




- At the school gate-

YUI : Why are you late again today Ryu? ~ It was the girl that day, why is Ryuga with her~ *speak nicely while feeling annoyed by Aiko's presence*

RYUGA : I'm sorry Yui… This girl here was taking her time for too much…ha..ha..ha…

AIKO : Morning, demon. *Stick her hands into her pocket while chewing a gum.*

YUI : Go to your class Ryuga. You can still make it if you start running now.

RYUGA : Really? Thanks Yui.. Let's go Aiko..

AIKO : Go on first, I have business with her.

RYUGA : Ouh, okay.. See you at class later.

AIKO : Yeahh.. * watch Ryuga go away*

*Yui keep looking at Aiko and smirked when Aiko said she have business with Yui. *

YUI : Good choice of not running away, little cat..

AIKO : From what? An insect like you? *popping her gum*

YUI : Listen well girl, there's many questions I want to ask you…But looking at you, you probably won't listen to whatever I'm gonna say, right?

AIKO : I'm glad you that understand your worth.

YUI : However, I need to remind you that I'm his girlfriend. Don't you dare do anything with the person I love. *look into Aiko's eyes and said that with a serious face*

AIKO : *feel annoyed, she grab Yui's necktie and look into her eyes* Tsk, I knew that already, insect. If that's not the case, I already killed you that day.

*Yui is shocked by how easily Aiko pull her, she then slap her hand and break off*

~This girl's strength was absurdly strong, this might not turn well for me, I need to make the first move… eh what?~

YUI : What do you mean if that wasn't the case, aren't you mad that I'm taking him?

AIKO : *take a deep breath and calm herself*… Look, I don't really hate you, and I didn't want to get on your bad side for Ryuga's sake. I'm happy if you truly love him, *getting close to Yui's ears and whisper* but if you just going to play with his heart.. Then prepare yourself, you might be dead without you even realising it…

* Aiko leave Yui, and run back to the class*

YUI : *watch Aiko go away and say to herself* This girl… I misjudged her..

- At the classroom -

*Ryuga take his chair and put it infront of Aiko's desk*

RYUGA : Hey, what were you and Yui talking about just now?

AIKO : Nothing, I was just introducing myself as your girlfriend.

RYUGA : My god, why did you do that… Don't you already know that she's the one I told you about before?

AIKO : I know, I know. I'm just joking okay. She's a nice girl actually. I give you my blessings.

RYUGA : Really? Ohooo, thank you.. But she still haven't give me her answer yet.. Should I ask her again?

AIKO : You should.. Who knows, right? Maybe she already have her answer.. ~She is an idiot~..

RYUGA : Then, I will ask her now…

AIKO : Oioioi, there are still classes after this. Do it at recess.

RYUGA : Good idea… I'm very nervous, do you think she will reject me?

AIKO : Who knows… maybe yes, maybe no... But don't worry, I will still be here even if you got rejected.

RYUGA : Cheh, don't jinx me..

AIKO : Hahaha, go back to your seat. The teacher is coming.

RYUGA : Okay.

*The class end and it's recess*

-at the rooftop-

YUI : Did you wait long?

RYUGA : No, I just got here.

YUI : I'm surprised you suddenly texted me for lunch.

RYUGA : Hahaha, sorry.. Do you have something to do?

YUI : Not really, only some work for student council. But it's fine, there's a senpai who said she will help me.

RYUGA : Hummmm, that's a good senpai you got there.

YUI : Well, yeah I guess.

RYUGA : Actually there're two things I want to ask you, if that's okay.

*open her lunchbox and give half of it to Ryuga*

YUI : Here, eat this.. Sure what is it?

RYUGA : Thank you… First thing is, can you bring Moriganna Senpai to me after school today?

YUI : *stand up out of shock* Did she make trouble for you again… I'll go meet that crazy girl right now..

RYUGA : *pull Yui's hand* Nonono, calm down.. why you girl can't control your emotions well.. Hear me first..

YUI : *embarrassed and sit down slowly while keeping her head down to hide her face* Okayyy….

*Ryuga didn't realize that he still haven't let go of Yui's hand and Yui keep looking at his hand. Ryuga notices it and let go of her hand. He then cough to hide his embarrassment. Then, he get back to the topic.*

RYUGA : Actually my friend Ayumi have something to do with her, I'm sorry I can't tell you the details, it just that she want to talk to her in person. Can you do it?

YUI : I don't know if I can help with that.. You also know that Moriganna never listen to anyone except for the president.

RYUGA : Just try to ask her first, whether she will agree to it or not, I'll handle the rest.

YUI : en… alright. Then, what's the second thing?

RYUGA : Second is, what about my request that day.. Would you be my girlfriend..?? *looking at Yui into her eyes and wait for her reply*

YUI : *look at Ryuga and look down then answer* Emm, I already said that you have to wait. I'm still thinking about it...

RYUGA : hurmmnnn, I wonder what are you thinking..

YUI : Then Ryuga.. who is that girl to you…

RYUGA : Ouh, you mean Aiko? She is my precious friend.

YUI : Do you love her?

RYUGA : I do, but not in that way.

YUI : That's what I can't help.. I can't love someone if that person have another girl in his heart.

RYUGA : No, she is just my childhood friend. We're already together since we were kids when my uncle took her into my family.

YUI : I know, I already did a run check about you two, I even know that you live together. I know both of you didn't have anything either. I trust you.

RYUGA : Then why?

YUI : I don't know.. My heart can't take it.. So if you're serious, please give me some time.. I need to ..

RYUGA : Say no more. It's my fault Yui. I'm rushing the things. I didn't know that you're stress thinking about that. And of course I'm serious. I'll wait for you.

YUI : Sorry…

RYUGA : What're you talking about, at least I know you have a feeling for me. I'm the one who have to thank you. Your food is as delicious as always.

YUI : Here, take this too.. * hand him another food from her lunchbox.*

RYUGA : Uwaahh, delicious.

*Ryuga's eyes are sparkling when he's eating the food Yui made. Yui look at him eating and smile brightly. She really doesn't want the recess to end, she wants to stay like this with Ryuga for as long as possible.*

- End of class -

RYUGA : Aiko, Ayumi come with me for a moment.

*Aiko stand up and just follow him*

AYUMI : Where are we going Ryuga?

RYUGA : You will know when we get there..

AYUMI : Isn't this the student council's room?

*open the door and see someone at the desk working with a computer*

KING : Yes, what can I help you? Ouh my, what an unusual face we have here.

RYUGA : Good evening president. I'm sorry for bothering your working time.

KING : Ouh it's okay.

…... : But my lord, they are the trouble makers at the festival that day. Should I give them their punishment? *Walking towards them*

KING : Stop it, Ganz. They're my guest. Also, didn't I already mentioned that we will not talk about what happened there ? *give a sinister look at the boyish looking girl who are holding a wooden swords*

GANZ :*shocked with his look and bow to him to apologize* I'm deeply sorry, my lord. Please forgive me.

*Some of them are shocked a little bit*

~ This guy is really intimidating when he wanted to~

KING : Enough, make us some tea.

GANZ : Yes, my lord.

KING : Please, have a seat. So what's your purpose for coming here? You didn't bring me some trouble right?

RYUGA : Unfortunately, I do. And I need your help.

KING : What do I get from helping this such of request of yours?

RYUGA : I'll owe you one. When you need my help in the future, just come to find me.

KING : Hahahahahahaha…. What makes you think I'll need a help from you?

RYUGA : Don't you have that family problems? I can help you with that. *give some documents of marketing to president*

KING : *looking at the documents and look back at them then start talking with a serious face* .. What do you mean by this?

AIKO : Exactly what he meant. Don't you want to take over your family business? We can help y….

* King immediately reach his hand and want to grab Aiko's neck but Ryuga stop his hand from reaching her. Aiko smirk and drink her tea calmly.*

RYUGA : Calm down President. Didn't we said that we will help you?

KING : Oh my, my hand slipped. And I just wanna see if you two are qualified to be my henchman.

AIKO : *put the cup on the table* Henchman? You must have misheard what we just said.

KING : I see that you two can fight, but that's not what I need. I need someone to handle …

RYUGA : To handle your finances, right? If I guessed it right, you must have problem with money.. What happened? Did you take money from your family?

KING : Almost correct. It just that I didn't steal it. I just take what's supposed to be mine.

RYUGA : Would you care to tell us the detail?

KING : There's an outsider in my family. An adopted son. I have a weak body when I was a kid. So my parents never see me as the right heir of this family. That's why they adopted a son. A little bit older than me. What makes me irritated is they never let me be in that business and always prioritize that lucky outsider. Now I'm as healthy as you can see, so I plan on getting everything that's supposed to be mine.

RYUGA : So what happened, why you need someone to help you with your finances?

KING : The problem is that outsider isn't an average person, he's smart and sly. He came to my family to take all that my parents had build, seems like he got some back up from somewhere.The fact that he's controlling all the flow of money in my family and my parents didn't know about this.

AIKO : Just tell you parents then.

KING : Even if I told them about this, they will not trust me either.

RYUGA : So now are you thinking of destroying your own family business?

KING : Then, what else can I do? Don't worry I will make up for it after I destroyed all the branch of my family at this area. And then take over their things little by little.

RYUGA : The point is, you want to put all the blame onto him, correct?

KING : Exactly, it just that after I'm done with that outsider, I won't return all the asset to those idiot parents I have, so I need someone I can trust to handle all of that black money and turn it into a qualified asset in the market.

AIKO : You're crazy.. Do you have enough people to do that?

KING : I'm not boasting around you but all the schools at this area were in my control, including their delinquent students.

RYUGA : You must be dreaming if you think you can count on every delinquent student to help you with your plan.

KING : Think again, I wouldn't ask them to help me destroy some facility for a certain purpose. I'm giving them a chance to make some noisy things, they must be bored living in this harmony society. Also, you shouldn't underestimate what a "student" can do, sometimes they're more savage than an adult.

RYUGA : *finish his tea*.. I'll help you, managing your account and make profit for you. But it won't be for free.. There are two things that I want you to give me in exchange.

KING : And what will that be?

*at this time Yui and Moriganna senpai arrived*

MORIGANNA : What's the meaning of this, King?

RYUGA : Tell her to apologize to my friend here. She need to apologize to her and her family, and it must be sincere and good.

MORIGANNA : Huh? You wanna die boy?

AIKO : Careful with your words bitch, those words might goes back to you. *choosing a cupcake casually*

MORIGANNA : Who're you?

YUI : Shut up, this isn't a place you can talk like that without the President's permission.

KING : Calm down, Yui. You heard him Moriganna, do it.

MORIGANNA : Why should I do it?

KING : You dare to defy me?

MORIGANNA : No, it just why I must apologise?

RYUGA : Wow, you really do forget about your sins faster than I thought, senpai. Remember when you beat her sister blindly and unreasonably? How do you think her family would feel, they probably didn't even know who hit their daughter or what actually happened to their daughter because this president here will back you up, right president?

KING : Just for a reminder, it's all for our school. I didn't back her for personal reasons, I don't want people to know that there's a troublemaker being kept at this school. But since you ask about it, I won't interfere in her case.

MORIGANNA : Since you're not gonna interfere, then it's okay for me to do it my way, right?

KING : *smirk and pick up his cup* Good luck with that. Though I do suggest you to apologize, so there won't be anymore further problems.

AIKO : Then you won't apologize, dead girl? *put down the cupcake that she ate half.*

MORIGANNA : It's you who will be dead. *using her iron glove*

AIKO : Let me do this Ryu, *cracking her neck and her fingers.*

RYUGA : Be easy on her okay.

AIKO : She won't die, I promised you that. *loosened her necktie*

RYUGA : Again, don't accidentally kill her.

* Aiko smirk then run towards her and spin her leg to make Moriganna fall. Moriganna can't believe how fast she is and almost fall to the ground. She try to hit Aiko who's on the floor. Aiko dodge and make a double high kick on Moriganna's faces but she block it with her arms.*

AIKO : Wow, you are doing good at blocking all of that.

MORIGANNA : Even a kid can do better than that. *throw a few punch while bearing the bruises on her arms.*

* This time Moriganna run and jump towards Aiko, she tried to punch Aiko really fast. Aiko shocked and got hit by it*

MORIGANNA : How's that.. I thought your blood will be as white as your hair. *laugh as she managed to hit Aiko*

AIKO : *spit the blood in her mouth to the side* Now, you're really doing it…

*Aiko shot her calf and when Moriganna wanna fall, she hit Moriganna's chin and make her nosebleed. She hold her neck, and look at her face closely*

AIKO : Hahahahaha.. any other last word girl. *with psycho faces*

*she hit her face and Moriganna spit blood. She do it again again and again. And when she is going to hit once more, Ryuga stop her punch. *

RYUGA : I told you, don't kill her..

AIKO : *she realized how severely Moriganna was hit by her.* Ouh, oh.. Sorry, she's still alive right? *let go of Moriganna and wipe her hand that's full of Moriganna's blood.*

RYUGA : I don't think so, let's wait until she wake up first.

AYUMI : *she's shock and cover her mouth out of shock.* Aren't... Aren't you guys went a little bit too far?

AIKO : So, do you want me to be the one laying there?

AYUMI : Of course not, but if it wasn't because of me, these things won't happen. I don't really want it to be like this.

KING : Don't worry, little girl. This woman here isn't that weak. She won't die just because she was beaten like this. Wake up, Moriganna.

MORIGANNA : *panting, start to open her eyes..* hahh,hahh….. What exactly do you want from me..

RYUGA : Like I said earlier, apologize to this girl and her family.

MORIGANNA : Then, you won't disturb me after that, right?

AIKO : We don't even want to have anything with you at first. So, just rest assured.

MORIGANNA : *slowly stand up, and hold her left arm.* Sh*t, that's hurt you damn girl.

AIKO : Thank you, I'll take that as a compliment.

MORIGANNA : *smile and look at them*.. I understand, I'll meet you guys tomorrow. And you, the lucky little sister. Tell your sister after she wakes up, that I....*stop her word*.. nevermind, I'll just tell her myself.

AYUMI : *her tears come out*… Thank you… Actually I do despise you, but my sister really care about you… She..

MORIGANNA : I know... See you tomorrow. *leaving the room*

AIKO : Let's go, we don't have any other business here.

KING : You won't forget about our deal just now right? Or I will..

RYUGA : Don't threaten me like that, president.. I know what kind of a person you are. Don't worry, I'll do exactly what I promised.. Also, you don't need me to tell you what my other request is, right?

KING : No need, I can guess what you want. You're very greedy boy, but I like it.

RYUGA : That's just a dessert. See you later president. Also, thank you, Yui.

*The others were clueless on what they're talking about. Ryuga, Aiko, and Ayumi leave shortly after that*

YUI : What are you two talking about, president?

KING : Why do you want to know? Do you have anything with that boy?

YUI : *blushing and look down to avoid the president's eyes*.. no, nothing.. We're just friends.

KING : Ohoo, is that it?

YUI : Stop it president. I'll take my leave if you won't tell me anything.

*President just smile and wave at her to send her off.*

-At school gate-

RYUGA : Well then Ayumi, see you tomorrow. You can do it from here right?

AYUMI : yeah, thank you so much both of you. *bow her head in front of Aiko and Ryuga*

AIKO : Buy us some lunch if you really mean it.

AYUMI : I will , let's do it tomorrow.

RYUGA : Hahaha, no need to do that.

AYUMI : But it's okay. I can only do that much to repay you.

RYUGA : Thanks then.

*they greet each other before leaving the school…..*

Follow our IG : euphoria_little_memory

There, we're gonna provide you some of our work that we can't show here, such as how the characters look like. Any further information also will be there. Come, we're waiting for you!!

~thank you~

Yuzri_Affancreators' thoughts