
Euphonious Ride

Lysha has always dreamt of a life like her favorite character in her favorite novel who has the same name as her. To be able to sing to her heart's content! Reincarnated as her favorite character but also the villain of the story will she be able to avoid the ending? And what's gonna happen when her bookish crush Arken Sager starts seeing her differently unlike the novel?!? The Story and Title Belong to me. The cover Doesn't Belong to me.

Deepshikha978 · Teenager
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10 Chs

Chapter 3 - A Walk to School

I looked around the street as I walked towards Aurora High. Everything seemed so familier yet not so.

A cold breeze blew one of my hair strands to my mouth. I don't know why did I leave my hair down.  Well, I think it was because I thought I looked beautiful. I know it sounds absurd. But I never thought I could really describe myself as pretty.

I frowned and took out my hair from my mouth. I sighed as I continued to walk.

Another chilly breeze swept by. It was getting freezing cold! I stopped and took out a scarf fom my bag. It was a lilac scarf with tiny white flower petals scattered as a pattern. I'd seen all the stuff that was in my bag before I left and that was resulting to be very useful.

I was just about to wrap the scarf around my neck when I saw someone.

A kid. A homeless kid sitting on the bench at the bus stop. His clothes were tattered and his body was shivering.

Sympathy took over me as I rushed towards the kid. I bent down and wrapped the scarf around his neck. I couldn't let a little kid freeze to death!

He glanced up at me, his face pale and lips dried. "Thank you, Miss," he said.

"No big deal, take this," I said and handed him my lunch box, "Eat this when you're hungry, okay?"

"Are you really giving this to me?" he asked.

"Of course! And don't worry I'll find you a place to stay." I had no idea what I was doing. But I didn't want to leave him like that.

I stood up and took out my phone or let's say Lysha Evor's phone and looked for Brooks' number and dialed it. Thank god it didn't contain a password. 

"Yes, Young Mistress," he answerd.

"Brooks, I have a favor to ask."

"Of course, Miss."

"There's a kid at the bus stop near my school. After dropping mom, can you come here to pick him up and take him to a good orphanage?"

"Yes Miss, no worries, I'll take him," he said as I hung up.

I bent down again, "Hey, a Mr. will come to you with a white car and ask you to sit inside, you listen to him and he'll take you to an amazing place, okay?"

"Amazing place?" he asked as his eyes gleamed with excitement.

"Yeah, an amazing place you can call home!" I said, cheerfully.

"Home," he whispered.

I smiled, "Well then, wait for the Uncle, okay?" I really did want to stay till Brooks arrived but Lysha Evor was never late to school! Never! This would've created suspicion.

I waved him goodbye as I started  towards school again. You know what? I'll call Brooks later and ask about the kid later so that my mind doesn't burst with worry.

Areken's POV

I was being drived to school again. Why the heck my dad doesn't understand that I don't like being drove to school?!

I sighed as I looked out the window. I saw a girl. A very familiar girl. Lysha Evor. She was in Aurora High's school uniform. Maybe she was walking to school.

Wait she was walking to school. Walking? Wasn't she always with her driver/bodyguard? Her mom had refused to her to keep one but she got her way to convince her. After that she was always seen with him.

"Andrew, can you pull up for moment?" I asked.

He nodded and pulled up near a dessert shop. I watched her as she pulled a scarf out of her bag. Wait, that scarf...it was what I gave her for her birthday ten years ago! She still had it? Of course, she loves pretty things.

I rolled my eyes and I was about to ask Andrew to drive again but then I saw Lysha rush towards the bus stop.

She knelt down and wrapped the scarf around a little kid sitting on the bench. Then she took out what looked like her lunch box and handed it to him. Was she being...nice? That was surprising.

She called someone and then knelt down again. She said something to the boy and walked off, waving him goodbye with a smile.

That was weird.

"Let's go, Andrew."

Interesting, I thought.