

Like a switch turning on, the temperature that kept dropping made Ayre serious. The situation itself earlier was serious enough but since he knew that he can somehow get out unscathed and even apprehend the uninvited individual in the process, he did not take it so seriously. However, right now, the said individual was speaking nonsense about the physical world, apparition and whatnot.

Of course, that in itself would not make Ayre serious. The chance that the individual was bluffing was quite high. After all, after their "greetings" to each other just earlier, he might have realized that it would not be so easy to do something to Ayre. But, a bluff will not remain a bluff anymore if something that shows that it's actually real exists. Like what is in front of Ayre right now.

'Am I really on drugs? Is that a ghost? A phantom?'

He rubbed his eyes to make sure it wasn't just an abnormal number of white blood cells clumping, covering his eye balls or a random dust that made it's way into it but that did nothing.

He was unsure of what he's seeing. It was comparable to a shadow but white...A white shadow? To be honest, I dunno too but lets keep going. In other words, it was a literal apparition of the same individual. Like a hologram, a picture created with some kind of equipment or projector. However, however advanced, or not advanced, the current world's technology is, it would not be able to produce something like this. With that said, there is only one conclusion that came to Ayre's mind.

'Am I really on drugs? Hell, even smoking I only do seldomly. Don't tell me this dude put some of that damned white stuff in the cigar I smoked earlier?!'

"Surprised? It's not something you see everyday, even in a circus show so savor this experience while you still can. You'll forget everything after this after all."

The person kept his somehow uncomfortable smile on his face. It was a classic meat on a chopping board situation for him. He can't see any future in which he would lose.



Ayre made the most logical decision. He made a run for it. Due to the roundhouse kick earlier, their positions swapped. Ayre was now closer to the door than the infiltrator. And after the kick to his abdomen? He couldn't be nearer to the door.

'I definitely am not on fucking drugs. I would definitely smell something different if I take that shit up close to nose. Tap-dancing piece of shit of a god then what the hell is that?!'

Opening the door, what greeted him was the still surreal view of the hallway. However, it is now creepier than before. It was like the presence of life is gone. Ayre figured that if he have the power to sense even single-celled organisms, he would still sense nothing.

He didn't hesitate. He ran like he was participating in a marathon towards the main door of their villa.

"Getting away now aren't we? Come! Show me that smug face of yours again! That aloof attitude, that confident smile, don't worry because I like it! And I will like it even more with your inch-by-inch chopped body. Ahhh, if not for my mission objective, I would not hesitate bringing out a cleaver of mine y'know."

When he heard this, he was wondering why someone would like a person's outside impression and expressions just a few minutes after they met.

'This person's a creep?'

Of course, infiltrator person didn't just watch him run away. Like a pervert who is following someone in the dead of a summer night, the person also ran towards Ayre.

Now, a game of tag in a quiet house during the night is commencing. What appears to be an apparition of a ghost is following a man with an above average body build at full speed like his life depended on it. The only difference was that instead of being in a frantic state, that runner, which is also the follower, was smiling.

Ayre did not go into a random room. Of course he would not want to trap himself. He observed that the other person can somehow phase through walls as well.

'Considering that I don't remember falling asleep, hell screw that, I just woke up, this isn't a dream but...these kinds of things really exist? A ghost? Really?! Fuck me!'

He was seriously pondering over the possibility. It's because there is nothing that can explain it except this. Like the ancient among the ancient civilizations who made myths of the things they didn't understand, treating the natural environment like gods, Ayre also made his own "myth" that may be used to explain what he experienced.

Soon, the exit was almost within his view. Just another right turn and he'll be able to see the main villa door. He has been running straight, he even skipped the stairs and straight up jumped down to the first floor just so that he can get there as soon as possible. However, his hopes were crushed just seconds later.

"We meet again."

His smile just seems to become wider every time they meet. It seems like the apparition went directly to the main door by phasing through the walls.

Of course, Ayre no longer have the plan to converse with this person the moment he rushed out of his room. He frantically turned around the moment he caught even just a small glimpse of the apparition.

It seems like he would not be able to exit from the front door. Then, the second option for him would be the door leading towards the back garden. However, to go there, he would need to pass through another room: the dining room.

'Shit. After that hell of a parkour, it turned out it was useless.'

To the dining room, it was on the direction opposite of the door in front of him. After turning around, the chase continued. He was running out of breath. All he did was mistook the Brachium Cathedral's letter as Min's moving paper. He didn't understand why he was playing a "deadly" game of tag alone with an apparition because of it.

'Erasing my memory? It seems like that's not at all impossible. But is that all? Hell no! I don't even know what would happen the moment a memory's taken away from me. That's why...I have to keep running!'

He was having these deductive thoughts as he saw the door to the dining room.

The smile on the apparition's face started to be replaced by frantic worry.

'Shit! I shan't let him get there! This organization's crappy power of physicality separation can only occupy this much area. The moment he pass through that door...'


The huge door propelled by Ayre's running momentum opened with a huge bang. He kept running but just a few milliseconds later or instantly in other words, he noticed something was weird. A family of seven is currently having their dinner. A seat was vacant. It seems like this is supposed to be a dinner for a family of eight.

The family was clearly surprised because of this loud disruption. All seven pairs of eyes stared at him.

"Oi oi. I thought we're good now? You already graced us of your blessing, the blessing of you not being present. And now you'll withdraw it?! And with this loud bang as well!"

The person who clearly have some kind of animosity towards Ayre, who even taunt him earlier in the morning, spat some uncomfortable joke again.

"Enson, quiet. Ayre, what happened?"

Crill clearly wasn't happy about this. Ayre was late and when he finally came, it was with some kind of disruption. As a governor, he has a strict personality. He is strict to everyone. He is even strict to himself, let alone his family.

Ayre slowly calmed down. He looked back, outside the door he just opened, towards the corridor. The corridor wasn't dark at all in fact, it was well lit with a lot of candles and a large chandelier. It seems like the unknown person's "spell" was already cancelled but with that cancellation, the person also went missing.

Still panting, Ayre just stood there.

'Tch. Thankfully, I managed to survive, though through ways I don't know. I just opened the dinner room...Well, that doesn't matter anymore. If I have time, I'll investigate this, just...'

Ayre looked towards his family. Yes, he doesn't want anyone to be involved, even Enson which he very indifferently hated with all of his heart. He just miraculously managed to read a letter from the church and a guillotine started following him, hoping to even possibly kill him. What would they do if I managed to catch up, if I managed to get their identity? I can't imagine what would happen then...

"Nothing's wrong. I just wanted to slap Enson's face as soon as possible but I overslept. That's why I ran with all my might but when I reached the door, I can't seem to stop, hence, the bang. Come, let's continue this dinner. I'll join now. Sorry for being late."

Ayre always hated dinner. It was only at this moment when he felt really comfortable with it.

yea went on a beach, connection was shit, got bored, so this chapter was made XD

a bit bland cuz uhhh twas supposed to be just a draft but got lazy to edit

Gura_Shrimpcreators' thoughts