
Eternal Sacrifice of Love

The young and innocent Ling Yao (meaning: potion of immortals) who has been betrayed by love puts aside all her emotions and decides to focus on two things Finding her sister to restore her family’s happiness as Emma and Protecting the Demon prince as the last guardian of the immortal realm. But Xu Si Cheng the only biological son of the famous Chinese business lady Li Ming/ Xu Ming awakes the emotions Ling Yao ignored and makes her fall for him. Discover the mysteries and romance encountered by Ling Yao and Xu Si Cheng’s in The last guardian ☺️

Meg_an7 · Fantasie
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42 Chs

Knew Each Other Before

Ling Yao didn't go to the academy as it was a Saturday. So, she sent LTG's home address to Han Li and Fu Pei. They used the doorbell and Yong came to answer the door. Immediately Han Li saw Yong she felt like she was dreaming.

"Oh my God. It's really Yong from LTG" she almost screamed but thanks to Fu Pei she didn't. He pinched her hard. Yong allowed them in, when they entered and he had closed the door he gave a long sigh before walking behind them.

He knew Han Li and she was a type of fan girl that who knows everything about her idols. The 'everything' includes all what she's meant to know as a true fan and what she isn't supposed to know.

For instance she knows Yong's birthday, background, fav color, food and stuffs like that as a fan but she also knows the kind of soap Yong uses to bathe and some of the things that are supposed to be personal.

There was a time she went for a fan meeting and Yong couldn't help excusing himself because in every fan meeting, Han Li would come and when talking with her, she tells him embarrassing stuff, things like "I'm sure you slept butt naked yesterday night" which would be true.

She is literally a fan pro max. Yong never noticed that she was that creepy fan girl. All in all he doesn't hate her, he likes her but she is creepy. He calls her creepishly cute. Weird name.

They sat in the living room waiting for Ling Yao. They waited for 10 minutes but she didn't show up.

Within this 10 minutes they had already seen all the other members except for Myung. Haru didn't know what to say to Han Li and Fu Pei.

He knew they were fans but he wasn't sure if they would be annoyed by his looks, so he just welcomed them and left. The other members tried encouraging him to go but he couldn't do it.

MJ couldn't stand the fear in Haru's eyes so he went to meet Ling Yao. She was in the Kitchen making some snacks for all of 'em and Myung was assisting her.

MJ told Ling Yao about Haru's predicament and she couldn't help but frown her face. She quickly finished what she was doing and took the snacks with her to the living room where her friends were.

Just as she expected, Haru wasn't there and she felt kind of pissed. She didn't even act like she saw her friends there, she called Haru's name and she didn't sound friendly at all.

Haru came out and saw her staring daggers at him. The look she gave him made him feel guilty and he looked down as he walked towards her.

"Do you want me to be really pissed with you? I've told you and l'll say it again no matter who criticizes you, always be yourself!"

Seeing the situation on ground, Han Li and Fu Pei stood up and looked at each other. They understood what was happening.

Haru said, "I thought she…."

"Even if she is my friend and she's a hater I wouldn't mind if you'd just be yourself no matter what. It wouldn't affect me"

"Oh" that was what Haru could use as a reply.

Han Li said, "I also agree with her. I'm not a hater actually. I find you really cute".

Strange. She didn't take offense.

Meanwhile Ling Yao didn't care if she did or didn't take offense. She forced Haru to stay and help them with their preparation for the test even though he was poor when it came to English.

If it was about English then Min Ji was the best in LTG.

They taught themselves Essays, grammar, vocabulary development and how to summarize a passage.

The also played games and did so many other fun things.

Haru did confirm that Han Li wasn't a hater like some people. He liked both Han Li and Fu Pei and he was happy Ling Yao had friends like them.

Ling Yao went to her room to pick something when she felt someone's presence behind her.

She turned around and saw Han Li smiling at her weirdly.

Han Li said, "So, Fu Pei is playing COD with the boys and I'm bored. So I followed you here. Is this your room"

She walked around the room not caring that Ling Yao didn't reply her.

Ling Yao took out the three shirts she had seen beside her when she woke up these few days.

She gave one of it to Han Li and said, "sniff it and tell me if you recognize the scent".

Han Li gave the shirt back and replied, "If it's another guy's shirt then I'm sorry. I only know Fu Pei scent. I haven't been close to other guy like I have with Fu Pei. I only know my sweetheart's scent"

Ling Yao sighed and shook her head.

"What? He is my boyfriend"

Ling Yao replied, "How did you both become a thing"

Han Li hearing this, sat down and gave a long sigh and sat on Ling Yao's bed.

"We are supposed to be engaged with our families supporting us but something awful happened"

Han Li was almost crying but Ling Yao softened a bit and said, "If you don't want to talk about it it's cool. Let's just…."

"Nah it's fine. I can say it" with this Ling Yao sat, facing her on the bed.

Han Li continued, "I'm actually from the Han Family in Shenzhen and Fu Pei, the Fu family. The Fu family wasn't as wealthy as the Han Family but they were well off. Plus, Mr Fu used to work together with my Dad. They were really close friends and their friendship was a really sweet one."

"Then one day, when the Raj family came for some goods, my Dad trusted Mr Fu to take care of it. Mr Fu did take care of the transaction that but someone claimed that he charged times five of what he should have charged. Though the Raj family could pay the overcharged money without question, the little devil couldn't stand being cheated. I don't support it also and it wasn't Mr Fu that planned to cheat the Raj family. He was frammed but I'm not sure by who. No one knows actually. After the Raj family almost destroyed the Han family's business my Dad broke all ties with the Fu family and destroyed their family's reputation"

"Mr Fu is in jail right now. He has been there for almost three years and my Dad tried putting Fu Pei in jail also because he thought he assisted his Dad in trying to cheat the Raj family but I couldn't take it and ran away with the person I Love. The two families who were really good friends, who were planning their children's engagement got separated by an unknown party". She ended with tears dropping from her eyes.

Ling Yao patiently listened and didn't react in anyway, not even when her newest friend called her a Little devil. She didn't care actually.

What she cared about was that, she might have caused the problem her friend is facing. Since she said Mr Fu was framed she had to find out who.

"Since you're in Korea now nothing will happen to you both and you have me" it sounded dry but it touched Han Li's heart and she felt better.

"Thank you. Now why did you tell me to sniff the shirt. Don't you know whose it is?" Ling Yao looked back at the shirt.

She replied, "Truthfully, I do not. I just know the scent on it makes me sleep well. I've been sleeping without my nightmares co…"

Ling Yao was folding the shirt back into the wardrobe when she realized she had talked about her nightmares. Why though?

"I mean without nightmares dis…."

"It's fine. You have nightmares. Everyone does, but you're the type that gets scared easily I understand, I won't tell anyone" Han Li said before Yao could finish.

After Ling Yao dropped Han Li and Fu Pei off she called Myung to cook dinner as she had some work to do. And then she called Felix to get to the office before she does.

When she got to the office, she met Felix outside her office waiting for her. When he saw her, he was about to bow at her but she glared at him and he immediately remembered she disliked him doing that.

He walked beside her until she sat in her chair and he sat opposite her.

"Do you remember the Han family from Shenzhen?" She got staright to the point.

"The one that tried to cheat us. I remember them" he replied looking confused.

"Investigate what really happened. It was neither the Han family's fault and neither was it the Fu family"

"But Mr Han said himself that Mr Fu was in charge"

Ling Yao didn't reply to this. Her silence made him guess that it might have not been the way Mr Han said it was. Probably it was planned by someone else, but who though?

"But why did you bring up this case again" he asked.

"I want you to go to Shenzhen tomorrow, get Mr Fu out of jail and clear his name before next week Tuesday. Which means you need to find out what really happened and who caused the misunderstanding"

"Okay, l'll go tomorrow"

"And you're flying first class tomorrow. No borrowing no one's jet"

Felix sighed and stood up to leave. He saw Ling Yao staring at the scenery outside and thought of bowing to her without her knowing.

Sadly she said, "Try it and loose your head"

He apologized and left immediately.

Ling Yao knew Fu Pei. They had met once when Ling Yao had gone to get some things from the Han company.

He was the one who gave her a tour of the company and he helped her with some other things. She liked the way he was dedicated to his work but that time he only did work cause his father told him to do it and to gain Han Li's father's trust.

She didn't see the willingness in him.

"How about I repay you for the tour you gave me" she said to herself and smiled.

After looking at the veiw outside for a few minutes more. She went home.

Have some idea about my story? Or find an error comment it and let me know.

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