
Eternia Saga

Done with his torturous life, Arwin Glazar tried to end it all only for some mysterious light to transport him into the illustrious land of Liberia. However, things are not as neat as they seem. Liberia is at war and the situation seems very bleak. To top it all off, he isn't even the only hero summoned into this world. Also, his deadliest enemy and his greatest friend...are the same person? Join Arwin as he grows as a person and uncovers the best-kept secrets of this world and life - from the conniving nobles to the fast-approaching war that promises the end of humanity as we know it.

Zaccharus · Fantasie
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6 Chs



Realizing that he actually said it out aloud and it wasn't just in his head, Arwin started blushing heavily.

She was sitting at the edge of the bed, right beside where Arwin was sleeping. Golden hair, clear blue eyes that could pierce through your heart with a single gaze, plump red lips, and a slender yet beautiful figure. Calling her beautiful was an understatement and she had a calm demeanor that further amplified her allure.

Like a predator ready to pounce on a defenseless prey, she smiled as if she knew that she already had him wrapped around her finger. That smile was enough to force Arwin to bury his face in the silky white blanket in which he was sleeping. Suddenly the words of MM echoed in his mind: 'DON'T TRUST ANYONE'. Before she could say anything Arwin pulled himself together and hurriedly said, "Where am I?!? Who are you?"

As if he just realized that there were things other than Iris in this world, he looked around the room.

It was a huge bedroom with a very high ceiling, big enough to make a man feel small and lonely. A lavish chandelier hung from the ceiling which fits right in with the golden color of the entire room. There was a large window near the bed but all you could see through it at that moment was the darkness of the night. There was a door at the opposite end of the room from where the window was. A maid was standing in front of the door which was currently closed. The bed was large enough to fit 5 people, yet Iris was sitting right beside Arwin, who was placed near the edge of the bed. It all seemed calculated, but he had no way of knowing that.

In a soothing voice, the girl responded, "Forgive me for startling you, my hero. My name is Iris Buckingham. I am a member of the Royal Palace of Liberia. You are currently resting in that very palace."

"Iris Buckingham... UH- I mean why am I here all of a sudden?"

Standing behind Iris was a huge man clad in silver armor. He looked like he was in his 40s and wore an indifferent look that was almost menacing. It seemed like he had been in several dangerous situations before.

"This man behind me is Ivan Bardem. He is my personal bodyguard. Please don't pay him any heed. He gives off a menacing aura, but he is actually a very kind person."

Kind? Him?

"You were found lying unconscious on the grasslands in the outskirts of the city capital and then the Royal Knights found you and brought you here."

"But WHY am I here...?"

"I know that this must be a huge shock to you, but I implore you to bear with me as I explain everything."

Iris held Arwin's hands thinking that it would calm him, but it only further amplified his stress. Arwin blushed and all he could focus on now were her eyes and her lips.

"You, my dear hero, have been summoned to this world in order to help Liberia defeat the evil country of Ceartus. It has been 100 years since the last hero was summoned and we now finally have you alongside us."

Unable to make sense of what she was saying, Arwin snapped back to reality and decided to move on to what he considered to be a far more important thing to clear up. This was all he wanted to know since he suddenly found himself in Liberia. With a serious look in his eyes, Arwin asks, "Why me?"

"It is but the will of the stars. The heavens themselves wished for you to be here, on our side, talking to me right now. They deemed you worthy of being the light that leads us to victory. That is all there is to it, my hero. "

"Will of the Gods, huh?"

"Indeed, my lo- My hero."

My love? You mean to say I have a chance?!? Huh?? No way. I must be tripping.

Acting as if she never slipped up, she now says, "My hero, His Highness King Augustus, and Her Majesty Queen Victoria were here until just a little while ago but seeing as you weren't gaining consciousness they had to get back to their duties. They have all been awaiting you with bated breath. It would be wonderful if you would allow me to take you to them."

OF COURSE. A king and queen must exist since this is a palace. I really don't want to meet them!

'3. As soon as you wake up, ask them to leave you alone so that you have some time to think and gather your thoughts.'

"Ms. Iris, is it alright if I stay by myself for a brief moment? I would really appreciate it if you could allow me to catch my breath and get a hold of my thoughts."

Iris smiles but it doesn't seem like she wants to give Arwin any chance to settle down. However, at the last moment, she decided against it because being too aggressive can prove to have the opposite effect on him. She really needed him to feel like he could confide in her. Why? Well because…

"Naturally. I'm sorry for not being considerate enough of your situation, my hero. I hope you can find it in your heart to forgive me. I will be waiting right outside the door. Please ask the maid to call me. Once you feel better, of course."

'Waiting right outside the room', in other words, 'don't take too long', huh? Well, whatever. I really need some time right now, no matter how little.

"Of course not! Thank you for being so considerate, Ms. Iris."

She gave a pleased smile, that exuberated an almost child-like innocence and quietly left the room. Ivan Bardem followed right behind her without a word.

I'm finally alone.

I don't have time to think about anything right now. I don't understand why MM asked me to be so skeptical of everything. Besides the ogre (Ivan), Iris seemed very friendly.

'You will meet a lot of people from here on who will try their best to make you believe that they are on your side.'

GAHHHH DAMN IT. Maybe Iris is good? We never know, right? God… I hope she is a good person and moreover, WHY AM I TRUSTING MM SO MUCH? Everything is so…overwhelming but for some reason, I feel good. I don't quite know why but it doesn't matter right now. It is probably a good idea to recollect everything that MM said-



You will meet a lot of people from here on who will try their best to make you believe that they are on your side. Be skeptical of everyone (besides me ofc)

Ask them to leave you alone so that you have some time to think and gather your thoughts.


Make your way to 'Magus'. I will contact you there.


I feel like I am forgetting a few details but whatever.

I really hope that I am not crazy. (Please be real Iris)

Arwin takes a deep breath and prepares himself for the big meeting.

Alright. Do your worst, Arwin.

"Excuse me. I am ready."