.

"Of course."

"Measurements?"I was confused.

"I sent them your measurements yesterday."

"Where the hell did you get my measurements?!"

"You filed out the paperwork yesterday, you tell me."

"Thirty six, twenty four, thirty nine."He grinned at me.

"Why you little-"

"Go get the dress."He ordered.

"Dress, what dress?"

"A dress that goes lovely with your skin tone." He gave a smirk.

I huffed, sitting down in the waiting chair, crossing my arms. I pouted like a child.

"You know for someone who is nineteen years old you act like you're five."He let out a chuckle.

I puffed up my cheeks, then stuck my truck tongue out. I didn't care if I acted juvenile. He was pissing me off and I was hoping this would be embarassing to him, but he only seemed to find it amusing.

"Here it is."The brunette came back with a long red dress with lacy sleeves and a large slit up the the pelvic bone that would be enough to show the leg. It had layers of sheer red material to make up the bottom and the top was v necked and lacey all protected by a plastic dress bag.

I was dumbfounded, I stood there for a moment confused.

"Five thousand nine hundred twenty one dollars."She said laying it nearly on the counter.

He took out his card, he was unphased by the number. He went to hand it to her, but withheld it, "And the heels."

"Yes of course."She smiled, going into the back to retrieve the heels.

"Let me guess, size eight?"I don't know why, bt I was pissed off.

"You catch on fast don't you?"He smirked.

All I could do was sit there and glare.

She brought back a pair of beautiful pair of red heels that matched the dress, but the heel was bigger than I was used to.

"How do you expect me to to walk in those?"

"The same way you walk in every other heel."He gave me a sideways look.

"Why are they so big?"I was curious.

"Because you're short."He said simply.

"I'm not short! I'm 5'3"! That's only an inch or two below average."I huffed again.

"Nine hundred sixty two dollars. Your total is six thousand eighth hundred eighty three dollars."The brunette cut in.

He handed her his card, I couldn't believe my ears, once again he was unphased by the number.

"Go put this on."He ordered.

I reluctantly complied, taking the dress and heels into the dressing room.

I slipped into the dress, zipping it up. It fit perfectly, hugging every curve as if it was custom made for me, which I'm thinking it was. I put on the heels and stared at myself. I looked like I belonged on some red carpet.

I stepped out of the dressing room and there he was waiting right outside.

"What do you think you're doing so close?"I was annoyed.

"Just making sure you were ok."He stared at my eyes.

"Well I don't need your help."I glared stepping away from him, I lost my balance.

He immediately caught me by the arm.

"Looks like you spoke too soon."He chuckled.

I ripped my arm away from him, then flattened my dress against my legs.

I walked out of the boutique, feeling humiliated.

Bruce was standing there waiting, he opened the door for me and I slid in. Lex shot Bruce another glare.

"Hey what's your problem?"I nipped.

"He knows."He was clearly trying to contain his annoyance and anger.

"He was just being a gentleman."I crossed my arms, scooting the farthest I could away from him.

"He was just doing his job."His voice was low, almost a growl.

"Whatever."I leaned against the window.

A few minutes of silence had passed when Lex's voice broke it.

"So..."He said sheepishly.

"So what?"I was still ticked off.

"You like gentlemen?"He looked everywhere but my eyes.

"Of course I do. Chivalry isn't dead to me."I glared.

"I'll keep that in mind."The sheepish tone was gone and was replaced by a smirk.

"You passed it again?"I was getting concerned.

"You aren't going to to dinner with that hair."He said plainly.

That kind of hurt, but ok.

We pulled up to a fancy hairs salon.

Lex opened the door and held out his hand to me, which I didn't take.

"I can get out perfectly fine on my own."

"Fiesty."He chuckled.

He opened the door to the shop for me and looked at a woman with big brownish red hair and a wrinkled face.

"Lexi!"She gleamed, stopping her work to come and hug Lex.

"Hey."He cleared his throat and stepped aside to reveal me.

"Oh."She raised her eyebrows. "You brought a lady friend. You dog."Her New York accent was almost as thick as the guy from the taxi.

"What can I do for ya?"

"Wash her hair."

"You saying I'm not clean?"I pushed his shoulder so he'd face me.

He glared, before composing himself again.

"I know your hair isn't naturally straight."

"Wha- That's none of your business. And how do you know that anyway?"

"Your roots aren't straight. And don't worry. I prefer a girl with curls."He chuckled again.

"And since when did what you prefer become a priority?"

He ignored my comment and looked at the hair dresser.

"Use the diffuser."He went over to a waiting chair and sat.

"I'm Lois, what's your name?"She guided me to the washing station.


"Oh that's beautiful."She began to wash my hair.

Next thing I know I was sitting in the salon chair and getting my hair blow dried with a diffuser.

"All done."She turned my around and I was shocked.

"Whoa.."My hair was so volumous and so beautiful.

I stood up from my chair and faced him as he stood up from his.

"How much Lo-"He stopped and stared at me.

"What are you looking at?"I held my arm, I was for some reason nervous.

"You."He seemed to snap out of his trance.

"It's on the house baby."She smiled.

I headed towards the door and I could have sworn I heard Lois say something along these lines.

"She's gorgeous. You plannin' on keepin' er'?"

I didn't hear Lex's answer before I was out of the door.

Bruce stood by the limo, he didn't move, he stared at Lex as I waited in front of the door.

"You don't have to be afraid of him."

"I'm not. Lex is very particular it's best not to push him."

Lex headed or of the shop and opened the door for me.

My stomach growled. "Are we finally going to go eat?"I whined.

"There was one more stop, but feeding you is more important and it can wait until later."

By the time we reached Sushi Nakazawa it was already 3 o'clock.

Lex once again for out and held out his hand to me, which I did not take.

"Did you even make a reservation?"I suddenly got anxious to be going into a place so fancy.

"What do you take me for?"He seemed slightly offended.

So that's a weak spot, I'll have to remember that.

"Mr. Maō, follow me please."A young man of about 5'11" smiled, he had brown eyes and brown hair.

We were seated in a booth.

"So tell me about yourself."He seemed indifferent to his surroundings.

"Really? Is that what we're gonna do? Small talk? Doesn't seem your style."I said snarkily.

"It's not."He said plainly, looking from his watch back to me. "I just want to get to know you a little better on a more personal level."

"That's not very professional."I was slightly bewildered.

"Neither is us having lunch, yet you here you are."
