
Eternity Online : Black Mage stuck in the game for Eternity!!

So how would you like to runaway in a fantasy world with swords and magic? Something like this happened to our MC here. Eternity Online :- A Fully immersive virtual reality MMORPG. The game had a lot to offer to the world but the biggest attraction was probably its weird world building. In the universe of Eternity Online everyone and anyone is equal. Even the NPC have the right to become players which are Awakened and have equal rights with players. The super computer and AI, the Supreme One was the one who created this game with his genius human partner. ————— Ryuuji Ken, your normal guy who was not so normal. He didn't have a care about the world and was blunt, cold as well as indifferent. Yet, was crazily popular and a natural chick magnet. He was given an offer from the creator of Eternity Online to live forever in the world of Eternal Online and run away from reality but at the price of never returning to the real world again. Will he accept? Will he become a part of the game or change it? Will he be able to fight against the real world players? Will he become supremely overpowered like he imagined himself? Please read the book to know further…. [HELP ME WIN THE WPC, I WILL DO A GIVEAWAY OF 100 COINS TO THE FIRST RANKER IN THE FAN RANKING AFTER THE END OF THE COMPETITION.] ——————— Author : You can skip this short monologue from me if you don't want much spoilers. Yes, the MC is overpowered but not broken so he will require a bit of time to grow stronger. Yes, he will have a harem but not at the beginning so I expect you to please be patient. Yes, he will have kingdom building because from the name only you should have guessed that he is going to be a part Necromancer. So he will have an army and subordinates.

Lucas_Silvia · Fantasie
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3 Chs



Ryuuji was suddenly woken up by a bad dream. Even the perfect Ryuuji has a past which still haunts him to this day.


Ryuuji yamned as if he had a long sleep which somehow made him extremely lazy.

Ryuuji, Still dizzy, tried to look around him. He was confused because the environment he was in was not not familiar at all.

A hospital room which can be comparable to that of a 5 star luxurious hotel which was big enough to be an average two bedroom apartment.

"Good morning, Mr. Ryuuji."

Before Ryuuji could even think properly he heard the beautiful voice of a woman. His attention went towards the direction of the voice and the woman was just as beautiful as her voice.

She was sitting on a comfortable sofa while he was lying on the floor. He probably fell from the bed near him with that thud voice.

Seeing the woman, all the memories of what happened recently resurfaced his mind and he jumped up while staring daggers at the woman sitting on the sofa.

"My my, quite energetic are—"

Before the woman can even complete her sentence Ryuuji appeared in front of her with a high while trying to give her a roundhouse kick.

Sheesh, maybe because he ignores everyone he has grown a habit of not listening to anyone. This was the second time he did it in a chapter, I mean a week.

"Listen to adults, boy. I would just like to inform you of something."

To his surprise the woman actually blocked Ryuuji's kick. She even scolded him while stopping the force of Ryuuji's kick with her right hand.


Ryuuji retracted his leg as he knew that he can't fight with this woman as she was clearly stronger than him, both in strength and speed.

"Hmm, quite a fast learner you are, aren't you?"

The woman said but actually she was surprised by the bruise Ryuuji managed to create on her backside of the right hand even though her body was special.

"The one who asked you to be brought here wants to talk to you. Follow me and don't try any tricks or else you know already what will happen~"

The woman said with a cherry smile which didn't extend to her eyes.


They both exited the hospital room and started walking in a certain direction in the corridor.

Ryuuji tried to look around to get a bit of understanding but there was nothing except closed doors and a long hallway.

The one thing Ryuuji saw shocked him and it was none other than a logo. With this he at least knows who this place belongs to but he was baffled as to what is the reason behind his kidnapping.

The only lead was to follow this woman and meet the man who she was talking about.

After walking for a few more seconds they finally reached their destination which was none other than a door which stood out compared to other doors in this place.

"Go inside and don't worry. He just wants to talk to you."

'Do you know that what you said will only make me more nervous and suspicious.' Ryuuji thought while gulping down his own saliva.

Even though he was perfect he is not godly enough to not be nervous and scared when you are kidnapped. He was a freaking 17 year old!?

The woman said that because she can't come into the office with him. She simply opened the door for him to enter.

Ryuuji, returning to his cold and indifferent attitude, resolved himself as he walked inside the room.


Before he can even look around a bit in the room his attention was caught by a thud of the door closing.

"Ken Ryuuji."

Ken or Kenny as he liked his first name to be called looked towards the direction of the heavy voice which called him out.

Kenny looked towards the direction of the voice which originated from the seat which was more of a throne than a normal chair. The design didn't make it a throne more than how the person was seated on it, like a true king.

The person was a 40 year old man with not many notable features and a warm smile. Kenny felt pressured just not because of the authority the man was giving but also because this person was so famous that even Korean idols' popularity is nothing compared to him.

"So does Dre Parker, the owner of Hexus group of companies and the richest man in the world also kidnap kids? I knew that to be richer one needed to get his hands dirty but I didn't know it was this worse."

Well, what do you expect from Kenny? No matter if even god came down he will still talk to him as coldly and shittyly as possible.

"Hahaha, as the report said, you are quite cold to everyone. Well, I won't expect you to be a good boy with your past experiences?"

When the man said for the first time in many years Kenny flinched. Sweat drops started forming on his forehead as he looked at Dre with dead eyes.

"You were an orphan, if I have to be precise you are the blood of a popular stripper who sent you to an orphanage just after you were born." Dre continued causing Kenny's expression to become darker and darker.

"After that you were adopted by a gay couple at the age of 5. You were living happily with them until you became 10 years old. The couple broke up while one of the two men decided to take your responsibility but there was no sign of you till you reached the age of 13.".

"At that point, the man was arrested and sent to prison for charges of underage sexual harrasment and molestation, rape and in gender breeding. Their were also charges of child labour along with child abuse."

"After that you were returned to your birth mother who came for you hearing the news. She was going to take care of you and raise you but she also wanted to just use your pretty face. By making her involved in a gang war you killed her and took her money as child support."

"After that you became a completely changed person. You didn't have the immaturity nor the innocence of a child but you became a popular figure skater gaining attention of various entertainment industries but you never wanted that. Hmm, I want to ask you if you don't mind but what is it that you want? What are your expectations for the future?"

Dre asked a question while Kenny tried his best to calm himself down. He knew that it was his past but if he still became sensitive over it he won't be ever able to conquer it.

"Nothing, I want nothing."

Kenny replied with an indifferent look.

"Fascinating~, that means you were just doing whatever you can to live a normal life. I can understand you. The more people expect from you the pressurized you get. If not for that even I would have loved to live a nonchalant life."

Kenny was a bit weirded out by his conversation with this celebrity. For Kenny it didn't matter what he did, he would earn enough money to survive with a good amount of luxury no more no less.

If we have to say it more simply. Kenny has lost his will to live but he is still living another day just to live his current day to day life again. In a way, normal life was a luxury he always looked up to.

"All right now, if the talk of my past is over. Please tell me the reason behind bringing me here."

Dre Parker wanted to threaten Kenny a bit by showing him his authority and power but he was surprised as Kenny didn't show any reaction.

Was Dre annoyed by this? Surprisingly not, Dre only felt fascinated and charmed by this behaviour of Kenny. After all, he had seen a lot different people but Kenny was the only one who he thought was a bit different.

'Even though he might look arrogant and cruel, that in itself is a charisma which subconsciously makes people want to follow. Perfect for my plan I guess….'

Dre thought with a small smile on his face. If things go well with Kenny he would be able to satisfy it.

"So I have an offer for you but before that do you know about my company's most popular project :- Eternity Online."