
Eternity of Dragon God

A man who was hit by a truck because of his own drunkenness reincarnated as a God in the Universe. Without any knowledge and only speculation and a cheat like authority. Will he become a great elder brother to his siblings? Will he discover the ultimate truth the Cosmos has to offer? Creating a world, creating the strongest species and seeing the world change from civilizations and kingdoms. Meeting other gods and venturing the Cosmos. The Cosmos may change but he will never. He was the Watcher and also the Seeker. The one who will End things but also the one who Created it. It is the story of the Dragon God.

18Limitless · Fantasie
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18 Chs

Chapter 16- Goddess of Earth and Creation

I always thought that the world we will be creating will be boring. Without any substance and only a farm for faith energies. I used my memory that those worlds are weak and lifeless, without someone ascending to become new gods. The civilization that stagnated and only relied on God's decision.

There are also worlds that Gods have created that tried to rebel against their creator. Funny enough, the one who ascended also became a tyrant to his people when a hundred thousand years had passed. They become lonely and they forget their true intentions.

To my surprise, this world is interesting. Maybe because the perpetrator– the Dragon God is someone wise. The first time I saw him, I was filled with admiration for his majestic form and unfathomable strength. Even if we become the strongest we want to become, we will only be weaker in front of him.

The Dragon God is an Ender God but he was also a Creation God. Creation is the creation of things– from our energy, the Cosmic Energy. I have the highest authority in Creation, which is why he is weaker than me in front of it, but in no time, he may and will take over me.

His creativity and versatility are recorded in Akashic Records, the records of all events and creations over the world. It was a record which every God can read and learn. The Dragon God is the one who always writes in that record that the Creation Section is more than the History Section.

I never imagined the world core he created was one where growth is possible. And even if there is no interference, it will work just fine even if many years pass. In my memory, it was possible but Gods needed to interfere in it and if that world grew too much, it may become a hassle and so they did not do anything about it.

The moon I created became the symbol for my being. Mortals called me the Moon Goddess which I preferred more than the Goddess of Earth and Creation or Mother Earth. The moon which will grow along the world. And the moon that gave the world a room to breathe.

The moon symbolizes that the day has passed. That rest is imminent and a quiet and lonely time has arrived. But the opposite happened, my creations danced, became drunk and fought each other in those times. The creation of Moldok is the same, the creation of Adenth is more active in the night time. It was the reason why I have said that this world is interesting.

The world may be loved and cared for by gods but there are no Gods who want to see their world grow. It was a hassle as I speak and the fear of rebellion of their creations. It was the reason why they did not dare to let it grow. The world is interesting because in no time then, there will be gods born in this world. They will ascend and help us maintain this world. The Eight Beings and Four Kings will have that chance a bit a thousand or ten.

The world may be fought with wars and survivability each day which incurred grudges but that is why the world will never be stagnated because being stronger, rivalry and growth is what we hoped to see. No, I hope to see it. As I have walked down this world, I have seen the polluted Earth but I have also seen the greenery around it. It had many contradictions but that is why it was beautiful. The world is imperfect, that is why it is beautiful. Pontifash had even even said that polar opposites may clash but it will bring out changes. A change that even us– Gods– have no way of knowing.

My creations. Dwarves, Habbii and Agreno. They may be an imperfect creation but it was the reason why they used their weakness as strength. Dwarves who can create many divine weapons have no fighting capability but that is the reason why they created many items to keep their life safe. The world may fight but Dwarves will be safe because they are the one who created weapons.

Habbii is a gluttonous beast, they live on the Earth and eat the dirt. Their feces are the minerals and the cave they dug out are the homes for more pitiful creatures. They can't be captured as anything, they will eat anything that binds them.

Agrenos are the blind gigantic beings that use their strength to crush the Earth. They are immune to mentals attacks without any form of natural weakness but blindness. They berserk and become wild the moment they are attacked and their attacks have always had the chance of death.

When Habbii and Agreno formed a team, they were monsters capable of devouring anything. The Habbii will be the eye to know the opponents while Agreno is the strength to crush all.

When Habbii and Dwarves formed a team, anything can be created from scratch. Because Dwarves can just create anything and not dig the Earth while Habbii eat and shit minerals.

When Dwarves and Agreno form a team, Agreno will be an unstoppable monster that even Barbarians cannot be defeated. Because Dwarves are more of a brain than Habbii, anything is possible with their tandem.

When these three finally formed a team, they could create civilizations more than any species knew, except Dragons.

"Moon Goddess, what are your orders?" Four beings bowed their heads to me. A throne made of gold with many interesting gadgets had been lined up and gigantic golems moved and developed.

The three beings are the Ancestors of Dwarves, Habbii and Agreno. The Dwarves are those with long beards that cover half of their face. Their beards are the natural air filter when they mine for minerals or they are creating things that have a lot to do with dirt. They even have symbiotes, insects who eat dirt or harmful products for their airflow. And so their supposed oily beard doesn't have any smell at all.

The Habbii have Eight legs and they walk on all eight, they have long mouths with teeth that can eat dirt. The Agreno is a gigantic being with blood red color of their skin. They also have muscles that shy away any Barbarians.

With the fourth being veiled her eyes with clothes. Numerous hands on her back in a praying position. She was the Ancestor of All Creators. And she was the being who had the image of mine in my true form.

"I don't have any orders, my children. It is that I am impressed to your growth in this past years I am in the Divine Realm." I said as I also looked at the thing called Mirror where Nine Gigantic Beings had been formed. They are of course my siblings but instead of the Dragon God in the middle, I am in the middle, in the night sky, the moon will appear behind my back creating an illusion that I have descended.

"We thank the Moon Goddess." The four of them stood up. And I am delighted that the four worked together to create this Metropolis. If there is an Empire in this world, then this will be its capital of all my creation. I would never dare to compare this capital to the Capital of the Dragons. It was number one in all aspects. Creation, strength of inhabitants, their theories, political and economical aspects. And it became the number one without any interference from the Dragon God.

But even so, Dragons and all sorts of species created by my siblings have converged here.

It may be a lie that I didn't bless this without anyone knowing, but they are what I hope for if I imagined progress and development. They are also the employer when one was building a capital because Dragons are prohibited by doing so. They can have recommendations and suggestions and a little help. My creation's number one client is the Barbarians.

"This is a really good place. I reckon if Dragons can help in this development, it will advance more." I said to them because I thought so.

"Mother, can't Dragons help in the development of the world instead of just doing little help to us all?" The Ancestor of All Creation said because it was what she had thought. Her name is Andromeda O' Haidei. Andromeda is the name given by the Dragon God and Haidei is the name given by me.

"It can't be helped, can it? If Dragons actively help this world, it might as well let the Dragons rule this world. And if they actively help you as the rulers, they look like slaves to you all. Don't worry, Dragons don't have any thought about Dominations or anything, they are there to challenge the truth of the Universe." I thought and told them about all of it.

It may seem that Dragons are a race created solely to protect and promote this world but they in fact shared an ego with the Dragon God. To grow and develop to any form, group, size and beings. Like him who protects us from any harm but never interferes with development, Dragons are here to become a role model to all.

They nod with understanding.

"Now then, the reason why I am here is for me to pass onto you all your Innate Energy." I then opened my palm and diluted the Cosmic Energy, the palm then shot out sparks which the Dragon God dubbed as Lightning but I wanted to call it Sparking Energy because it sparks.

My creations all have dumbfounded expressions on them. Their expressions become longing and then delight. Haidei then closes her eyes to feel all the energy around herself, she easily finds the Sparking Energy that sparks around her body. She coated herself to that kind of energy which the whole building all felt the tremor of. The mirror shatters and she becomes a woman sparking in no time. If she ever slapped someone with that kind of energy in tow, she might as well kill him painlessly.

The other may take days to see the Sparking Energy but my champion has a delight on her face.

"Moon Goddess, what is this energy? Haidei asks the obvious question. She is smart but also clueless.

"That is Sparking Energy, the innate energy borne out of the materials I have given to you all." I said looking at them be amazed at the energy they should have to begin with. That energy that they should be discovering early on.

"Sparking Energy, a good name Moon Goddess." Haidei praised me for the name but I think that is a given as I was the one who named her and the name of all my creations. Lightning may also be a good name but it didn't suit the energy they handled. I also have the caliber to call it the Sparking Energy.

"Moon Goddess, will you take a Saint or Saintess that can become your messenger?" The Ancestor of Dwarves asked, he was bigger and taller than anything else with a hammer on his waist. The hammer is a gift I gave to him when he was first created.

"No, that is too much of a hassle. I may as well see your development rather than have a Saint." I said as they all understood my intention. I don't need any messenger nor will I have in the future. With this kind of creations in tow, I don't need anything but see their development and I will bless them with all my got.

"Shall we see them?" I asked as she stood up from her seat. That is their cue to let me look at their creations.

"Certainly Moon Goddess." Haidei said, looking at me.