
Eti The End Tale

Daksha was living with her family and sister and suddenly she faced the death of her whole family. That accident made her disappear from the world of normal people. And now the simple and kind hearted girl had turned into ruthless and cruel personality for those who killed her family and did anything wrong with the innocent people in the world. She did everything to make all her enemies face the cruelest death ever. She was the nightmare for all the people around the world. And she changed everything in her because of only one person and that was her Twin sister Diksha. follow the story to know more about her.

Sij031 · Urban
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19 Chs


All those staffs who found the letter on their desk took it and opend it with so many hopes and happiness of getting many better opportunities for their future.

But as soon as they opened it, their smile faded. They all got a sudden shock. Their nervousness and fear were clearly visible on their faces.

Suddenly again the new CEO said on the mic, "I hope all the people have found and read the letter very clearly. So now it's time for all those people to pack your belongings and leave the company!

Another thing those who got the letters, knows very clearly why they all are being terminated. So don't create any scene here because I don't want my company's reputation go down. And hopes that none of you want the same thing to happen with you also.

So pack your bags and leave otherwise I have to reveal your truth and take strict actions against you all. I want all those employees out of the office within ten minutes otherwise, I will handover the proofs of your doings to the police and you all know the consequences very well."

Upon hearing this from the CEO and receiving the termination letters they all packed their belongings withing two minutes and hurriedly left the office. Almost all the departments have lost many staffs and there places were now empty.

None of those employees wanted to get exposed and blamed in front of the police and media, plus they all knew that if they got exposed none of them were able to get a new job to survive so they all left.

After ten minutes the new CEO again announced, "Now that we only have our trusted and good employees here, I would take this opportunity to formally introduce my self.

Hello everyone!! I am Daksha your new CEO. And from now on I will be responsible for everything that is happening in this office and the whole company. This is my brief introduction. But right now I want to make a little and last announcement to you all.

By day after tomorrow all the empty seats will be filled by new employees. So for these two days you all have to manage the whole company's affair by your own, this the sacrifice which I wanted from you all for availing those new facilities.

Another thing is, everything that happened right now with all those terminated employees can also happen with you. I will never give anyone a single second chance to explain lies and wrong doings. So better be safe and try to avoid corruption. And try not to give excuses.

If any of you makes any mistakes openly except it because it can be corrected and I can forgive you for your mistakes but not for any lies and excuses. Excuses are the cheapest things which I hate the most.

So try to avoid or if not then prepare yourself mentally to face the results.

Now all of you can start your work have a good day."

She completed the announcement and left the mic. After that she chatted with her uncle for sometime. Suddenly Nord got a call and then he left. Now Daksha was all alone in the office .

She called her personal assistant and started telling her the rules and regulations which she needs to follow while working with her. After Daksha finished her statements, she asked her PA to organise her meetings and schedule for the next day.

When her PA got her first task she left the office for preparing herself for work, as accordingly to the CEO wanted.

She grabbed the pen, paper and her tablet and came back to the office of the CEO.

After that both of them started talking about many topics related to work. According to need, Daksha asked her PA to schedule different meetings with different departments of the company. All those topics which were discussed between Daksha and her PA were very important to take Needle group back to the position of number one company in the world of fashion.

Needle group of companies was a multinational company mainly dealing in the field of fashion. It have different companies under it with different names. Every company have their own speciality.

Each company deals with the faishon of the current world. From clothes to shoes, from jewelleries to perfume, from makeup to handbags everything that comes under this Needle group is very famous.

But in the recent few years this company had suffered many losses because of the internal corruption.

And that is the main reason why just after taking over the company Daksha fired so many staffs. She wanted a clear, honest and corruption free work environment around her.

After completing her analysis for one week she had already understood the main problems of the company and now she wanted to cure those problems from its main basic roots. And that's her aim.

As she had already said that the empty seats would be filled with the new employees within two days, its done. All the new commers had joined the company and according their ability they all had been transfered to different departments, everyone had started working. 

Daksha was constantly keeping an eye on each department all by herself. Due to this all the staffs knew that they can't do anything which can harm the company and the CEO's reputation in any way. 

Daksha was in support of all the staffs, she was supporting her staffs from the outsiders and the external threats in all the possible ways. She was very supportive for all her employees and used to guide them in every situation or problem so that their ability can benefit the company in every way. Still many staffs were frustrated and were planning to resign from the company. 

Within few months the company had started to recover the past loss. Its growth was very quick. By the end of the first year the company had almost recovered its loss for the past few years and now the company's top departments wanted to invest in the new branches of the company for more development.